I want to show you guys this vid from the /B/ Cringe thread vol. Do fat people repulse you?

i honestly cant believe how many reps Super Antigen's first post got 

The fatties stick together
This is not a fat bashing thread, but when you get enough people to call it that, well then.... 

Cant even discuss a major issue (yes, a major issue) with being called a bully now-a-days

Its really unfortunate.

I think people are under the impression that 'Do fat people repulse you?' is the topic of conversation.

that is just a quote from the video

do people even read post content anymore or do they just go by the thread?

I dont get you guys sometimes

Health and nutrition are important issues.  So is education.  You don't start a "serious thread" on education by saying, in effect, 

"Don't stupid people disgust you?  Earning my graduate degrees was totally easy for me because I'm smart, handsome, responsible, and handsome.  All of these idiots who don't even have a lousy masters degree are just lazy.  Don't even get me started on 'social promotion.'  And yeah, I know that some jerks are stupid because they have brain damage or some other genetic weirdness, so don't even say it, but that's totally minuscule compared to the vast majority of dummies who are stupid because they didn't put forth the effort needed to crack a book.  They should all be shamed and scorned until I somehow feel better about myself.   Cliff's Notes for you lazy morons:  you're dumb and I'm smart.  Discuss.  Now.  I said do it." 

Nothing about this thread is credible.  If you're going to engage in gratuitous "fat bashing," then at least have the decency to accept that you're acting like a bully.  But don't sit here and say, "I'm insulting fatties for their own good."  You're not twelve.  You're not on a bodybuilding forum.  

If it's a serious issue to you, drop the contemptuous, disrespectful attitude and approach it with an ounce of maturity. 

That you're somehow baffled as to why you aren't being taken seriously is the only laughable part of this thread. 

ALLLL of this

I try not to ever put myself above another person ever (I know its not always possible and I do slip up) but if some one would rather be fat and really enjoys food more then anything else then so be it. It really doesn't bother me at all. I can't quantify the effect on heath care cost. Id love to see some numbers on it. But i am extremely active and play sports that have put me in the hospital multiple times....so i don't know if its any better then being unhealthy.
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the topic is why we allow things such as 'Fat Acceptance Associations' in America.

its just wrong to have those kind of organizations. It promotes poor lifestyle choices and alleviates self-responsibility

thats all im trying to get at here. 

just a select few of you decided to start throwing words like 'bullying' to prevent any sort of rational discussion on this matter

and now that the ALMIGHTY Meth has spoken, i fully expect his post to get about 25 thumbs-up and several quotations with "THIS" put at the end

but of course im a bully and im making you all feel bad about yourselves and i should be more sensitive in this new America and blah blah blah
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[h1]something intredasting i found...take it how you may[/h1][h1]Research: A Little Extra Fat May Help You Live Longer[/h1]
Being a little overweight may tip the odds in favor of living a long life, according to a new analysis. Researchers say there may be some benefit to having a little extra body fat.

This isn't the first time researchers have raised questions about the link between body weight and how long someone will live. While there's no debate that being severely obese will raise the risk of all kinds of illnesses and even cut some lives short, it's less clear what happens to people who are less overweight.

When Katherine Flegal of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention set out to answer this question, she wanted to include as many people as possible in her analysis — from as many places around the world as she could find.

"We searched all the literature, thousands of articles, found almost 100 articles with 3 million people, that really addressed this question head-on," Flegal says.

And she concludes that being overweight is actually associated with a lower risk of death. It's certainly not dramatic, but about a 6 percent decreased risk.

"It's statistically significant," Flegal says. The in the latest JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association.

So who are we talking about here? A lot more people than you might think. About one-third of all Americans fall into this category of overweight. And Flegal found that even among those who are technically, slightly obese, there was no increased risk of death.

At a time when we're bombarded with weight-loss messages, Flegal says it isn't popular to suggest that heavier people may live longer. In fact, a few years back, when she published a paper that came to a similar conclusion, her findings were attacked.

"Our article got called rubbish and ludicrous," Flegal says, "so it really opens you to lots of criticism. I discovered much to my sorrow that this is kind of a flashpoint for people."

One of the experts who takes issue with Flegal's conclusions is epidemiologist of the Harvard School of Public Health. He has read her new paper and says he's not buying it.

"This study is really a pile of rubbish, and no one should waste their time reading it," he says.

