If you could walk in God or Satan's shoes, which would you lace up?

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by Fox5Kobe

okay so where are the other generations that don't believe in GOD? where are they?!? because you haven't seen them in how long? there's always gonna be two sides to a story. for example, I fell in the trash yesterday which the body was in the trash but the reason why i fell in the trash was unknown. two sides to a story.

is there anyway you can back up your "Decision" of GOD not existing?
I can't prove that god doesn't exist.
The same way that I can't prove that the earth isn't flat and lies on the back of a turtle


The fact remains, if you make a claim, then prove it. 

The burden of proof for making a statement relies on YOU. 

If I say that you are guilty of a crime I must PROVE it beyond a shadow of a doubt. 

No one disproves things. You can't prove a negative. Its impossible. 

When we say "disprove" things we actually offer evidence that supports other conclusions MORE THAN the previous conclusion. 

If I present evidence that the earth orbits the sun, then I didn't disprove that the sun revolves around the earth, I merely suggested more evidence that leads to a conclusion that is more in line with the evidence that the earth orbits the sun. 

I simply don't believe in god. I don't know that a god exists or not. I do not claim that there is no god.

I simply say that if there is a god, based on the evidence that is currently available, I do not believe in that god. 

okay so based on the current evidence you don't believe in a god. so who or what do you believe in? to make where you are in life you must have cheated or lemme guess you know somebody?
Originally Posted by Fox5Kobe

okay so based on the current evidence you don't believe in a god. so who or what do you believe in? to make where you are in life you must have cheated or lemme guess you know somebody?

I don't believe in a god. Thats just it. Being an atheist answers ONE question: "Do you believe in a god or not?"

Atheism is not a world view. It is not a set of principles. It is not a religion. It is not a club. It is not an organization. It is simply the LACK of belief in a deity of any sort. 

Being an atheist doesn't make you gay/straight, democrat/republican, liberal/conservative, pro-gun rights/anti gun rights, pro/anti-abortion, socialist/capitalist

It doesn't tell you how to live your life. It doesn't tell you what decisions to make or what stances to have or how culture should influence you. 

If you want to know my world view then I would consider myself a secular humanist. In other words, I try to be as empathetic to the needs of others as much as I can be and to progress society in all aspects. 

I don't have to believe in anything. Thats the point. 

I treat others how I want to be treated and I try to be treated. 

I think our morals in western society have evolved over time to incorporate other minorities and should seek to treat everyone with equality. Morality and altruism are things that are learned and evolve over time in social socities. We see this not only in humans but in almost all other social animals. 

You don't need a god to know how to live your life. 

And what are you talking about "cheating" or how I got ahead? What do you mean? The only thing I draw up on in hard times, unlike imaginary prayer, is telling myself that i'm the only one responsible for my successes and failures at all times and I do everything I know how to do in my power to get what I want in life. 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by Fox5Kobe

okay so based on the current evidence you don't believe in a god. so who or what do you believe in? to make where you are in life you must have cheated or lemme guess you know somebody?

I don't believe in a god. Thats just it. Being an atheist answers ONE question: "Do you believe in a god or not?"

Atheism is not a world view. It is not a set of principles. It is not a religion. It is not a club. It is not an organization. It is simply the LACK of belief in a deity of any sort. 

Being an atheist doesn't make you gay/straight, democrat/republican, liberal/conservative, pro-gun rights/anti gun rights, pro/anti-abortion, socialist/capitalist

It doesn't tell you how to live your life. It doesn't tell you what decisions to make or what stances to have or how culture should influence you. 

If you want to know my world view then I would consider myself a secular humanist. In other words, I try to be as empathetic to the needs of others as much as I can be and to progress society in all aspects. 

I don't have to believe in anything. Thats the point. 

I treat others how I want to be treated and I try to be treated. 

I think our morals in western society have evolved over time to incorporate other minorities and should seek to treat everyone with equality. Morality and altruism are things that are learned and evolve over time in social socities. We see this not only in humans but in almost all other social animals. 

You don't need a god to know how to live your life. 

And what are you talking about "cheating" or how I got ahead? What do you mean? The only thing I draw up on in hard times, unlike imaginary prayer, is telling myself that i'm the only one responsible for my successes and failures at all times and I do everything I know how to do in my power to get what I want in life. 

i guess your winning this topic. im outta steam. before i leave this thread. this world is too big to not have any belief in something.
I'd be God. I would destroy the entire Earth and make a deal with Satan to create a new world. He controls one side and I have mine. If he was to ever get out of control and try to takeover my side it would all be destroyed and we both die.
Originally Posted by Fox5Kobe

okay so where are the other generations that don't believe in GOD? where are they?!? because you haven't seen them in how long? there's always gonna be two sides to a story. for example, I fell in the trash yesterday which the body was in the trash but the reason why i fell in the trash was unknown. two sides to a story.

is there anyway you can back up your "Decision" of GOD not existing?

