If Trump found a way to guarantee reparations to every black citizen in the US...

Would he get your vote?

  • I'm making America great again.

  • No.

  • Not just no. Hell no.

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his pitch is for us to invest, own businesses, and buy black

i like his ideas but we cant invest if we dont save first
That doesn't work for black people living in abject poverty. They need anti-poverty measures on a macro level too. They need cheap health insurance, they need income subsidies, they need affordable housing, they need cheap forms of transportation, they need cheap childcare services.

Millions of people don't have money to save or to start businesses.

Sure your advice may work better for middle-middle and upper-middle-class black folk, but not the ones living in abject poverty.

That is why dudes are telling you that multiple steps can be taken at the same time. That people can work on building an economic base and engage in activism to push for policy changes.

And if black people ignore politics, and white conservatives get to build an even deeper apartheid state that will attack any new economic base we make.

Dudes are just saying black folk can multitask.
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so you cant teach the single mother trying to get ahead by using payday lending services about the economics of predatory lending without discussing public policy?
You can tell that woman about the pitfalls of payday lending sure. That is giving financial advice.

The real economic issue in that scenario is that poor people need access to low-interest short-term lending, as a result of this, Payday lenders take advantage of impoverished folks desperation and charge extremely high-interest rates. Rates higher than what would cover the aggregate risk they are taking on and hit people with BS fees. Black banks are not everywhere, usually do not offer these services, and even if they did, they would have to charge higher interest rates to cover the risk. So we need something on top of them also if they expand.

Elizabeth Warren, a white woman, and one of the best consumer advocates in American history a few years ago proposed using the Post Office to offer no fee, low-interest short-term loans to people as a way to break the payday loan industry. Having a public option for banking is a significant economic justice issue folk are pushing for. I remember black lead civil rights groups and black progressives being excited at the idea. It went nowhere because lobbyist went to the GOP and told them to kill it.

So again, you can tell that single mother not to use that Payday service, but the fact will remain that she and millions like her need access to no fee, low-interest short-term lending.
Yall wilin saying you won't take the money.

You will never get an amount that justifies the abuses our people went through. If Trump is offering every eligible black voter 250k for 4 more years in the White House. I would take that. Vote him in and probably be out the country before his term is even up.

I'm sure 85 percent of the recipients would buy a car and a starter home. But even a couple large chapters of black fraternities and sororities would have multimillion dollar buying power if they pooled money together. Take the money and shield yourself from whatever blowback trump can dish out in 4 years
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Yall wilin saying you won't take the money.

You will never get an amount that justifies the abuses our people went through. If Trump is offering every eligible black voter 250k for 4 more years in the White House. I would take that. Vote him in and probably be out the country before his term is even up.

250k for every black voter would immediately change our position in this country.
Sure your advice may work better for middle-middle and upper-middle-class black folk, but not the ones living in abject poverty.

ive lived in poverty before

still have family in it

i know what we had
what we could spare
where we were wasting

i SEE now, right now, what my poor family member waste money on

the more i hear what the poor cant do
the more im convinced those speaking the loudest have never been on that side
ive lived in poverty before

still have family in it

i know what we had
what we could spare
where we were wasting

i SEE now, right now, what my poor family member waste money on

the more i hear what the poor cant do
the more im convinced those speaking the loudest have never been on that side
You're just going to dismiss tons of economic research and the experiences of tons of people because of anecdotal evidence, that's where we are at now?

So if a poor person gets cancer without health insurance, they just needed to save 10%. If their pipes are poisoning them with lead, 10%. Their rural community has an improper sewage system, welp that 10% should take care of that I guess.

You're just hand waving everything away because you refuse to concede that something is best addressed through public policy. It has to be black and white between self-reliance and public policy for some reason.
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We choose as a country not to believe in safety nets. We glorify people like Musk and vilfy the person sleeping in a tent duing crack.

It’s almost like we’re afraid as a country to admit that while people are equal their circumstances are not.

If a community is poor it’s need more cheap transport, healthcare, education etc and not less. However, we generally do the opposite and it’s sadly further creating a divide between the haves and the have nots.

The haves will always believe in oh if they only worked harder or made better decisions

The have nots will always believe in let’s just make it through this week.

Without significant policy and mentality shift toward a socialist country it’s never going to happen. We’re so concerned about wasting taxpayers money that were made people living on the street okay.
you chose to chime in, so i quoted you

nothing about being sensitive

who are you?
I replied to the OP and laughed @ a post. What exactly did I chime in on?

Who is playing dumb now? Or are you with this line of questioning?

You got butthurt cuz apparently mutually exclusive is a foreign concept to you.

Like I said dont be sensitive now when you been repeating yourself and replying to arguments nobody is making for 5 pages.

Who am I :lol: I'm Master Zik ************
To be honest, I'd vote for him even without those things. I supported him in 2016 and he has kept his promises. Mexico is paying for the wall, Libs are crying and confused, racism against White Americans is being addressed, Benjamin Franklin Carson is King of HUD, our President Elect is handsome on some days and dapper every day.
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