Willett says it's not helpful to look simply at how , or BMIs, influence the risk of premature death, as this paper did, without knowing something about people's health or fitness. Some people are thin because they're ill, so of course they're at higher risk of dying. The study doesn't tease this apart.

Also, he says the analysis doesn't address the bigger, more important issues of quality of life. If an overweight person does live longer — is he or she living with chronic diseases?

"We have a huge amount of other literature showing that people who gain weight or are overweight have increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, many cancers and many other conditions," Willett says.

For those of you who want to know whether your body weight is a problem, Willett says rather than comparing your BMI to those around you, think about what you weighed when you were 20 years old.

"For most people, our ideal weight, if we weren't seriously overweight at age 20, is about what we weighed then," Willett says. That's why weight change is a good number to keep an eye on. It can be an early warning sign that you're on the path to more weight gain.

Not everyone is convinced the new paper is rubbish. Dr. Steven Hymsfield, of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, La., says there are a couple of scenarios in which extra body weight might help people live longer.

"If you fall and you fall on vulnerable bone, like the hip, having a little extra fat there might protect you from hip fracture," Hymsfield says.

Or, he says, if an illness leaves you unable to eat, extra body fat could be useful.

Hymsfield acknowledges this is just speculation. He says while this paper won't end the debate over whether a little extra body fat could be a good thing, it does show that the relationship between weight and health may be more complicated than just a simple calculation.

In an accompanying Flegal's paper, Hymsfield and a colleague wrote that determining a person's BMI is only one step in figuring out future health risks.

the topic is why we allow things such as 'Fat Acceptance Associations' in America

I guess in short it's because the government is ok which helping to make people this way so everyone else should be. :\
Health and nutrition are important issues.  So is education.  You don't start a "serious thread" on education by saying, in effect, 

"Don't stupid people disgust you?  Earning my graduate degrees was totally easy for me because I'm smart, handsome, responsible, and handsome.  All of these idiots who don't even have a lousy masters degree are just lazy.  Don't even get me started on 'social promotion.'  And yeah, I know that some jerks are stupid because they have brain damage or some other genetic weirdness, so don't even say it, but that's totally minuscule compared to the vast majority of dummies who are stupid because they didn't put forth the effort needed to crack a book.  They should all be shamed and scorned until I somehow feel better about myself.   Cliff's Notes for you lazy morons:  you're dumb and I'm smart.  Discuss.  Now.  I said do it." 

Nothing about this thread is credible.  If you're going to engage in gratuitous "fat bashing," then at least have the decency to accept that you're acting like a bully.  But don't sit here and say, "I'm insulting fatties for their own good."  You're not twelve.  You're not on a bodybuilding forum.  

If it's a serious issue to you, drop the contemptuous, disrespectful attitude and approach it with an ounce of maturity. 

That you're somehow baffled as to why you aren't being taken seriously is the only laughable part of this thread. 

Co-sign with Meth, I think the execution of this thread is all wrong.

That being said, I do agree that associations supporting the acceptance of being obese is wrong when taken at face value. I guess I'd have to see what sort of activities/curriculum they promote before I pass judgment.

If this organization goes something like, "Hey, being fat isn't wrong and we should just love ourselves as fat people and fight persecution" then I have mixed feelings. For one, NO one should feel persecuted for the way they look; not Middle-Eastern people, not disabled people, not obese people. I think building up confidence is part of developing a healthier sense of self-identity and a road to a healthier lifestyle. But I also think programs like these should be about promoting lifestyles and choices. If this program celebrates "fat pride" then I'm against it, because living a lifestyle which may cause major, avoidable health issues is nothing to be proud of IMO. However, as a person who has never been obese in my life, how am I supposed to really inspire and motivate an obese person to lose weight? I think an organization likes this could do wonders to motivate and help other obese people looking to make healthier choices.
Wait did Meth just compare education to obesity?....

He analogized the manner in which Club posed this thread to show it was clearly the wrong way to go about creating the thread. I think he had no intention to actually compare the two.
OP is right but coming from him its like :rolleyes

Ol self righteous looking boy :lol:

6' 190 if that matters :smokin
Obesity is a problem that we should worry about because it affects all of us. When a 500 pound person is in the hospital receiving hundreds of thousands in medical treatment we are the ones paying for it. They take away from our resources for things that might have been preventable if they just took better care of themselves.
Dudes accept/allow them to do it. If so many dudes didn't have a taste for bigger women, then women would make more of an effort to get into shape. But if they know they don't have to put any effort in getting dudes why would they?

