If you could have dinner with 3 people, past or present...

Jul 21, 2008
...who would they be, and why?


1. Jimi Hendrix - I'd just want to talk to him about music and hear his philosophies on life. He was such a free and peacefulsoul that I think it would be a joy to be in his company.
2. Albert Einstein - The greatness of this man's mind was/is unparralleled by any other human that's ever lived so I'dlove to conversate with him on how he sees the world.
3. Tim Commerford (bassist from Rage Against the Machine) - He is the reason I started playing bass guitar so getting to know hisinfluences and how he approaches writing music would be an amazing thing for me.

Post yours.

- Tical.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Martin Luther King Jr - I really want to know why he had so much drive when he knew they were gunningfor him. I'd also like to know if he feels as though his death came at a good price and would he approve of the way our society is ran today.

Barack Obama - I'd love to hear this man's motivation to break the glass ceiling into the White House and how he managed to unite so many people underhis campaign.

Albert Einstein - One of the greatest minds ever, probably THE greatest. I would really like to pick his brain, just random thoughts he had because I tend tothink outside the box as well and like him, I'm not great at everything in the beginning.
  1. Jack Kirby - Good or bad the last 40 years of comics have been shaped by this man, he's helped shaped my imagination and the way I view the world. Also I'm gonna need someone pretty normal with:
  2. Alasteir Crowley - Insane, insane, insane...but he probably tapped into some of the more invisible mechanisms of this universe and I'd love to hear what he'd have to say.
  3. Nikola Tesla - This man was more right about the development of science and technology than anyone else; the world's last great technogenius.
Spike Lee-probably my biggest inspiration outside of my parents

Kanye West-most influential person in music today

Skateboard P-musical genius/fashion icon

why you gotta make it 3 though??? Can't it be 5??

Bill Gates
Thomas Edison
  1. My grandfather - He passed before I was born so what I know of him is from stories and pictures. Supposedly he was a well known artist (he was given the Key to the City by the SF mayor in the 60s) so I would love to be able to sit down with him and pick his brain about art from then and now, especially what he thinks of the stuff I do today.
  2. Marilyn Monroe - A timeless beauty. No matter how styles and looks change today, you can always go back and look at one of her photos and say, "damn, she was a dime." Plus, I would love to have a shot at taking her back to the crib.
  3. Nina Sky - Because they're twins, they're fine, they DJ, they write their own music, and one of them is a talented graff artist. Plus, I would love to have a shot at taking them back to the crib.
Barack Obama, - obvious reason, making history by becoming the first african american president.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - the greatest composer ever, it would be fun just to listen to him and see how a genius works.
Danny Boyle - I liked the style of his movies and all of them are interesting. Would be great to see how picks what he works on. A very diverse director. GOwatch slumdog millionare
Barack Obama, - obvious reason, making history by becoming the first african american president.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - the greatest composer ever, it would be fun just to listen to him and see how a genius works.
Danny Boyle - I liked the style of his movies and all of them are interesting. Would be great to see how picks what he works on. A very diverse director. GOwatch slumdog millionare
Rakim -
Biggie -
Tupac -

And listen to the freestyle battles over some cheese steaks!
Nikola Tesla-i wanna know whats good with the concept of 'free energy'. Screw Edison, Tesla was the father of modern electricity
President Bush-i just wanna know what the hell he was thinking. lol.
Warren Buffett-for obvious reasons
Hard choice
So here are different scenarios

If im trynna 'go out to dinner'
Andressa Soares
Renata Frison
Meagan Good

If i wanna talk Music


Foxy brown
(try and reunite the Firm

If i wanna get political
Martin Luther King
Barack Obama
Malcolm X

If im trynna get some laughs
Bernie Mac
Chris Rock
Dave Chappelle
Jesus @ the last supper dinner..looked like Thanksgiviving.
Mf doom his last album made me hungry.
1. Michael Jackson - Michael Jackson is my idol since I can remember. I have no words to describe this man.
2. John Legend - Great in my opinion the best R&B/Neo Soul artist alive. When I feel like #### John Legend music relieve me from the stress.
3. Wu-Tang Clan - (No description needed), but I will admit if I ever meet them face to face I will be scare as heck.
Past: My mother before she got addicted to heroine. I just wish I had a chance to meet mom as a regular person,and not mom as the drug addict.

Present: My best friend. Ilove her so much, it's not even funny. I'd love to cook dinner, watch TV, and do other regular things with her because she's so down to earth. Idon't feel like I have to do extravagant things to impress her...she loves me for who I am, faults and all.

Future: Jesus Christ. Yes, Ibelieve in Jesus. Sue me.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]My mom - I don't even remember what she looks like[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]My pops - Never really got achance to bond with him
(and I'll like to thank him for doing whathe did)[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Jiddu Krishnamurti - Great philosopher[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Damn...[/color]
People who play sports:
Allan Houston
Mike Piazza
Michael Jordan

Chris Rock
Barack Obama
Will Smith
1. Bill Hicks
2. Albert Einstein
3. Martin Scorsese
All 3 on top of my list of most influential people.
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