If You Are Looking for/Interested In Working With The Federal Government...Come In. Positions Availa

$400/hr :x the **** am I doin wrong w/ my life :lol:

Money is not everything...some of these high dollar IT/IA Quasi PMs are always working, burned out, stressed out, marriage failing, kids have social issues.

I urge anyone and everyone to truly value your quality of life/personal time. Once a job sees that you go above and beyond, they will often dump the work that goes undone/thrown to the wayside by the lazy workers. Happens everywhere I've been and hence why I've never stayed at a company/agency for more than 1.5 - 2 years.
But I'm tryna be an IT PM that's gotta count for something
But that billable is crazy. I really need to consider which lane I wanna go down before I get to my PM destination though. Granted my MBA has an Management Information Systems concentration but if cyber is the business, I'm gon def look into that. Whatever can get me out of Pittsburgh or at least financially good here.

And I got tired of coding myself and I was only learning it for about 2yrs or so, mainly full stack web development. It's coo and serves a purpose and I don't mind doing it, but I can't make a career out of it, too mundane. But I will say it will come in useful for some voids I see needing filled.
Posted this in the IT thread .
THIS MAN KNOWS. There aren't many agencies that will challenge you if you are young, only the 3 letter agencies/intel community IMO.
The program I am on has been around for 12 years so far and we are projected to have about 15 more years lol I don't plan to be here for that.

A lot of people honestly just want to skate by, so I can understand why you would want to go fed.

I'm active duty military and I work with/supervise many DoD civilians and they blow my mind. Many of the people I work with have worked at the same command in the same dang office building doing pretty much the same job for 30+ years. How do you do that? I get bored and want to try something new after 18 months!
Money is not everything...some of these high dollar IT/IA Quasi PMs are always working, burned out, stressed out, marriage failing, kids have social issues.

I urge anyone and everyone to truly value your quality of life/personal time. Once a job sees that you go above and beyond, they will often dump the work that goes undone/thrown to the wayside by the lazy workers. Happens everywhere I've been and hence why I've never stayed at a company/agency for more than 1.5 - 2 years.
I agree 100% I refuse to get burned out like a lot of the Senior engineers its just not for me.

Goal is to get a high salary and still maintain a happy life.

How did that work out for you switching jobs every 1.5-2 years. My Dad always says you should stay with a company for atleast 3 years because managers don't like seeing a resume of someone who jumps around a lot, I don't agree. I believe that 2 years is my max I can spend doing 1 job, which I just hit.
I'm active duty military and I work with/supervise many DoD civilians and they blow my mind. Many of the people I work with have worked at the same command in the same dang office building doing pretty much the same job for 30+ years. How do you do that? I get bored and want to try something new after 18 months!
my situation right now i sit right next to a dude that used to a E-6 for the same unit who he is currently being a contractor for.... 

dude was a 300 pt stud now he just sits at a desk collecting a check lol..... sometimes i just go walk around base every 3-4 hours to get out of the office 
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Money is not everything...some of these high dollar IT/IA Quasi PMs are always working, burned out, stressed out, marriage failing, kids have social issues.

I urge anyone and everyone to truly value your quality of life/personal time. Once a job sees that you go above and beyond, they will often dump the work that goes undone/thrown to the wayside by the lazy workers. Happens everywhere I've been and hence why I've never stayed at a company/agency for more than 1.5 - 2 years.

I agree 100% I refuse to get burned out like a lot of the Senior engineers its just not for me.
Goal is to get a high salary and still maintain a happy life.

How did that work out for you switching jobs every 1.5-2 years. My Dad always says you should stay with a company for atleast 3 years because managers don't like seeing a resume of someone who jumps around a lot, I don't agree. I believe that 2 years is my max I can spend doing 1 job, which I just hit.

That's the old mindset, I was told the same thing. All of my jobs have been low paying and I tend to let my work speak so I end up like what JS34 said, I would get the extra work the lazy ppl didn't do. Companies don't value u anymore so as soon as I get bored, don't get challenged, feel like I'm bein taken advantage of, I look to move on.
Yeah man and as a developer its like once you learn the system and figure out what everyone on your team is doing you become uninterested.

My technical manager has been on the program since the beginning 12 years ago.

My lead engineer says he will retire on this program, my technical manager says the same.

I just don't see how they do it. I swear as soon as I get cleared I'm bouncing.

Hell if this overseas position comes through dam the clearance I'm out.
1. You used to play college ball yes? Tell me about some of those experiences.

