If Summer '11 in N.Y. isn't AMAZING, I don't know what I'll do...

...I don't mind the snow. I'd rather be in a bikini with a shot of tequila and a lime obviously but I'm fine, I love this damn city so much that soggy shoes and curly wet hair will never phase me.
word  *plays* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xq3t3GLMwJU 
Originally Posted by bkmac

More snow in N.Y. (and I'm sure other states, but I'm from N.Y., so this is why the post is what it is). It just keeps coming down.

If Summer 2011 doesn't provide:

-A successful Yankees summer,
lets hope not
Man #!%% this %*@$.


I live in NY btw
[Will Ferrell]I wanna make bank, bro.[/Will Ferrell]

I can't believe I forgot the only positive from the snow. I'm about to head out and shovel some houses for some $. Last blizzard I made $100 on just one house, and I was too tired to do more. I figure the earlier I go and start, the better.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

I love the snow, man up.

Time to work from home FTW!
Great minds think alike. 

Got up nice and early to check the Metro North service notice.  New Haven Line was down...texted my Managing Director...went right back to sleep

Who would have thought that at the age of 27 I'd still be having snow days
Man I got up at 6 a.m. shoveled the snow in and around my house. Feels good.

What have you done already for today?

weak people will stay weak no matter what the conditions are outside.
buses suspended. D train was delayed. in other words, i just woke up. the landlord can shovel. im good.
I work on Wall Street and actually came in today from Queens.  How chicks still rocking mini-skirts though?  If O.P. is thinking anything like myself, than chicks will pretty much be naked come spring.  Watch what happens the 1st day it hits 60 degrees. 

And its winter for Christ Sake.  Would you rather it be 70 degrees out?  That wouldn't be strange would it?
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Man I got up at 6 a.m. shoveled the snow in and around my house. Feels good.

What have you done already for today?

weak people will stay weak no matter what the conditions are outside.
Tough guy is tough.

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