"If you didn't vote, then you can't have an opinion"

umm...i can't vote cuz i'm underage
so your saying i can't have an opinion?
Oh you can have an opinion

I just think that those who can vote should, otherwise have no right to complain about the u.s.'s current problems. You can have an opinion, but you lostyour chance to voice it when you didn't vote.
I most def. agree with rko why vote for Obama or McCain if they ain't going to get half of the job done. Thats why Ron Paul 2012
No Josh

What we're saying is that if you CAN vote and don't , u have no right to complain .. Reading is fundamental
NY is democratic no matter which way you vote... its the swing states that it really matters in.
@ people claiming to "KNOW" that the next president is going to fail and that they "KNOW" their candidate would do better.
how do you guys really "KNOW" these things? some of you guys really need to stop being so cynical and pessimistic.
Originally Posted by denni5themenace

@ people claiming to "KNOW" that the next president is going to fail and that they "KNOW" their candidate would do better.
how do you guys really "KNOW" these things? some of you guys really need to stop being so cynical and pessimistic.
How do YOU know your pick will do anything? I have my mind made and I wanted Ron Paul. He appealed to ME way more than the two that are up now.
I don't get how people don't vote. Their are always state and local issues to vote on. Those are the ones you truly can't complain about if youdidn't vote on them seeing as how those sometimes have a much greater impact on your immediate life.
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Oh you can have an opinion

I just think that those who can vote should, otherwise have no right to complain about the u.s.'s current problems. You can have an opinion, but you lost your chance to voice it when you didn't vote.
What if I think the biggest problems (the ones I rail against time and again) have nothing to do with the guy sitting in the White House? ThenI'm pretty sure I can voice my opinion.
There is no point in voting for myself. Hate to say it but the political system over time has made me feel this way.

The system is broken: Why do the electoral college? Is there any logic behind this system. I absolutely hate how different point values are assigned todifferent states. Your telling me my opinion means less than someone in New York because I live in New Mexico? How does that make sense? That's basicallywhat the electoral college does.

I live in New York and if I were voting I would probaby vote for McCain. Problem is the popular vote means absolutely nothing. Even if the Electoral College istied, popular vote doesn't determine anything, it goes right to the House of Represenatives. Gore beat Bush by over 500k votes in the 2000 election and gotshut out of the office. How insane does this sound?

It shouldn't boil down to two canidates as well, just because the democrats and republicans are the two biggest parties in play doesn't meanindependant canidates should be shut out of every debate or town hall meeting. The media shuts them out and just focuses on the two main canidates for whoknows what reason.

I'm really angry with the political system, even if I were to vote tomorrow I have absoultely no power. Hell, if the people I elect through the electoralcollege decide to vote a different way they have the power to do so.

Please someone counter my points because I really want to have faith in the voting process and the government in general, but this system of electing ourleader is a joke.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by denni5themenace

@ people claiming to "KNOW" that the next president is going to fail and that they "KNOW" their candidate would do better.
how do you guys really "KNOW" these things? some of you guys really need to stop being so cynical and pessimistic.
How do YOU know your pick will do anything? I have my mind made and I wanted Ron Paul. He appealed to ME way more than the two that are up now.
how do i know my pick will do anything? i don't. i am voting for the person who appealed to me. just like you are. but i don't know thatmy candidate will do a better job than the other. in your post you just KNOW that the next president is going to fail. thats just so pessimistic and cynical tome.
Originally Posted by denni5themenace

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by denni5themenace

@ people claiming to "KNOW" that the next president is going to fail and that they "KNOW" their candidate would do better.
how do you guys really "KNOW" these things? some of you guys really need to stop being so cynical and pessimistic.
How do YOU know your pick will do anything? I have my mind made and I wanted Ron Paul. He appealed to ME way more than the two that are up now.
how do i know my pick will do anything? i don't. i am voting for the person who appealed to me. just like you are. but i don't know that my candidate will do a better job than the other. in your post you just KNOW that the next president is going to fail. thats just so pessimistic and cynical to me.
My man nothing has changed for real. The system is flawed. Things are getting worse and have been for a WHILE now. These cats aint doin nothingand aint gon do nothing. Get real my dude.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by denni5themenace

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by denni5themenace

@ people claiming to "KNOW" that the next president is going to fail and that they "KNOW" their candidate would do better.
how do you guys really "KNOW" these things? some of you guys really need to stop being so cynical and pessimistic.
How do YOU know your pick will do anything? I have my mind made and I wanted Ron Paul. He appealed to ME way more than the two that are up now.
how do i know my pick will do anything? i don't. i am voting for the person who appealed to me. just like you are. but i don't know that my candidate will do a better job than the other. in your post you just KNOW that the next president is going to fail. thats just so pessimistic and cynical to me.
My man nothing has changed for real. The system is flawed. Things are getting worse and have been for a WHILE now. These cats aint doin nothing and aint gon do nothing. Get real my dude.
more pessimism. nothing has changed over what? bush's term in office? how do you KNOW that either major candidate isn't going to doanything? how do you know Ron Paul would have changed anything if "these cat's aint doin nothing and aint go do nothing."
Originally Posted by denni5themenace