I'll come back to this one...this is a complex one with a few layers that will be answered more concisely as I answer other questions and get some context going.

2. Dated a girl who had a child from a previous relationship? You helped raise his child? Tell me about this experience, and do you still keep in touch with him? With her? Why the breakup? Are you over her?

-Yes. Raised him for approx. 5 years. from 18 months to age 6/7.
View media item 2232488View media item 2232489
I raised the child and raised her as well. Finished her degree with/for her to expedite the process....I've been told my analytics/stats/math/econ/accounting/business and writing is superb, so I've always been about helping others. I have not interacted with her son directly in over 3 years. I have not spoken to her in approximately the same duration of time...3, almost 4 years now. I did actually just send her an email today on behalf of the sons father, who I now consider one of my only true friends...life is funny like that. I've give him roughly $10,000.00 in the last three years, my car that was paid off, gifts to give his son, etc. attempting to help him get over the hump/burden of child support and not have a high paying job. I emailed her earlier to gauge her interest level in lightening the child support load on him as she does not need his $300/$400 a month, but actually just enjoys seeing him beneath her. Maybe it's my way of keeping my word and ensuring her son is all good...even If I chose to walk away from a complex situation or maybe I was placed there to show the dad how to be a good father to his son. I'm not sure on the final narrative on that story.

3. Has a close friend of yours ever lost their life early?

Yes. I've seen a few "friends" and people I've known check out early. My brother died right after I turned 17 and I think that amongst others has given me another gear of drive/hustle to compete and pursue things.

4. Current relationship status?

Single. I don't see that changing ever until I meet someone on board with my character/vision/working style and can accept those things. They are not changing for anyone, except someone that can compliment that and/or add to the equation. You meet a lot of women in life when you are hustling pursuing goals....women will always be there...always. I've been fortunate to encounter some great women, some terrible ones and everything in between. No complaints...or at least any worth voicing, lol.

5. Plan going forward? House? Kids? Marriage? World travel?

I'll let you know after court Tuesday 11/22/2016...lol. I make loose plans/agendas/guidelines/blueprints but allow myself room to wiggle and be agile. I truly believe those that handle change/adversity/adaptation advance further than those like my sister/some previous girlfriends that were super schedule based/square/black & white. One small thing would "ruin" their day and they had a tough time handling the curve balls life throws at them on the fly. I own my own place in Vienna/Tysons, VA....which is the 4th best town in the USA apparently according to a bar magazine on the wall last night. Kids? Sure if the opportunity presents itself. I coach youth sports and am the neighborhood dad/babysitter, so I get that fill in other ways. Marriage? Nah, don't think I believe in the practicality of that and/or the business sense of it...but never say never. I've traveled a decent amount, especially CONUS over these last 6 months. I have family in Morocco, Dubai, Paris and a couple other places (Egypt, Middle East). I've been overseas and out of the country a few times....might move there soon, probably find a lady in one of those more open cultures for sure.

6. Are your parents a big part of your life? Any other close family?

No. I didn't meet my dad until I was 17 and located him in SE DC. Went home to NY for a trip and down to NC...told him my brother was deceased and that was about it. Found out I had a younger half-sister and that was cool. A couple of Moroccan cousins are grinders and straight up. Older sister had me arrested when I was 19...then petitioned to lit me sit in jail and write letters to my lady to tell her to do the same. I guess you could say we are not "cool" at the moment. My Mother is a machine...more of a provider than a mom, she worked two/three jobs all of my life. We don't speak either. I used to walk to my own practices and games or get rides from my longtime baseball coach when needed.

7. Explain some of your tatts.

I drew some ideas up years ago...just realized I had been drawing some of the same images my entire life actually (since about 13/14). I had a couple done back in 2010, but then went to jail and the police made sure to infect them with the cuffs after I politely asked them not too lol. Two on my wrists for my Brother...everything I had drawn/intended to get was designed by me and had a polar opposite on the other arm. Arizona flag/state: I've been going to Arizona since 1996 or so and have always found peace/perspective their...for better or worse, might move back there again soon. Green Moroccan Star: Dad is from there/family. Crown: Part of my signature/logo and I've always liked crowns/royalty...symbolism is strong with me. Human Torch: Back in Jail during 2010 the COs and other inmates said they had never seen someone as mad as me....they called me Man on Fire when we played ball and when I broke a couple phones...I also won a lot of money shooting dice and they called me Human Torch/Johnny Blaze. Ironman Mask: Favorite Baseball Player is Cal Ripken Jr. #8 and I bet hard 8 a lot as well....Ghostface is a personal favorite rapper as well...all Tony Starks symbolism. DC Bullets logo for when I worked there...favorite team as well. EPL Lion as I watch a lot of soccer and gamble on that as well....also a Leo. Outkast ATLiens CD artwork....dope cd, up there for me and Andre was/is a dope artist. Star Wars BobaFett Helmet: One could say I'm like a Bounty Hunter/Mercenary in life....or with work these days.