But back to the original point. Club, you have to remember that keeping America unhealthy is more business. We know big corporations and the pharmaceutical industries are twin brothers so why not encourage people to "Be themselves" if you know it will mean they are more prone to get some sort of obesity related disease,

It does bother me that people are challenged to be their best anymore. It is fine to be out of shape. As long as you are a human and have a heart nobody should tell you how to live. :rolleyes

It bothers me man. And the fact that the crowd boo'ed that dude makes me even more sick.

And I don't know what Anterger is talking about either. He was kinda off topic. :lol:
Yea, fact of the matter if everyone ate properly - a lot of large food corporations would take a significant economic hit. Big pharma certainly benefits from the obesity epidemic, but the biggest winner there has got to be the food producing industry. I'm sure you've seen the following article, but it;s an interesting and important read: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/24/m...science-of-junk-food.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0

But cigarette marketing has been all but taken away 100% and labels are on the package that essentially say "Thanks for buying me, you will die from me." This hasn't stopped cigarette consumption by any means, but the recognition and general perception has changed and new laws put into place to ban smoking in public places.

There's no warning labels for food that is killing people and no limit to what they consume. I think if MORE people knew that the food they were eating was hurting their bodies as badly as they do they would be more conscious about those decisions. If there could be some type of limit or knowledge about it the mentality of obesity being just fine would change, IMO.
Yup - good point. Food labeling and marketing these days us ridiculously skewed. The worst part of it is food companies have realized that they can benefit greatly from highlighting certain dubious "healthy" qualities of their products - e.g. "12 grams of whole grains!!!" This results in people eating unhealthy foods but thinking that they are eating healthy.

I literally thought about this just now as I was on line for Sunday Sundae. These fat girls took FOREVER to get their ice cream. Why do you need 5 scoops? I don't care if it's your freedom to eat whatever you want. It's gross.
What is Sunday Sundae? A free ice cream event. We, as a society, need to do away with events like that. Food should be treated as nutrition/fuel rather than a source of pleasure or reward.

DC thinks if you aint chewin iron you soft.

I'll take a guess and predict that he will say skinny jeans, cleaniness/self-grooming,men wearing "women's" clothing, eating salads, wearing pastel colors, cooking, etc.etc are signs of softness being encouraged.

Men arent becoming soft. American society is just become too overly aggressive.
Can you provide some examples of how American society has become overly aggressive?

i am overweight. im 5'11 and about 220.

I am lazy, i dont eat right, and i HATE it. No one should be "proud" of being overweight. Theres no excuse. i simply have poor dedication when it comes to exercise and im weak when it comes to eating healthy. i hate seeing fat people shrug at the fact that they're fat.

I run about 3 miles ( 10:30 miles, trying to get down to 9 minute miles) every other day and im trying really hard to hold on to the high that comes along with a good exercise and break away from the cheap high i get from eating unhealthy garbage. Its hard but failing is still failing and up until this point I've failed. i lost 20 pounds last year, simply running and not eating snacks. it got cold and i got too lazy or cheap to join a gym. i have no sympathy for fat people. its an addiction and i get the socio-economic aspect of obesity but its not an excuse. i dont give myself a pass on other life failures why should this slide?

i love myself and im a happy person ftr, but this is definitely something i think about constantly and I am trying to overcome before its too late.
Good attitude. Try looking at the Stay In Shape thread for some motivation and info on getting in shape
Judgment should not be passed, but I do see a problem with promoting "fatness" for people that would be healthy otherwise with more exercise.

Unlike race and even education, health is something that one can more readily improve and maintain.

You can't tell me that a bag of spinach and a can of tuna is more expensive than fast food.
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I think the problem and what sets obese individuals apart from all these other groups you guys are placing them with (ethnicity, sexual orientation, physical disability, etc) is that for the most part getting to the point where you are 100lbs + overweight was a choice and associations like the ones Club speaks of are only providing shelter for those who made this choice and borderline encouraging others to accept an unhealthy lifestyle, to embrace it....I wonder what is this groups respond to diabetes, increased chances of a stroke, high cholesterol, etc.

