If Trump found a way to guarantee reparations to every black citizen in the US...

Would he get your vote?

  • I'm making America great again.

  • No.

  • Not just no. Hell no.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Jul 19, 2012
and it was set in stone, no finesse involved and no backsies. Let's say $150k-250k depending on traceable ancestry to the 15th century or so.

All he needed was your vote in 2020. What you doin?

I completely stole this thread idea btw.

Edit: If you choose no, what would convince you to make America great again? Hypothetically.
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I'll take those funds but I cant guaruntee the voting machines will switch my vote to Beto or that I was purged from the voter rolls in time for election
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-On the surface, I am inclined to vote yes. I support reparations. I am black but West Indian, and I would happily pay a payroll tax to fund a reparations program, and don't expect any myself unless I was the last known heir for a payment owed to an ancestor

But there are other things to consider...

-How are we going to pay for this? I am not someone that wants to use deficit issues as a roadblock to economic justice, but we are talking about around 25% of GDP in one shot. I'm I suppose to assume he is going to use magic to get this paper, and not tank the economy? :lol:. A deep recession with run anyway inflation could wipe out most of this new wealth

-Also, Trump is still going to be a vile bigot, supporting of white supremacy, advocate for predatory capitalism. So other groups I care about and belong to are going to be still screwed over by this clown, and he still supports an economic system that will slowly but surely extract this wealth back out of the African American community.

-This is gonna put the battery in the back of every white supremacist, sws, and tacit supporter of white supremacy that "racism is over" and "black people just need to shut up." If our socioeconomic system is unchanged, that means black folk still are going to get ****ed with, systemic discrimination will always be rampant and now instead of the reparations money now also must serve as a civil rights fund, instead of an economic justice payment

Tempting for sure, but too many strings attached

I know this won't be a free lunch, so I vote no. This plan might sound like a good deal, but there is so much baggage with Trump that the more I think of it is just a 150 - 250K butter biscuit in many ways.
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-On the surface I am inclined vote yes. I support reparations. I am black but West Indian and I would happily pay a payroll tax to fund a reparations program, and don't expect any myself unless I was the last known heir for a payment owed to an ancestor

But there are other things to consider....

-How are we gonna pay for this? I am not someone that wants to use deficit issues as a road block to economic justice but we are talking about around 25% of GDP in one shot. I'm I suppose to assume he is gonna use magic to get this paper, and not tank the economy? :lol:. A deep recession with run anyway inflation could wipe out most of this new wealth

-Also, Trump is still gonna be a vile bigot, supporting of white supremacy, advocate for predatory capitalism. So other groups I care about and belong to are gonna still gonna be screwed over by this clown, and he still supports and economic system that will slowly but surely extract this wealth back out of the African American community.

-This is gonna put the battery in the back of every white supremacist, sws, and tacit supporter of white supremacy that "racism is over" and black people just need to shut up. If our socioeconomic system unchanged, that means black folk still are gonna get ****ed with, systemic discrimination will still be rampant and now instead of the reparations money now also must serve as a civil rights fund, instead of an economic justice payment

Tempting for sure, but too many strings attached

I know this won't be a free lunch, so I vote no. This is might sound like a good deal, but there is so much baggage with Trump that the more I think of it is just a 150 - 250K butter biscuit in many ways.

This is all very true and I can respect all the thought you put into this.
On the fllip side tho...we stuck with that clown right now and we doing this **** for free.
No voters, have you considered how this could alter the landscape for African Americans in the United States + the benefits for future generations with proper investments into majority black areas/neighborhoods?

Education, businesses, reinvigorating local economies and repairing infrastructures, the start of black owned enterprises (Black Wallstreet-esque movements on a national scale). Umar could finally start that school.

I'm I suppose to assume he is gonna use magic to get this paper, and not tank the economy?

Also, if Trump gets reelected the Supreme Court is gonna be hardcore conservative for the next generation. Even more than now.

If that happens, nearly all civil rights laws in this country might be essentially voided.

No another reason to vote no.
No voters, have you considered how this could alter the landscape for African Americans in the United States + the benefits for future generations with proper investments into majority black areas/neighborhoods?

Education, businesses, reinvigorating local economies and repairing infrastructures, the start of black owned enterprises (Black Wallstreet-esque movements on a national scale). Umar could finally start that school.

Trump ain't Harry Porter, baby pa.

You're telling me about all these potential great benefits, but I also gotta ignore an economic phenomena that will clapback at the US economy if such a stimulus happens.
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I’m inclined to vote yes simply because I envision African Americans banding together and putting that money towards building the community. Putting that money into owning property and land, investing in the collective wellbeing and viability of one another and our dollar.

Sure, there’s a small portion of me that can fathom **** playing out like the Chapelle skit, but I’d rather air on the side of optimism.
Tbh id rather reperations take the form of investment into our communities and thorough job training with a guaranteed pipeline for higher paying positions over a lump sum payout.

Giving people use to barely making ends meat 150K+ would cause reperation payouts to be poorly managed and spent whereas thorough job training and job placement would guarantee them a living wage for the remainder of their lives and a more gradual shift into the lifestyles higher paying jobs create.

My 2C. Any presidential candidate backing an idea like this could get my vote to be King of America for life
Regarding the new OP:

Like I said, if black progressive got an amendment passing Supermajorty in Congress and enough Statehouse to call a constitutional convention, then I would make that trade for keep the Orange bigot in the White House for another 4 years.

He would be mostly powerless, and you could strike some massive blows to systemic racism.

Hell if he annoys us too much, they can impeach him in like the first month. :lol:

Also I want this set up in Congress and Statehouses for at least an entire generation for the Bigot to get 4 more years.
Why you did this? :lol::smh:

I would but it wouldn't even matter. The same people who voted for him in the first election would turn on him instantly at the first mention of reparations for black folks. Those rednecks ain't having that ****
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