If you could own your own business......

Graphic Design Firm
Architectural Firm
Menswear Boutique
Local Bar Owner
Tattoo Shop Owner

Just a few.
I'd prob say a super car Manufacturer, something that's out of reach. Being able to be around cars all day, and trying to perfect your car would be pretty dope.

Also I'd like to add some of these businesses are pretty realistic, what's stopping some of you from going out and creating these businesses?

the same thing that stops any of us from fulfilling our potential. lack of motivation/desire, fear of failure/competition, complacency, low resources, other priorities.
Not giving y'all the details, but I plan on revolutionizing the Fertilizer industry/business.

I'll grave dig this thread in 6 years to report my progress.

from my good friend dallas penn:

First thing I’d do is become the CEO of a prison corporation. Prison corporations are contractors of the federal government. That is good money right there. The federal government bailed out Wall Street and the U.S. automakers to the tune of many billions of dollars. If the Fed can’t pay for it then it can’t be bought.

With the profits from my prisons due to the high levels of incarceration for **** like traffic tickets and throwing cigarette butts on the sidewalk I’d start an entertainment company with music, video and print outlets. My artists would be former and future inmates who would help me maintain and increase my prison occupancy levels.

Of course I’d give each entity a separate and distinct name, so this way you folks wouldn’t realize they were all guided by the same board of directors. Do you know how much money I’d make just from Black and brown people in America alone? Oh yeah, I’d scoop up some white folks too.

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always wanted to own a restaurant/bar
would like to start my own tech company and develop some next level stuff
there's a beverage venture me and a friend want to do
1) Sports Rehabilitation center. Whether it's just preventing injuries, helping athletes recover from small injuries, or helping them learn to walk again. Hate seeing a lot of former athletes 33 but feel like they're 60.

2) Radio station. I'm just disgusted that as of now, every radio station across the US is owned by the same small number of companies. So whatever is being played in Houston, is the same as Atlanta, Memphis, LA, St Louis, Florida, Mississippi, Arkansas, etc. I know broadcast FM radio is nearly obsolete, but it's just something I've been interested in for a long time.
record store

small live music venue

ambient lounge/bar

edit: radio station would be cool too
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Fear of failure is a common excuse but a terrible one at that. Unless someone is relying on you financially, there is no excuse outside of money, and even then if you are willing to give up equity and your business model has a good ROI, money can be found so long as you know where to look and who to ask.

If you want something bad enough, you will find a way.

well, I'll be honest, it looks like i don't want it bad enough so that's why I'm still working where I'm at and not opening up my own business . . . :tongue:
If you're really thinking about opening up a business I suggest you don't tell anyone because someone else might take it. Just saying...
I have a few in mind, one of them will come to life once I graduate.

Exactly why I won't speak on one of my ideas as it's currently in incubation, while sourcing funding and signing the right agreements.

However, I do have intentions of opening a property development firm over the years, ideally focusing on developing countries in West and East Africa, Mozambique and Namibia (those countries are either already growing, or are about to drastically grow over the next few years).
If anyone is in LA and wants to bounce some ideas, feel free to PM me. And yes, you can be as secretive as you like. I just like discussing the science of entrepreneurship in general.
My business approach is a bit... unorthodox if you will.

On top of that, I'm more so a freelancer/consultant these days. However I do have a new business I just found a niche for. Working out the kinks before really putting it out there. Also trying to find start up money ( a la kickstart etc.)
PC repair/Sales shop.
Already have an ebay store and and ads on craigslist, and a few dozen customers.

Waiting for the perfect spot and I'll never work a day in my life again! :smokin
from my good friend dallas penn:

First thing I’d do is become the CEO of a prison corporation. Prison corporations are contractors of the federal government. That is good money right there. The federal government bailed out Wall Street and the U.S. automakers to the tune of many billions of dollars. If the Fed can’t pay for it then it can’t be bought.

With the profits from my prisons due to the high levels of incarceration for **** like traffic tickets and throwing cigarette butts on the sidewalk I’d start an entertainment company with music, video and print outlets. My artists would be former and future inmates who would help me maintain and increase my prison occupancy levels.

Of course I’d give each entity a separate and distinct name, so this way you folks wouldn’t realize they were all guided by the same board of directors. Do you know how much money I’d make just from Black and brown people in America alone? Oh yeah, I’d scoop up some white folks too.

i actually own a shoe boutique. but imo i think a business that offer labor. is the better option
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