****Ideas for A FIRST DATE****

Sep 13, 2008
I finally scored a first date with this beezy I have class with this quarter. We have plans to kick it on Wednesday night, then come back to my place and watchNip/Tuck

Any ideas though for what to do before we come back to my place? I 'm hoping to do something a little bit more on the original side and not the wholecliche Starbucks thing. HELP PLEASE. ALL IDEAS ARE WELCOME. Thanks in advance

Going on a date
I need creative ideas
Yes, I plan to "whip it out"
If you live in a good weather place..it somewhere nice and outside if you can.. not sure why but that always tends to work....like some dude above said hit upa beach if you can as well...

just be calm, casual, and don't dress like a $$%$#%% idiot....
Originally Posted by RECOGNIZE GAME

take her to the grocery store. buy something to cook for dinner.
Done this before, not a bad idea..thats if you can cook
Luckily i live in SD...

head down towards the beach....get some sushi for happy hour, then walk on the beach after
Take her out to a wine bar.

If you're under age just take her out for a bite to eat.
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