If Republicans had gotten everything they wanted for the last seventy-five years or so...

The purpose of my last post was twofold. One purpose was to point out that Bush should not be blamed for failing to reform social security when it was a unitedand vocal Democratic minority that stopped even modest reforms. Second, I am comparing President Bush's entitlement reforms from 2005 to President Obamacurrent effort to restructure health care. Both have parallels and the line that caught your attention the most was a almost a throw away line, that said thatDems were even more dishonest on that item that the GOP has been on health care.

The GOP at least has grain or two or truth to its accusations that there will be "death panels." Of course there willn ot be death panels, nopolitician would use such a name. The grain of truth comes from Ezekial Emmanual saying that if there had to be rationing, medicine would be more or less betriaged. That is reasonable. It is also a fact that when there is single payer, which many consider the ends for which the "public option" is themeans, rationing happens and therefore there could be situation where the old are denied life extending or quality of life care. So by saying that there willbe "death panels" the GOP is doing a bit of chemistry.

On Social Security reform, the Dems also lied but they did some out right alchemy. They conjured up the idea that senior citizens would be denied checks. Thatis the difference when comparing these two items. I am glad that your elderly relatives knew what was going on but someone was deceived because that socialsecurity reform ground to a screeching halt.
On Social Security reform, the Dems also lied but they did some out right alchemy. They conjured up the idea that senior citizens would be denied checks. That is the difference when comparing these two items. I am glad that your elderly relatives knew what was going on but someone was deceived because that social security reform ground to a screeching halt.

It ain't like the health care bill is just flying through either. and there is outrage over this in the streets, I don't remember any tea-baggersparading over social security reform.

I think maybe you give the dem's too much credit in stopping the s.s. "reform".
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