If you could move anywhere in the 48 states, sorry HI and AK, where?

I love Seattle
 but if i had to go....

The Bay
So Cal
Originally Posted by dakid23

I love Seattle
 but if i had to go....

The Bay
So Cal
Why does anyone WANT to go to Portland? I'm always so curious to this when I see it.
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

well since Hawaii isn't included....i dunno to be honest

any other place in the US would be almost a downgrade for me

Spoiler [+]
see Diego's sig

Method Man removed my sig because apparently it was "causing trouble" on the boards.

But you know what it is.

People have trouble handling the truth.
When its 100 degrees in a typical city people freak out. When its 100 degrees in Tucson, its a normal summer day.
I would move to a cooler climate like Denver or Seattle
how many more pages does this have to go before the CA vs NY debate is OFFICIALLY deaded
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