I was born in 1987 and I want to know if it is true that gas used to be under $1 in the 1970's?

My Senior year in high school gas was .99 cents.

I used to get $20 a week for gas and food and I still had money leftover to buy the newest No Limit album.

My dude, we could be twins. I was born in '81. I remember the day I got my license, I went to the Royal Farms on the way to the mall to fill my dad's truck up and premium was .99 cents. I went to the mall and got 400 degreez. A few weeks later Guerrilla Warfare came out.
Late 2001, gas was under $1 too. I remember putting 91 gas in my mom's Corolla just because it was so damn cheap.
i remember gas being $0.98/gal back in 2000. it was at a dairy queen gas station in ohio, and i was helping moms fill up.

walked in there with $20 and left with change AND ice cream.
im born in 1985 when i started driving gas was like under 2 dollars my dude
Man I remember gas being less than 1.85 in the BAY AREA (gas station down the street is at 4.77 for 87 right now) circa 2000.
Only specific I remember was gas being under $1 at some places in South Carolina in 2000 when it was more like $1.70 (or maybe more) in NY. It was crazy when gas hit $3.
we will ever see anything under $3 again

prices will only go up. i dont want to know what prices will be next summer.. :x :x :smh:
we will ever see anything under $3 again

prices will only go up. i dont want to know what prices will be next summer..
2 things have to happen.

decrease da money supply

build da keystone pipeline

when bush left office gas was 1.78 a gallon
i remember gassing up in richmond during my freshman year at vcu with gas below $1.00 back in 2001.
remember in 01 and 02 gas hit $.98. i remember gas was $.25 once at this one station on accident, lmao
I think it'll get better in the future. We're starting to tap into more oil/NG reserves in the US so the amount of fuel will actually go up, especially since fuel consumption by cars will drop
Man, I would love to fill up my Yaris with $10 and go 400 miles. Damn! Instead, I'm paying like $34.
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