8. Profit

Profit as in? Non-Profit?

I run two of those and that's what I actually enjoy doing...I believe in Universal Law and just give the majority of my knowledge away for free/possessions/energy.....for better or worse. I don't recommend doing that, but it makes me happy....most of the time.

Tried to answer the questions above......

Thanks for asking and feel free to follow up. I'll add more details for sure if desired, I just feel like their is so much at times.
I agree 100% I refuse to get burned out like a lot of the Senior engineers its just not for me.
Goal is to get a high salary and still maintain a happy life.

How did that work out for you switching jobs every 1.5-2 years. My Dad always says you should stay with a company for atleast 3 years because managers don't like seeing a resume of someone who jumps around a lot, I don't agree. I believe that 2 years is my max I can spend doing 1 job, which I just hit.

I never had an issue during interviews/applications/hirings/etc. I even took numerous months off to do random things and would come back to work immediately if desired. The DMV NCR Metro Area is filled with salivating Contracting Companies and Agencies needing workers. If you are good, word travels fast and people with poach you. I've never been bored in my life as there is so much to do, but when I start to feel complacent with a job/relationship/situation....I know it is time for me to go as I have exhausted all of my outputs and given my all. Once I feel that...If I stay, it will just end badly or in a blaze of glory.
That's the old mindset, I was told the same thing. All of my jobs have been low paying and I tend to let my work speak so I end up like what JS34 said, I would get the extra work the lazy ppl didn't do. Companies don't value u anymore so as soon as I get bored, don't get challenged, feel like I'm bein taken advantage of, I look to move on.
Yeah man and as a developer its like once you learn the system and figure out what everyone on your team is doing you become uninterested.

My technical manager has been on the program since the beginning 12 years ago.
My lead engineer says he will retire on this program, my technical manager says the same.

I just don't see how they do it. I swear as soon as I get cleared I'm bouncing.
Hell if this overseas position comes through dam the clearance I'm out.

Both of you have the right mindset. Don't listen to others or doubters. I've learned that some people will give you bad advice/talk you down as they see you being successful/happy/making moves and they are too scared to get out there and do it or maybe they have anchors like a wife/kids/loans/fear. Don't let anyone tell you that you cannot do things or shouldn't. It's your life. Do what makes you happy knowing you can always recover and bounce back. If you are a hustler/grinder/go-getter....you will be fine no matter what in this realm.
I'm leaving the federal government to start my own business soon (after I get my PMP) but still follow this thread in case I can ever help anyone out. Just popping in to vouch for jesusshuttlesworth34 jesusshuttlesworth34 . Met him four years ago when I first moved to the area and just got the chance to kick it with him for a day this past weekend. He's a good guy just being himself and helping others on and off NT :nthat: Definitely a character but he knows this :lol: Now if I can only get him to stop mentioning "Niketalk" around my girl :smh: :lol:
I'm leaving the federal government to start my own business soon (after I get my PMP) but still follow this thread in case I can ever help anyone out. Just popping in to vouch for jesusshuttlesworth34 jesusshuttlesworth34 . Met him four years ago when I first moved to the area and just got the chance to kick it with him for a day this past weekend. He's a good guy just being himself and helping others on and off NT :nthat: Definitely a character but he knows this :lol: Now if I can only get him to stop mentioning "Niketalk" around my girl :smh: :lol:

:lol: What can I say....never been good at acting! I'm a terrible liar/poker bluffer, but will eradicate that word, or try, out of my vocabulary...lol. "The Group Chat" it is! :smokin
I'm leaving the federal government to start my own business soon (after I get my PMP) but still follow this thread in case I can ever help anyone out. Just popping in to vouch for jesusshuttlesworth34 jesusshuttlesworth34 . Met him four years ago when I first moved to the area and just got the chance to kick it with him for a day this past weekend. He's a good guy just being himself and helping others on and off NT :nthat: Definitely a character but he knows this :lol: Now if I can only get him to stop mentioning "Niketalk" around my girl :smh: :lol:

