I want to show you guys this vid from the /B/ Cringe thread vol. Do fat people repulse you?

Somebody has to raise the next generation of children. So this comic is at fault. 

Generation X is pretty skinny, but they raised their kids to be mighty large. 

Education is needed. Not silly, faulted, comic strips.
Correct. So whos dumber, Gen X for creating the Gen XL or Gen XL for getting fat? Somebody made them damb babies!
If you read my post, you would know that this is false. Right now you are bathing in ignorance. You cannot comment on what I say, until you know what I said

You lack a lot of common sense, don't make things out to be more difficult than what they really are, the issue here is simple and to be honest earlier on I would have taken the time to read your wall of text but at this point I find it to be a waste of time, nothing you say, quote or cite will change the way I feel or think....there is really no debate here.
You lack a lot of common sense, don't make things out to be more difficult than what they really are, the issue here is simple and to be honest earlier on I would have taken the time to read your wall of text but at this point I find it to be a waste of time, nothing you say, quote or cite will change the way I feel or think....there is really no debate here.
And thats how the misinformed remain........misinformed.
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If you read my post, you would know that this is false. Right now you are bathing in ignorance. You cannot comment on what I say, until you know what I said
You lack a lot of common sense, don't make things out to be more difficult than what they really are, the issue here is simple and to be honest earlier on I would have taken the time to read your wall of text but at this point I find it to be a waste of time, nothing you say, quote or cite will change the way I feel or think....there is really no debate here.
Actually, I found what I posted to be very like your own ideas. Just in a more tasteful way.

Reading is key.
Somebody has to raise the next generation of children. So this comic is at fault. 

Generation X is pretty skinny, but they raised their kids to be mighty large. 

Education is needed. Not silly, faulted, comic strips.
da problem that gen x did EXACTLY WHAT YA ADVOCATING just lettin em live...NO you're fat..lose it

i dunno


what goes on in da mind of that blimp on da left when she sees this picture and she takes a 1/3 of space.
Correct. So whos dumber, Gen X for creating the Gen XL or Gen XL for getting fat? Somebody made them damb babies!

Who's responsible?...


Parents that found it easier to put an Xbox in their kids room than to take them outside to toss a ball, mothers who thought it was more convenient after a long day of work to feed their kids happy meals and fried food than it was to cook them a good healthy meal...then these kids grow up to be even worst parents, viscous cycle te fat acceptance organization seems to promote.
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