Ideas for what to do with an extra room (not a bedroom) in an apartment

Dec 16, 2004
I know that's a loaded title, but it communicates everything I'm wondering about at this ungodly hour pretty well. My roommate suggested that I start this topic here, as he just did on whatever paintball forum he frequents.

Put briefly, we'll have two open dens (in addition to the bedrooms) in our apartment next year. We're, in turn, wondering what others might recommend we do with them. At the moment, we've considered a study/library and maybe a guest room, but to say that those plans are tentative is an understatement. Any suggestions? Keep in mind that we're college students.
A study/library would be amazing. I plan on doing that when I build my own house.

I have visions of a room with shelves and some sneakers and other treasures with a huge desk smack in the middle, big leather chair and my computer. Position of power baby
Originally Posted by sir hendrix

I know that's a loaded title, but it communicates everything I'm wondering about at this ungodly hour pretty well. My roommate suggested that I start this topic here, as he just did on whatever paintball forum he frequents.

Put briefly, we'll have two open dens (in addition to the bedrooms) in our apartment next year. We're, in turn, wondering what others might recommend we do with them. At the moment, we've considered a study/library and maybe a guest room, but to say that those plans are tentative is an understatement. Any suggestions? Keep in mind that we're college students.
grow a lot of "tomatoes"
Originally Posted by DanzInRealLife

A study/library would be amazing. I plan on doing that when I build my own house.

I have visions of a room with shelves and some sneakers and other treasures with a huge desk smack in the middle, big leather chair and my computer. Position of power baby

yeah a room like this would be really cool

you could also make it a:

game room
grow room (with a license, of course 

you could also have one of the dens be a spot with just couches/chairs and a table or two and have the other one be more of a tv type area with tv/video games etc.
post pics if you have them.

I don't, unfortunately. In fact, I've only had a chance to tour the apartment complex and not yet the unit itself. I'm not moving into this place until next school semester.

Rent it out.

We thought about doing this, but it's sort of a last resort--unless someone we feel obliged to lend a hand to asks or we really need the money (the latter of which isn't impossible, by any means), it'll stay empty. I'd rather not have a second roommate--the one with whom I'm not living next year is a bit of a bother and I don't want to run the same risk again.
Sex dungeon.
It's been joked that the room could be a plain old "sex room," but the whole notion of a dungeon is even more ridiculous. Whatever the case, if this were to become a reality, I'd probably just end up torturing myself (no Marquis de Sade); that is to say that no one would ever come through...I would hope.

I probably didn't need to get so descriptive, weigh this option seriously. My girlfriend, if she ever reads this, is going to be very weirded out.
grow a lot of "tomatoes"
grow room (with a license, of course 

I don't really "eat" them, nor do I..."cook them for other people" (bad analogy. I don't smoke or sell the stuff, and don't plan on it).

game room

Those are options you'd think we'd already thought of. We both play some video games, but not enough to designate a whole room for their play, and neither of us works out much, with the exception of playing ball and walking (or cycling) to and from classes.

I'm expecting this thread to die soon, but that certainly doesn't mean I'd like it to fall in exchange for another "Flannel- WE OFF IT!" topic. The posters in General used to be the weirdest I'd ever come across--so give me some ideas, if you have any.

  1. You're the weird kid on campus that bikes to class
  2. You're part of Team Grammar Police
  3. You play video games
  4. You don't work out
  5. that is to say that no one would ever come through. YNS
Nah im %$%#%!% wit you  

What else you think we could suggest?
get a nice HDTV and some speakers and make it a game room for video games/movies/watchin sports

big couch + nice entertainment setup =

maybe a small fridge full of beers in there too
Make it a bar/lounge. If you're in college, how about beer pong or darts? Pick up a ping pong table/ pool table/ air hockey on craigslist.

I'd make it a video game/ listening room, but that's because I live with my fiancee and want my own free area, when she's watching "say yes to the dress" and other girly stuff.
It can be the room to go to when you want to get away from your roomie (and vice versa) when you don't want to be holed up in your bedroom.
Originally Posted by sir hendrix

I know that's a loaded title, but it communicates everything I'm wondering about at this ungodly hour pretty well. My roommate suggested that I start this topic here, as he just did on whatever paintball forum he frequents.

this your roommate?
I like the bar/lounge idea

Get some beer signs, a kegerator and minifridge...someold furniture etc...only problem is if you have carpet

Crazy off the wall idea: giant model railroad
I say, either a guest room or like a studio.. Unless you're not into music.

Or just a junk room or a big closet!
Originally Posted by WE GET MONEY

I like the bar/lounge idea

Get some beer signs, a kegerator and minifridge...some old furniture etc...only problem is if you have carpet
this too. def. a beer pong table
Depending how big the room is I'd suggest that be your library/study lounge with maybe a futon for any guests you might have that say over.
Def try to rent it out for some extra cash man and if that doesnt work out, a study/gym is good because whenever I have tried to study right next to my bed...i end up taking a nap. PS - yea I'm a newb but how do you start a new line, im pressing enter but it doesnt seperate my lines into paragraghs? My comp at work is whack btw.
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