If you need a another PM holla at me :lol: Think I'm gon take the leap and sit for the CAPM this summer
This thread is just what I need right now. I'm working a job that I'm starting to hate for numerous reasons and this is helping me get on the grind. Hard work pays off and I need to get to it. I was always curious about this field but never knew where to start. I wish I was hip to this when I got out of high school. A brother just needed a little guidance lol I appreciate all the info in this thread for sure
jesusshuttlesworth34 jesusshuttlesworth34

I really appreciate you sharing some of your stories and life lessons with us. Your pay it forward mantra is very awesome as well. You seem like a great role model and its a god send to have a person share their advice based on the ups and downs in their own world.
Thanks for the advice @JesusShuttlesworth34 .

I just applied to another Middle East position today, will have to see what happens.

Engineering level 2 positions rarely come up on our internal site, so I apply to all of them even if I'm not qualified lol.

It's a numbers game. One manager has me up next on his list for deployment, so I'm just going to take whatever comes first.
jesusshuttlesworth34 jesusshuttlesworth34

I really appreciate you sharing some of your stories and life lessons with us. Your pay it forward mantra is very awesome as well. You seem like a great role model and its a god send to have a person share their advice based on the ups and downs in their own world.

Appreciate the kind words. I don't sit up on a throne dispensing information and advice...All I can do is share my experiences, what I've done and/or what I would do, maybe it pertains to someone on an individual...maybe it doesn't.

I would just say that in life, more often than not, there is someone going through or that has gone through something similar and that you don't have to experience everything yourself in order to learn from it and move forward.

OBSERVATION is a great teacher.
Thanks for the advice @JesusShuttlesworth34

I just applied to another Middle East position today, will have to see what happens.
Engineering level 2 positions rarely come up on our internal site, so I apply to all of them even if I'm not qualified lol.

It's a numbers game. One manager has me up next on his list for deployment, so I'm just going to take whatever comes first.

Exactly. I tell people not to get too attached to one specific posting or job, but rather spray it out there like a shotgun blast or a crab net/cage. The more you apply, to more postings, eventually something will stick and the hard work and effort will have paid off. Once you get one, they start to flow. Good luck.
This thread is just what I need right now. I'm working a job that I'm starting to hate for numerous reasons and this is helping me get on the grind. Hard work pays off and I need to get to it. I was always curious about this field but never knew where to start. I wish I was hip to this when I got out of high school. A brother just needed a little guidance lol I appreciate all the info in this thread for sure

Good to hear, feel free to check in periodically or provide updates with questions. People are more apt to help those who are trying to help themselves. You would be surprised how far a good personality and quality interpersonal skills can take a person. I've seen Directors that are definitely not qualified on paper for their respective positions, but people like them....they can be trusted and the know when to speak/when to be quiet and stand to the side. That will take a person far in the Federal space.

Make money...not enemies. Know the difference between facts, opinions and logic/emotion.

I've stood up for certain things (inequality, race, discrimination) and fallen on that sword at a couple agencies...but I know how/what the outcome would be before I gave a blazing speech or called out a superior officer during a brief or balled too hard on the work league basketball team.

*Be weary of Agency Sports teams....I've had superiors get salty about baseball/basketball games because they are old/suck or both. Once you get on someone's radar/hit list....that bullseye follows you no matter how irrational or unfounded it may be. Be prepared.
Exactly. I tell people not to get too attached to one specific posting or job, but rather spray it out there like a shotgun blast or a crab net/cage. The more you apply, to more postings, eventually something will stick and the hard work and effort will have paid off. Once you get one, they start to flow. Good luck.

never try to stay in one spot to long.. I'm always looking for something better.

never try to stay in one spot to long.. I'm always looking for something better.

True...can't hurt to always keep your options open and be flexible. That will get you positions and consideration over the older guy locked down to a mortgage, wife and kids he hates raising.
Going through old file boxes today...found some good materials for CERTS and other federal org charts/guidelines/books for those interested.
Yeah send them this way.

Maybe I can make some copies and send them off to others that's interested depending on the binding
Sounds good. I'll finish going through things by New Years and get everything organized. I'll start posting jobs/requsitions I think are good entry level ones as well. I'll even apply to some to see if anything has changed since DHS/TSA provided me my last Federal Job Offer and processed my Clearance in 2014/2015.
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