If You Are Looking for/Interested In Working With The Federal Government...Come In. Positions Availa

subscribed, refining my resume in the coming days and I'll send it your way..

Coming from MI, Battle Creek is buttcheeks.. I'd take the money 75% travel time and have a friend grow trees back at my crib to pull in extra income.
Sign of the Whale
that place is GW frat star central
but they have decent drink specials, especially if someone wins a happy hour...

now i will never step foot in McFaddens again tho...
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I'll be working in Foggy Bottom area of DC soon, but being born in DC, I understand the complaints. Gentrification has really changed it though, so some of these complaints seem way outdated.
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JesusShuttlesworth34, I sent you a PM.  When you get a chance can you take a look at it.  Thanks.
I Always Meet The Weirdest Girls At Sign Of The Whale :rollin

Love That Side Of Town On A Friday/Saturday Night For A Few Drinks :hat
Been to McFadden's a few time. Had the $20 open bar, so was just moving between bars grabbing drinks every 2 minute to give to people
Definitely will send you an PM when I get home. Currently working for the Government in Desktop Support but as a contractor. Would like to get in the Government...
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I had a longer weekend than anticipated with my mother having surgery and attending Barrister's Ball in DC on Saturday. I didn't get home until 9 pm on Sunday, but I've tried to at least respond to most PMs/Emails confirming receipt.

I hope to provide more detailed/personalized responses to all inquiries. I'll try my best to knock a few out at work here today and provide timely responses as more keep coming in.

I haven't forgotten about anyone.
are there any summer internship positions available?

I'm a junior going into my senior year this fall.

any help is appreciated
are there any summer internship positions available?

I'm a junior going into my senior year this fall.

any help is appreciated


"Hiring Authorities Students & Recent Graduates

Summer Hiring

The Student Educational Employment Program provides Federal employment opportunities to students who are enrolled or accepted for enrollment as degree seeking students taking at least a half-time academic, technical, or vocational course load in an accredited high school, technical, vocational, 2 or 4 year college or university, graduate or professional school. The Student Educational Employment Program established December 16, 1994, is a streamlined program which replaces the old Federal Student Employment Program by consolidating four programs:

Cooperative Education Program
Federal Junior Fellowship Program
Stay-In-School Program
Harry S. Truman Scholarship Program

This new, streamlined program is comprised of two components: the Student Temporary Employment Program (STEP), and the Student Career Experience Program (SCEP). The STEP provides maximum flexibility to both students and managers because the nature of the work does not have to be related to the student's academic or career goals. The SCEP, however, provides work experience which is directly related to the student's academic program and career goals. Students in the SCEP may be noncompetitively converted to term, career or career-conditional appointments following completion of their academic and work experience requirements.

The Student Educational Employment Program benefits both agencies and students. Agencies can discover first-hand the abilities of a potential employee. In the case of SCEP, agencies can bring well educated graduates into their workforce while at the same time give their managers the ability to evaluate the student's performance in real work situations. Students, on the other hand, can avail themselves of such flexibilities as year round employment and flexible work schedules and assignments. Students in the SCEP gain exposure to public service while enhancing their educational goals and shaping their career choices.

We encourage agencies to utilize the Student Educational Employment Program authority for several reasons. Even in an era of downsizing, there is a continuing need to recruit and develop talented employees to support changing agency missions, ensure that the Government can meet its professional, technical, and administrative needs, and achieve a quality and diverse workforce. Appointments made under the Student Educational Employment Program authority can help agencies meet these needs.
Hiring During Traditional Summer Months

The Office of Personnel Management has eliminated language in title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, that placed certain restrictions on agency hiring during the traditional summer months. These changes (62 FR 19899) became effective April 24, 1997. This means that agencies wishing to hire individuals on a temporary basis during the traditional summer months should use competitive temporary appointments or excepted student temporary appointments. In addition, other excepted appointments (e.g., the appointment of individuals with mental or physical disabilities) may be used as appropriate. Agencies are encouraged to review the following provisions:

Written test requirements are waived for competitive temporary appointments that do not exceed 120 days (including extensions).
Agencies may non-competitively appoint previous summer hires in accordance with 5 CFR 316.402. [This provision is similar to the old "summer rehire" provision]. However, agencies must adhere to the requirements of the Career Transition Assistance and Interagency Career Transition Assistance Programs concerning competitive temporary appointments.
Agencies filling time-limited jobs competitively must conduct open recruitment. They must enter their job summaries and full text vacancy announcements into OPM's Federal Jobs Database for delivery through the Governmentwide Automated Employment Information System.

