IBS "Irritable Bowel Syndrome" Appreciation/Un-Appreciation

Originally Posted by LAlife87

I have Crohn's. I feel your pain. The !%#% is ridiculous
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]When was you diagnosed? And how long too?[/color]
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

chrons is like death, I feel bad for people with that
Yes I wore a 44...I'm a big dude that's in shape so its not gross...I played football ...but yeaa I've slimmed down because of this....

Yes I've been to the doctor, there really isn't much to help it..so I just deal with it..plus I'm picky about what I put into my body

Chrons must be very difficult to live with!
Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

crohns is like death, I feel bad for people with that
[color= rgb(102, 0, 204)]i've been in remission since i was 8/9 years....i tell people i have it and they're shocked[/color]
Yeah, if it is controlled, it won't affect your life too bad. Hell, JFK had something similar.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

crohns is like death, I feel bad for people with that
[color= rgb(102, 0, 204)]i've been in remission since i was 8/9 years....i tell people i have it and they're shocked[/color]
Yeah, if it is controlled, it won't affect your life too bad. Hell, JFK had something similar.
yea so did Kurt.....and they're both dead
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

crohns is like death, I feel bad for people with that
[color= rgb(102, 0, 204)]i've been in remission since i was 8/9 years....i tell people i have it and they're shocked[/color]
Yeah, if it is controlled, it won't affect your life too bad. Hell, JFK had something similar.
yea so did Kurt.....and they're both dead

Chick from 90210
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

crohns is like death, I feel bad for people with that
[color= rgb(102, 0, 204)]i've been in remission since i was 8/9 years....i tell people i have it and they're shocked[/color]
Yeah, if it is controlled, it won't affect your life too bad. Hell, JFK had something similar.
yea so did Kurt.....and they're both dead
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]kurt russel? i thought dude had cancer?[/color]
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]
kurt russel? i thought dude had cancer?
[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]He's referring to Kurt Cobain(I think) and im sure youre thinking of Patrick Swayze who passed recently from cancer. Anyway, I went thru the same thing, lost alot of weight and developed IBS which is ironic in my opinion because I was eating healthy for a change and then my stomach turned on me. The Librax (Clidinium) prescribed to me helped, and I supplemented my diet with fiber pills. It went away after a year or so.[/color]
Yea man you should. You take it when you feel like your stomach is about to get upset and it settles it
I had about 15 months of symptoms of what I first thought was IBS. It would start with a rumble in my stomach after meals, followed by my ears getting warm, and then often a huge headache would come next. It would sideline me for up to a week sometime, it was horrible. I had just graduated college and had started a new job, needless to say that it was the worst timing. My new job was very high stress, and I'm sure it didn't help. Later on that year the symptoms got worse. The best was I can describe what it felt like is similar to peristalsis (muscle contractions which "push" food down the muscular tract, which subsequently made me feel like  I always had to go to the bathroom). I lost about 15 pounds at the worst part of it, and was in constant pain, and also became very depressed. I did some research and heard about UC and Crohn's Disease. Needless to say I was convinced I had Crohn's, so I scheduled a colonoscopy with a GI doc. I got the results back and I was negative. That was a HUGE relief for me. I also noticed that I was suffering from anxiety at the time which I attributed to the GI symptoms. The last two years had been really stressful and challenging for me. Both my dad and my father-in-law were diagnosed with cancer, I started a new job fresh out of college. It was tough. I started to try to simplify my thoughts and feelings towards all the adversity I was dealing with. Started to try to eat healthier and get enough sleep, and I quit smoking weed (which made my anxiety worse). I have been symptom free for about 4 months. I don't know what caused my IBS, but I mostly attribute it to stress. However, I know this is a serious condition and a bad one at that. One thing you could try is to see if you have a Gluten allergy, and try to avoid foods with gluten. Also there are some really good lifestyle/diet books that people claim have really helped curb the symptoms of UC and Crohn's.  Try "Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health Through Diet" which can be found on Amazon for about $20. Good Luck!
Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

crohns is like death, I feel bad for people with that
[color= rgb(102, 0, 204)]i've been in remission since i was 8/9 years....i tell people i have it and they're shocked[/color]
Yeah, if it is controlled, it won't affect your life too bad. Hell, JFK had something similar.
yea so did Kurt.....and they're both dead
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]kurt russel? i thought dude had cancer?[/color]
RIP Thiago
Good lookin out Furby! That's a crazy story! I'm glad your alright and I hope your still taking care of of it so it doesn't came back as a shock..

I'm doing the best I can to look into this..I hope I don't have Chrons!
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