Homie, you have some nerve questioning my last statement after posting this one..
Who ever is in control of this world (is my answer)...........satn rules this world (is what I believe). Killings rapists murderers etc, whose world is it really, god or satan?
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Again, your omniscient/present/potent god either knows what will happen, or does not; is everywhere, or is not; or can do everything, or can not.

If there is one thing you can't do, then you are not omnipotent.

If there is one thing you can't know, then you are not omniscient

If there is one place you can't be, then you are not omnipresent.

The god of the bible either knew lucifer would do BEFORE lucifer did it or it did not know. 

If it did know know then it is not omniscient. Period.

Either we have free will, or we don't. 

Either it was apart of the plan to have lucifer become the character he is seen as or he didn't. 

On top of that, talking about "man is made from dirt" and "lucifer was made of fire" is nonsense to me. You're talking like this is a game of Roshambo (Rock, Paper, Scissors) 

If you recall correctly, according to christian MYTHOLOGY, the "god" character cast the "lucifer" character out of "heaven" because the "lucifer" figure stood up to the "god" character's atrocities. 

On top of all of that, how does an omnipresent/scient/potent god fight for the "love" (or whatever nebulous terminology you're trying to ascribe here) of something that "god" created and supposedly knows everything about??? 
trust me i kno the definitions of the words i use, and i definitely do recall correctly, God casts Lucifer out of heaven because of his pride, Lucifer didnt stand up to any of God's actions but to the requirement that the angels had to love humans, he wouldnt stand for it and got bounced for it, and if you're seriously asking ME to explain GODS thoughts/reasoning for making decisions, im sorry but i couldnt fathom y he created everything if he knew before conception that everything wouldnt be utopian, maybe he wants it that way, and since he chooses not to act but just watch, i think that would make him a true God, void of emotion, the very definition of indifference

Lucifer being cast out is a Christian apocryphal story, not found in the Bible. In the OT he serves as a tempter for God, testing humans.

You're defending them aren't you? 

On top of that, why are you speaking on god's behalf then? 

You can't fathom why god does something yet you choose to defend it. See how little sense that makes? 

You're defending an entity that cant even control what it created and knew what the same entity would do? 

So god likes starving families and raped kids at penn state? 

So god likes to sit around and watch while other suffer but people thank god for finding a parking spot in a crowded mall? 

If this makes you a true god then why pray to god in the first place? If god isn't going to intervene and already knows what will happen then why do you think asking it for help will change its mind? 

You can't say god is indifferent and void of emotion if the entire god of the bible is: Jealous, Angry, Happy, Sad, Fearful, etc...

You can tell its a story written by humans because the very emotions of the god are too human like. 

come on man, ur not puttin me up on any of that, i kno thats not a Christian story, the Chrisitan Bible never mentions a Lucifer, the very fact that i referenced that story shouldve told u i read outside of the Christian Bible, not to mention, im not defending anyone and im definitely not speaking on God's behalf, u never directed a question to God itself so anything u say is totally open for discussion, and i cant fathom the universe but i can tell u its more vast than your or my comprehension of it, did u just say im defending God who cant control his creation and what God would do? explain because that question cant be real, God gave us free will to choose between good and bad, of course it knew people would choose bad and there would be casualties, which is y he later gives them dwelling in his eternal house after they pass, and im probably telling too much but i struggle with the concept of prayer also, you're not supposed to ask for anything, its conversation with God, maybe you get an answer maybe you dont, and clearly the Bible was written by humans, the main reason y i never quote scripture is because the Catholic Church has done far too bad in the name of God
Originally Posted by slickp42189

come on man, ur not puttin me up on any of that, i kno thats not a Christian story, the Chrisitan Bible never mentions a Lucifer, the very fact that i referenced that story shouldve told u i read outside of the Christian Bible, not to mention, im not defending anyone and im definitely not speaking on God's behalf, u never directed a question to God itself so anything u say is totally open for discussion,

Nice back-track. 
You are a christian despite your attempts to say "I read outside the christian bible"....yeah right.

What does that mean? You identify a god and a devil in christian terms. That makes you a christian. 

 and i cant fathom the universe but i can tell u its more vast than your or my comprehension of it,

I understand how big the universe is and how much bigger it gets when we look at it, but that doesn't answer the question in relation to your "god."
did u just say im defending God who cant control his creation and what God would do?
You are.
If god created the devil and all other creatures and knows everything about them and what they think then god clearly knew what would happen before those creations did ANYTHING then god is just screwing with everyone.