Agencies recruiting under the Student Educational Employment Program are strongly encouraged to enter their vacancies into the database. The Governmentwide Automated Employment Information System is readily accessible to the academic community via the world wide web, computer bulletin boards, and telephone. This information system contains specific searches for jobs being filled during the summer months. It is an effective and cost efficient way to reach high quality candidates worldwide.

In making these competitive or excepted appointments, just as with other appointments, the rules on veterans' preference, nepotism, and priority referral of displaced Federal employees apply.

Also, agencies must use the appropriate coding instructions contained in the Guide to Processing Personnel Actions"
Good entry level GS-7 position as a Contract Specialist with Veteran Affairs (VA) for former Veterans or former/current Federal employees looking to get into the 1102 series field:

Veteran Affairs Intern Program:


DCMA Keystone Program (Intern Program) GS-07 Contract Administrator position:


DCMA has these positions all over the USA and it is a great way to get into Federal Service fresh out of school. You'll be a GS-12 in less than 4 years. Not many jobs/fields will guarantee you $80K+ 4 years out of school.
im in the dc area and i have been trying to get a government internship. do you have any tips on what i should be doing to better my chances? any help would be appreciated

DLA Intern Program, DCMA Keystone Program, GSA has a good one. I am not going to lie to you. I was one of 2 out of 900 folks that applied back in 2009 that was selected for the DLA Intern Program. The other "selectees" all had family working at DLA or had prior DLA experience. The Federal Sector is a game of who you know and networking most of the times. Veterans get a crucial preference and a lot of vacancies on USA Jobs are just a formality in the "hiring process" to show/justify that the position was competed for before a candidate was selected.


definitely the way to go. get into a (as stated) DLA internshiip, or in my case Dept of the Army internship program.

OP how did your program work? what are you currently (gs) ?

Mine was a 7-9-11 program.

I work for TACOM-Warren.

link to mmy program, you just gotta check (every few days) to see when they have an opening.

I wont front, you gotta stand out somehow, cant remember our numbers but I believe it was in the 1000+ neighborhood.

anyway, Link

The DLA Intern Program I participated in required folks to obtain a secret clearance and commit to three years of service after completing the two year intern program. It was a 7/9/11 program that allowed you to compete for a GS-12 after completing the two year Intern Program and obtaining your DAWIA Level I and Level II certifications.

Halfway through my program I was already applying for other jobs and had one lined up at SPAWAR in San Diego, but I was contractually bound to my program or else I stood to get sued or forced to pay back $90,000 (or whatever amount they deemed sufficient) worth of Government DOD training as the agency wants to get value out of resources they invest heavily in. I was able to negotiate a deal win which I walked away owing nothing and was free to pursue other opportunities.

I am not a GS employee currently....even though I would be equivalent to a 12/13 if I chose to leap back over again. I prefer the freedom/creativity of the contractor side of things and I took all of my knowledge of how things work and get paid more in the private sector for sharing/working with that intel.
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O ok, so essentially the same thing.Except we arent as "Bound" as you all appeared to be.
JesusShuttlesworth34, sent you a PM.

Got it.

I've gotten a chance to get to some of the resumes today and have been reviewing and forwarding some to HR for a second look.

I have seen those who have applied to positions as well and our HR/Lead Recruiter has been going through the submissions.
I'll try to send you my resume tonight. Just started this job 1.5 months ago and haven't gotten the chance to update it yet
I've been a federal employee for the Department of Defense doing Acquisition/Procurement as a Contract Specialist. I switched over to become a contractor about a year and a half ago...and I took all of my federal knowledge and skills with me. I am now a Program Manager working with some of the same Government Agencies I used to work for (DLA, WHS, etc).

I have been winning quite a few Proposals/Task Orders/Awards lately and will be posting positions that I need to fill/backfill etc.

So far the primary places of performance are: DC North Capital Region, Northern VA, Maryland, Philadelphia, Columbus, OH, and Battlecreek, MI.

Some of the agencies I have work with are: DLA, WHS, DMDC, FDA, Department of Education, OCC, amongst others.

I'll post requirements to see if any folks on here are interested and qualified. Feel free to refer resumes and submit yourself.

The first requirement is:

Place of Performance: Battle Creek, MI

Agency: DLA DLIS

Position: PCOLS Help Desk Tier II

These positions are more data entry and correspondence than actual IA/IT Help Desk support.

Must be able to obtain/maintain an IT-II clearance.

Salary: $40,000 - $45,000 (equates to $65,000 or so in the DC Metro area).

PM or email me.


Do you know anything in the Nashville, TN area?? I'm an Accounting/Finance Major
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