I was told you only get one shot at this thing called life, so it might as well be a swish.

NTer A: We need to get up, get out and get it!NTers B-Z: You're right! Im motivated! *clicks on "General" and continues to browse NT*
This was a great thread to wake up to
Originally Posted by Crook

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

This is a good speech for people who need to get motivated but I kinda wish I had time for COD and women

dude you have time for 18K+ posts on NT, I'm sure you're able to make time for women?!
None of that stuff interest me though, I am wowed by life itself not something that costs a lot of money. We as the human race should be moving towards becoming a more loving and united species. We should not be focused on feeding into this consumerist society !!%%$%%!. Ehh w/e you guys can have your fun in here, bye.
Edit: Just read the thread, I agree with this guy 

Originally Posted by The Takeover

I'm getting @#%% done but honestly idc about a lot of things on this Earth, material objects are nice to have and all but that isn't everything. I'm just in school trying to make sure I can smoke good and eat good.
It isn't about spending your life grinding to get the next aestetically pleasing thing out as long as I have the two things I mentioned and can provide for my seed when I am ready for that then I am living to my fullest potential imo.
Everyone should feel like a beast everyday. Time management is important, I can't stand dead time. I need to do something productive all the time.
cool. now most of yall gonna go back to playin call of duty and scratchin your balls n s!@#
Very inspirational. Wisepharaoh droppin knowledge as usual. Will read in the morning after morning prayer.
Just came from a meeting/info session on a marketing/business club at my school, definitely helping to put my future in perspective. Also got a new job possibly lined up for me next year with something I'm actually interested in.

Thanks OP.
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