In that case god created atheists, homosexuals, those with birth defects, drug addicts, killers, thieves, rapists, liars, cheaters, and all of the other characteristics that we consider attributable to humans. 

explain because that question cant be real, God gave us free will to choose between good and bad,

If god gave you free will then it can't punish you for doing the opposite of what it wants.
Its not an equal choice if you get killed, harmed, etc. for choosing another option.

of course it knew people would choose bad and there would be casualties,

If god knew people would do bad things then why does god punish bad people?

That makes no sense.

On top of that, why pray to god if bad things are going to happen to you?

God planned for that to happen so to ask for it to be changed is like asking things to change in only YOUR favor...what about the plan god made for people to do bad things? 

You can't just think about things from only one side.

which is y he later gives them dwelling in his eternal house after they pass

Eternal house?

Sounds awesome right. The promise of an afterlife. The need to want to live forever. Why? Do you feel like you'll leave the party too soon before everyone else does? 

Wanting something doesn't make it more reasonable or probable. 

I want to be 6' 2"...but thats not going to happen, is it? 
and im probably telling too much but i struggle with the concept of prayer also, you're not supposed to ask for anything, its conversation with God, maybe you get an answer maybe you dont,

You struggle with the concept of prayer?  Well no duh.

If you get an answer some of the time, how do you really know its a god answering you and not your own initiative to make a desired outcome take place?

Thats right. You don't.

On top of that, why pray in the first place? God already planned for all people to be what they are, right? So do you think you could really change the mind of an all-knowing being in YOUR favor and take away from the planned path of another person?

Or do you only thing about things from your mentality?
and clearly the Bible was written by humans, the main reason y i never quote scripture is because the Catholic Church has done far too bad in the name of God 

The bible was written by humans but yet you still follow the things in the bible.

This is what we call circular reasoning. Its a logical fallacy.


You see the problem here?
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by slickp42189

come on man, ur not puttin me up on any of that, i kno thats not a Christian story, the Chrisitan Bible never mentions a Lucifer, the very fact that i referenced that story shouldve told u i read outside of the Christian Bible, not to mention, im not defending anyone and im definitely not speaking on God's behalf, u never directed a question to God itself so anything u say is totally open for discussion,
Nice back-track. 
You are a christian despite your attempts to say "I read outside the christian bible"....yeah right.

What does that mean? You identify a god and a devil in christian terms. That makes you a christian. 

 and i cant fathom the universe but i can tell u its more vast than your or my comprehension of it,

I understand how big the universe is and how much bigger it gets when we look at it, but that doesn't answer the question in relation to your "god."
did u just say im defending God who cant control his creation and what God would do?
You are.
If god created the devil and all other creatures and knows everything about them and what they think then god clearly knew what would happen before those creations did ANYTHING then god is just screwing with everyone.

In that case god created atheists, homosexuals, those with birth defects, drug addicts, killers, thieves, rapists, liars, cheaters, and all of the other characteristics that we consider attributable to humans. 

explain because that question cant be real, God gave us free will to choose between good and bad,

If god gave you free will then it can't punish you for doing the opposite of what it wants.
Its not an equal choice if you get killed, harmed, etc. for choosing another option.

of course it knew people would choose bad and there would be casualties,

If god knew people would do bad things then why does god punish bad people?

That makes no sense.

On top of that, why pray to god if bad things are going to happen to you?

God planned for that to happen so to ask for it to be changed is like asking things to change in only YOUR favor...what about the plan god made for people to do bad things? 

You can't just think about things from only one side.

which is y he later gives them dwelling in his eternal house after they pass

Eternal house?

Sounds awesome right. The promise of an afterlife. The need to want to live forever. Why? Do you feel like you'll leave the party too soon before everyone else does? 

Wanting something doesn't make it more reasonable or probable. 

I want to be 6' 2"...but thats not going to happen, is it? 
and im probably telling too much but i struggle with the concept of prayer also, you're not supposed to ask for anything, its conversation with God, maybe you get an answer maybe you dont,

You struggle with the concept of prayer?  Well no duh.

If you get an answer some of the time, how do you really know its a god answering you and not your own initiative to make a desired outcome take place?

Thats right. You don't.

On top of that, why pray in the first place? God already planned for all people to be what they are, right? So do you think you could really change the mind of an all-knowing being in YOUR favor and take away from the planned path of another person?

Or do you only thing about things from your mentality?
and clearly the Bible was written by humans, the main reason y i never quote scripture is because the Catholic Church has done far too bad in the name of God 

The bible was written by humans but yet you still follow the things in the bible.

This is what we call circular reasoning. Its a logical fallacy.


