If You Could Start Your Life From Scratch, What Would You Change?

I would've taken school more seriously the beginning of high school. I'm probably going to be going to community college next year
As a child, I took reading for granted and little did I know, it correlated to writing. My English reading comprehension skills is lacking and my writing isterrible. If I could go back in time, I would actually crack open a book and read. Reading is really important and it greatly effects the way I write. Themajority of my essays are usually underdeveloped, lack focus and clarity. Bottom line, do well in school.
everything happens for a reason i agree its just stuff i learned from..junior year i regret messing up big time. should've just been more focused oncollege then a guy.
Originally Posted by eghckk

Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

I would do my best at everything, and not just coast along.
I'm trying to learn from my mistakes and start doing that now but I wish I had done that when I had the chance to in the past so much would be different for me now.
Basically, because I'm doing stuff like promising myself that I'll get a 3.5 this semester at the minimum.
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