If Hillary gets voted President, there's going to be a terrorist attack within 1 year of her electio

Feb 9, 2007
does anyone agree with me?

i feel that if she does get voted president then there's going to be an attack within one year. i think that some of the countries in the middle east aregoing to test her.. anyone with me?
not a Hilary fan, but what if Obama becomes president? do you think terrorists would test him?
Originally Posted by I Love AF1

not a Hilary fan, but what if Obama becomes president? do you think terrorists would test him?
yes, but he is also a man. to terrorists... black man > any woman

Originally Posted by areyouin729

no im not with you

i think people need to stop talkin out of their*@%!%@ on NT

what? is it not plausible or something?
y'all are crazy...we'll be threatened by attacks as long as we stay in the middle east, no matter who the president is. i dont know what the currentcandidates' policies are, but unless they plan on pulling out of the middle east, we'll be under a threat.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

y'all are crazy...we'll be threatened by attacks as long as we stay in the middle east, no matter who the president is. i dont know what the current candidates' policies are, but unless they plan on pulling out of the middle east, we'll be under a threat.
we're always under threat yes... but i feel if hillary gets's voted, then it's going to be an inevitable danger
Why do people not understand that if we get Hillary, we get Bill, and I like Bill I don't know about ya'll.
Originally Posted by sole lovely

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

y'all are crazy...we'll be threatened by attacks as long as we stay in the middle east, no matter who the president is. i dont know what the current candidates' policies are, but unless they plan on pulling out of the middle east, we'll be under a threat.
we're always under threat yes... but i feel if hillary gets's voted, then it's going to be an inevitable danger
yeah maybe. i really don't much about politics, but would any of the candidates give us a favorable position in the middle east and the rest of theworld? not even favorable, but just make it so we're not hated by other countries?
Originally Posted by ridallen

Why do people not understand that if we get Hillary, we get Bill, and I like Bill I don't know about ya'll.
yeah, that's the only good side to her. but bill still isn't going to be viewed as the president. he's not going to be doing all the work. the terrorists will still see a woman as our leader of the country.
Originally Posted by sole lovely

Originally Posted by I Love AF1

not a Hilary fan, but what if Obama becomes president? do you think terrorists would test him?
yes, but he is also a man. to terrorists... black man > any woman

Originally Posted by areyouin729

no im not with you

i think people need to stop talkin out of their*@%!%@ on NT

what? is it not plausible or something?
it could happen with any president, i highly doubt a woman in the White House brings more risk, same with a black President
Originally Posted by sole lovely

Originally Posted by ridallen

Why do people not understand that if we get Hillary, we get Bill, and I like Bill I don't know about ya'll.
yeah, that's the only good side to her. but bill still isn't going to be viewed as the president. he's not going to be doing all the work. the terrorists will still see a woman as our leader of the country.

Agreed, we'll just have to see. This presidential election is extremely questionable anyway as far as all candidates go.
Originally Posted by 5thGearidah

there have been female leaders in the middle east...yall sound type dumb

lol. look what happened to one of them.
Agreed, we'll just have to see. This presidential election is extremely questionable anyway as far as all candidates go.

yep. i agree.
Agreed. It definitely is plausible taking n2 account the situation that we're in...

I think if Barack Obama becomes President, hell be assassinated by an American within 6 months. I would never wish death upon anyone, least of all him, butI've always thought that about the 1st black president...
we're always under threat yes... but i feel if hillary gets's voted, then it's going to be an inevitable danger

That line of thinking makes no sense. You act as though a president has to stand up and fight off people with physical strength and somehow that handicaps awoman? A president is a figurehead, we generally have old men running things... why wouldn't THEY be "tested" by terrorists?

Personally I think you're listening to a lot of right wing rhetoric and fear mongering spewing out statements like this - not that I support Hillary.. ihope she doesn't get elected, but it has nothing to do with her not being able to handle terrorists.
Originally Posted by goldNboi7

Agreed. It definitely is plausible taking n2 account the situation that we're in...

I think if Barack Obama becomes President, hell be assassinated by an American within 6 months. I would never wish death upon anyone, least of all him, but I've always thought that about the 1st black president...
yeah. i agree with that one.

That line of thinking makes no sense. You act as though a president has to stand up and fight off people with physical strength and somehow that handicaps a woman? A president is a figurehead, we generally have old men running things... why wouldn't THEY be "tested" by terrorists?

Personally I think you're listening to a lot of right wing rhetoric and fear mongering spewing out statements like this - not that I support Hillary.. i hope she doesn't get elected, but it has nothing to do with her not being able to handle terrorists.

last time i checked, the middle east culture predominately muslim culture definitely view women as lesser than men.
last time i checked, the middle east culture predominately muslim culture definitely view women as lesser than men.
Last I checked there would still be plenty of men making big decisions in washington... probably still about 95 percent.. And the presidentdoesn't act alone on anything, and i'm pretty sure even muslims know this.

But keep thinking the way you are - you're really onto something here.
Originally Posted by sole lovely

Originally Posted by 5thGearidah

there have been female leaders in the middle east...yall sound type dumb

lol. look what happened to one of them.
Agreed, we'll just have to see. This presidential election is extremely questionable anyway as far as all candidates go.

yep. i agree.

i don't see whats so funny and Pakistan is not in the middle east
what kind of garbage is this?

so what caused the first terrorist attack? george bush was dumb?

if they're going to attack, they will attack. it's up to the government's national defense and CIA to break it up. they've always wanted toattack america, REGARDLESS of who's in charge.
Agreed, we'll just have to see. This presidential election is extremely questionable anyway as far as all candidates go.

Im pretty nervous to "see" what happens.
Originally Posted by goldNboi7

Agreed. It definitely is plausible taking n2 account the situation that we're in...

I think if Barack Obama becomes President, hell be assassinated by an American within 6 months. I would never wish death upon anyone, least of all him, but I've always thought that about the 1st black president...

My friend in class yesterday was saying the same thing, and i do agree the if Hillary become president, we'll be attacked. I guess Edwards may be thelast hope
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