You see the problem here?

now i see y everyone tried to steer clear of you, i initially thought it was because you post novels in your response, which i have no problem with, its because you totally misinterpret a valid argument, u carry on wat could be an intellectual discussion by reading wat isnt there, i purposefully chose my words correctly and u still pull bs out of nowhere, how did i backtrack? thats crazy, since im a christian i cant read other religious texts? you r ridiculous, the whole universe statement was just a comparison of ignorance that i tried to use in hopes of explaining how i can believe in something without totally understanding it but gosh darn it you cant connect the dots, yes he did create all of that and with those birth defects and all of those other "terrible" things comes more knowledge/understanding of life, that whole choice explanation of yours made no sense, and the whole punishment thing is called morals dude, would u be ok if your kid was hurting itself? he punishes bad people because he has already told u wats good and bad and that he would punish you for being bad so u chose the punishment, God just set down the rules, the whole afterlife depends on whoever u r, i can tell u there is no want for me to live forever, its just a part of my religions faith, i already answered all of those questions about prayer so read your question then look at my answer, answered, an i clearly dont follow the teachings to a T, i wouldnt have done half of the things ive done in my life if i was a Bible thumper

in the end, all I tried to do was answer your questions in the form of a discussion, half of your response is you telling me what i believe in and what ive done, like telling me ive never read any scripture outside of the Bible and the fact that youve totally fabricated some kind of Bible thumping, blind follower mentality that i clearly exude just because i identify with a religious group, it would be cool if u didnt tell me who i am and wat i believe in especially since u dont kno my first name. . . . .
@ GOD loves us all and yet at the same time is void of emotion and indifferent.
Lmao. Thread got me rolling. Knew it was about to get crazy once I saw sillyputty post. Glad you brought good info to the argument instead of your usual points targeted. Simply, people need to know that everything isnt what it seems. I suggest people look into dominionism which is a movement gaining a lot of political momentum. They are funding the perry campaign heavily and are actually trying to occupy politics, but in a more corporate manner than regular civilians doing th99 % thing. The ruler or lord of this realm is actually a host of archons who like sp said, wanted to create their own realm and be worshiped and their creator be worshiped as the one and only god. This was a comical and arrogant idea to the christ figure in gnostic traditions. The teachings of christ were that one should not fear death for it is the escape from the lwest of realms for which the archon has dominion over and has trapped souls in. Jesud told judas that his betrayal of him expidited his time in the realm and allwed him to return to the pre existant realms to have a true marriage and reunion in the bridal chamber which was talking about the masculine nature of light merging with the spiritual or holy water which was femnine. The soul was thought to be feminine in nature because of pureness of innocent thought before it is penetrated by worldly ideas. That it whu many of the early christiam cults were offering adoration to feminie, sophia (wisdom). Our word for phsyce comea from greek work psuke sp?which was the worldfor soul. Many of the great greek scholars people quote were sophist (followers of sophia) who was representative of the divine mother-womb who created an image of herself in the realm of the archon to provide a way so that the children of light couldenter this realm amd prove to the archon that the pre existant realms of true light overcome her creation of the archon that went out of controlland caused grief. As for op question, what people call God and satan are actually referring to the same entity. Now I wouldn't mind being a creator, but I would not deceive ppl as to believing that I am allthere is and be jeleous and all that. I thinkif I had that power, I could care less if some human doesn't believe in me. Whats one human on earth to an entity traversing the cosmos and other dimensions that literally our way over thier head? The only way that would bother a beinglike that is if there is something maybe innate in humans that has thepotential to be equally or more powerful than that being, and it has to constantly keep on promotting the same ole propaganda about it being all there is. Its always sounded like a soap opera/ power play/ movie anyway.
There is no Satan.

D-Evil was created to fill the void humans have in there constant battle between Good vs. Evil (GoOD vs. dEVIL) We need an enemy to point a finger at and say "Thats the bad guy" Everybody is good and evil some are chemically imbalanced so they sway to the extreme of evil. We all practice selective morality.

"The Devil made me do it" gives us a scapegoat hence its horns and goat like characteristics when the Bible itself gave the devil human like angelic characteristics. Humans had to make Satan into a monster because the Bible made the greatest evil too human. But we dont have a problem giving God human characteristics.

"We'll put God & Heaven up and the Devil & hell down" To look up is (Positive) Looking down is (Negative)...

However there is no such thing as up or down there's just oneness... that came from nothing...Nothing is GOD
Thread started off funny but then turned into one of those threads. This dude sillyputty is a guaranteed appearance in any thread that mentions God.
I can honestly say I've read every single word that Sillyputty has ever written on religion and if I'm lying, may I be struck down by lightning!
People knock sillyputty for going hard whenever religion is brought up but I for one am glad someone steps up to do it. I honestly do appreciate that there is someone willing to put up with the same nonsensical and irrational arguments. You guys discounting his posts and who think he's a troll should honestly READ what he's writing because he's making a ton of sense. I grew up a Christian and what got me out of that racket was actually LEARNING about my own beliefs.
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