For us as a society to accept obesity and embrace it is like hanging up the white flag....we should be fighting this, not welcoming it.

Before anyone says I can't relate to being fat or slightly obese...about 10 years ago....

View media item 377509
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He analogized the manner in which Club posed this thread to show it was clearly the wrong way to go about creating the thread. I think he had no intention to actually compare the two.

Ok just making sure...I see a lot of comparisons being thrown in here.

You guys (Meth included) need to see passed the OPs history on the board and realize that what he is saying is not wrong.
the topic is why we allow things such as 'Fat Acceptance Associations' in America.

Youre asking the wrong crowd, NT famb. I'm assuming you've never actually attended a "Fat Acceptance Association" event therefore, I'm pretty much assuming you are attempting to speak on something you know absolutely nothing about other than from the name and a couple youtube videos.

:smh: at you for asking NT in the first place. We cant even get through a PYP without bashing eachother.
i am overweight. im 5'11 and about 220.

I am lazy, i dont eat right, and i HATE it. No one should be "proud" of being overweight. Theres no excuse. i simply have poor dedication when it comes to exercise and im weak when it comes to eating healthy. i hate seeing fat people shrug at the fact that they're fat.

I run about 3 miles ( 10:30 miles, trying to get down to 9 minute miles) every other day and im trying really hard to hold on to the high that comes along with a good exercise and break away from the cheap high i get from eating unhealthy garbage. Its hard but failing is still failing and up until this point I've failed. i lost 20 pounds last year, simply running and not eating snacks. it got cold and i got too lazy or cheap to join a gym. i have no sympathy for fat people. its an addiction and i get the socio-economic aspect of obesity but its not an excuse. i dont give myself a pass on other life failures why should this slide?

i love myself and im a happy person ftr, but this is definitely something i think about constantly and I am trying to overcome before its too late.

Respect man. You're aware of the dangers of your situation and you are trying your hardest to change your lifestyle for better health and a better life.
There's nothing wrong with people like you, in fact...I admire it.
I admire anyone who is in the gym making an effort, whether its an old person, an obese person, a woman, a man, a boy, a girl, it doesnt matter...whether its walking on the treadmill...or doing a beasty superset with squats and lunges...or sprinting full pace, or benching...it doesnt matter, as long as people actually want to better their lives and are making the effort somewhere...they are good in my book.
Everyone has to start somewhere.
Keep up the good work bro. :nthat:
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Obesity is a problem that we should worry about because it affects all of us. When a 500 pound person is in the hospital receiving hundreds of thousands in medical treatment we are the ones paying for it. They take away from our resources for things that might have been preventable if they just took better care of themselves.

Your logic is oh so flawed.
Ok just making sure...I see a lot of comparisons being thrown in here.

You guys (Meth included) need to see passed the OPs history on the board and realize that what he is saying is not wrong.

Read my post directly before my response to you. I agree with the general idea of what OP is saying, but I just don't agree with the way he proposed it. I don't think we should be repulsed by fat people, and I also think an association could be a great thing if it focuses on trying to use their collective willpower to make healthier choices. Not sure if this is that association, but if it is then I'm not against it. If it isn't then I'm definitely not supportive of it.
Only issue I got is the Fat/obese black women tryna run around claiming they're just "thick". Eff outta here.

I went to a college party yesterday which a bunch of people from college, never seen so many females with sloppy guts in my life and all of them were 23 n under and most was half naked. Broads ain't got no shame no more.
Dudes accept/allow them to do it. If so many dudes didn't have a taste for bigger women, then women would make more of an effort to get into shape. But if they know they don't have to put any effort in getting dudes why would they?

But back to the original point. Club, you have to remember that keeping America unhealthy is more business. We know big corporations and the pharmaceutical industries are twin brothers so why not encourage people to "Be themselves" if you know it will mean they are more prone to get some sort of obesity related disease,

It does bother me that people are challenged to be their best anymore. It is fine to be out of shape. As long as you are a human and have a heart nobody should tell you how to live. :rolleyes

It bothers me man. And the fact that the crowd boo'ed that dude makes me even more sick.

And I don't know what Anterger is talking about either. He was kinda off topic. :lol:
Mane these types of chicks is terrible but DC right, its the dudes that let em think like that and be proud of their "thickness"...alotta thirsty ppl out here, letting anything fly :smh:
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