If you could move anywhere in the 48 states, sorry HI and AK, where?

N.O is the only place for me
Spoiler [+]
maybe San Antonio or Austin never been to either place though.
why are you excluding hawaii and alaska?
those are 2 of the most interesting places to live.
Brooklyn, NY - My bffs are there
Miami, FL - Got people there that could set me up if I could just get down there.
Originally Posted by shogun

why are you excluding hawaii and alaska?
those are 2 of the most interesting places to live.

Alaska is interesting in the way that it's so depressing , you can't understand why anyone would ever want to live there.

J/k i've never been but the This is Angoon video made it seem pretty depressing

No love for Boston? Or Massachusetts in general? You can smoke herb freely, best educational institutes in the country, and also some of the best medical facilities in the country.

Also only a 4 hour ride from the best city in the country, NYC.
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

well since Hawaii isn't included....i dunno to be honest

any other place in the US would be almost a downgrade for me

Spoiler [+]
see Diego's sig

Method Man removed my sig because apparently it was "causing trouble" on the boards.

But you know what it is.


I like how you asked for States, but then proceeded to name Cities 

But my choice would be Florida, New York, or... .. damn I don't know, Cali?
I don't think many states do it better than California....San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Orange County (Sacramento is the state's butthole though)

I just moved from California to North Carolina and all I can say is that it's different. You get a lot more for your money in North Carolina, but everything is so damn spread out and there are a lot of backwards people out here.

That and California drivers > North Carolina drivers. I haven't encountered more people that drive the speed limit in the fast lane and don't have any idea that there are a line of 25 cars behind them trying to get where they are going.
I recently moved out to Las Vegas, but I wouldn't mind going to somewhere in California .. or move back to Virginia. 757 !
Back to Seattle...

I'd also love to live in San Diego or the Bay Area. But, the housing prices.
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