If Hillary gets voted President, there's going to be a terrorist attack within 1 year of her electio

:sidebar.....yo wassup wit this chick and all these controversial topics.....
straight pitfalls on NT.
LOL I take it the middle east has never felt a woman's wrath
I feel sorry for them...

I agree on obama prolly getting assassinated by an American. I also think Hilary will get the kamikaze over seas somewhere...
sole lovely, please, stick to shoe related threads.

If I recall, and if I actually learned anything in school, every attack or war has happened under a male president. If we were to get attacked under Hilary itwouldn't be because of her gender, it'd be the fact that she represents the U.S.

Some of you should brush up on your history and foreign relations.
Why do people not understand that if we get Hillary, we get Bill, and I like Bill I don't know about ya'll.

Why do people think that if we get Hillary we automatically get Bill calling shots?? Yeah we get him, but as "The First Man", or however you wanna put it. Hes not gonna be in charge of nothing but pleasuring his wife.
Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

sole lovely, please, stick to shoe related threads.

If I recall, and if I actually learned anything in school, every attack or war has happened under a male president. If we were to get attacked under Hilary it wouldn't be because of her gender, it'd be the fact that she represents the U.S.

Some of you should brush up on your history and foreign relations.

Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

sole lovely, please, stick to shoe related threads.

If I recall, and if I actually learned anything in school, every attack or war has happened under a male president. If we were to get attacked under Hilary it wouldn't be because of her gender, it'd be the fact that she represents the U.S.

Some of you should brush up on your history and foreign relations.

general forum. miscellaneous topics

you are 100% right, every attack or war has happened under a male president...simply because that's all thathas ever been.

Originally Posted by ChampionHood

:sidebar.....yo wassup wit this chick and all these controversial topics.....
straight pitfalls on NT.
lol... this is her boyfriend. read the sig. pitfalls? haha i guess NT doesnt like controversy
terrorists are like wild animals, if we are in their territory, they will be hostile and violent. if we just leave the middle east, the US is under no threat.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

last time i checked, the middle east culture predominately muslim culture definitely view women as lesser than men.
Last I checked there would still be plenty of men making big decisions in washington... probably still about 95 percent.. And the president doesn't act alone on anything, and i'm pretty sure even muslims know this.

But keep thinking the way you are - you're really onto something here.

this president sure does
Originally Posted by goldNboi7

Agreed. It definitely is plausible taking n2 account the situation that we're in...

I think if Barack Obama becomes President, hell be assassinated by an American within 6 months. I would never wish death upon anyone, least of all him, but I've always thought that about the 1st black president...
true, but kennedy got murked early in the game, and now he's immortal, since he didn't get a chance to screw up. he should get a mexican VP,word to Chappelle...

Why do people not understand that if we get Hillary, we get Bill, and I like Bill I don't know about ya'll.
i'm down with Bill too, i think either would be good for the country.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

last time i checked, the middle east culture predominately muslim culture definitely view women as lesser than men.
Last I checked there would still be plenty of men making big decisions in washington... probably still about 95 percent.. And the president doesn't act alone on anything, and i'm pretty sure even muslims know this.

But keep thinking the way you are - you're really onto something here.


There is always going to be terrorist attacks, the middle east, maybe aside from israel, hates the west and probably always will, doesn't matter who is inoffice.
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