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by denni5themenace

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by denni5themenace

@ people claiming to "KNOW" that the next president is going to fail and that they "KNOW" their candidate would do better.
how do you guys really "KNOW" these things? some of you guys really need to stop being so cynical and pessimistic.
How do YOU know your pick will do anything? I have my mind made and I wanted Ron Paul. He appealed to ME way more than the two that are up now.
how do i know my pick will do anything? i don't. i am voting for the person who appealed to me. just like you are. but i don't know that my candidate will do a better job than the other. in your post you just KNOW that the next president is going to fail. thats just so pessimistic and cynical to me.
My man nothing has changed for real. The system is flawed. Things are getting worse and have been for a WHILE now. These cats aint doin nothing and aint gon do nothing. Get real my dude.
more pessimism. nothing has changed over what? bush's term in office? how do you KNOW that either major candidate isn't going to do anything? how do you know Ron Paul would have changed anything if "these cat's aint doin nothing and aint go do nothing."
Look call it whatever you want. I call it truthism. Dudes spending millions on whatnot and people losing homes and retirement funds. The vets haveit bad. There are many in this city who are vets are homeless. You know what. I'll retract my statement on Paul. Nobody can fix things. Trust me. Rathernot go into detail because I know it will turn into something its supposed to be.
I barely skimmed the thread....but to just say it...

The electoral college votes decides, who gets the presidency.

Even with a majority popular vote, unless the electoral candidates pitch in their votes for the "popular candidate" of that state, the election willnot end well for either side.
Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by Isiah Heaven

Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by Isiah Heaven

Originally Posted by Bastitch

Originally Posted by calculator1200

I don't understand this logic. Just because someone doesn't vote, they're not allowed to speak their mind? Sounds like people are on the "I vote and you didn't so I can say stuff but you cant" elitist tip. Also, it seems hypocritical because people are all for free speech but now there are qualifiers for it.

It has nothing to do with free speech.

It's about you not doing a damn thing about the situation you're in. If you can sit there and complain about about something you can do something about but choose to do nothing, then that's your bad.
That's wrong, you can choose not to vote but fight for a more effective party for communities across the states. There's many political activist who are doing more for rights then people are voting this year i can tell you that much.
but can you vote them president? no! you are given two choices and if you don't choose one who you think is gonna better your situation then you are doing NOTHING...
That type of mentally is the same reason marcus gravy, malcolm x, and many other fighters are rolling in their graves. You expect people who want more change to sit back and accept something they dont agree on? your being useless to this country if you want to look threw that view. I'm simply stating everyone wants to talk politics because it's election time but when the dust clears they will be somewear not even caring about social issues or even their own communtiy for that matter but the many community activist who rather fight for a other party will be doing more then them.

i understand that...but you are missing the point...whether you think the candidates are good or not...ONE OF THEM IS GOING TO BE PRESIDENT. not ron paul. not marcus garvey. BARACK OBAMA OR JOHN MCCAIN. it is your duty to choose which one will do us better. If you don't vote and McCain wins you can do whatever you want but he is the one making decisions...it is obvious Obama is the better choice whether you believe in the election or not...

you guys are sounding like indie hipsters or hip hop backpackers who think their unheard of artists are better than the mainstream artists...
My duty in this country is to keep the rights & some what of the freedom i have that many great leaders worked hard & died for ALIVE. Onefor example is voting. If i don't like neither of the candidates then my choice would be not to vote. As American I have that choice and that choiceshouldn't summarize my political awareness for this country. All it shows is I don't like either of candidates so I don't feel my vote should beentered. The better choice is based on opinion. What's better for you isn't gonna be better for this country.or the next person

I never stated who I am voting for so bringing irrelevant issues such as indie rappers vs mainstream is ignorant nor hold weight. in this discussion. I'mspeaking on the topic which is the quote people preach towards non voters. All I'm trying to get across is the groups who aren't voting yet they aremore involved with politics then these political hypebeast who feel they are making changes because they decided to be political for one day(in that booth) butthey feel they have the right to call out people on politics
. It'sa choice that shouldn't reflect the persons status in this country.
RKO2004 wrote:
Originally Posted by denni5themenace

RKO2004 wrote:
Originally Posted by denni5themenace

RKO2004 wrote:
denni5themenace wrote:
@ people claiming to "KNOW" that the next president is going to fail and that they "KNOW" their candidate would do better.
how do you guys really "KNOW" these things? some of you guys really need to stop being so cynical and pessimistic.
How do YOU know your pick will do anything? I have my mind made and I wanted Ron Paul. He appealed to ME way more than the two that are up now.
how do i know my pick will do anything? i don't. i am voting for the person who appealed to me. just like you are. but i don't know that my candidate will do a better job than the other. in your post you just KNOW that the next president is going to fail. thats just so pessimistic and cynical to me.

My man nothing has changed for real. The system is flawed. Things are getting worse and have been for a WHILE now. These cats aint doin nothing and aint gon do nothing. Get real my dude.

more pessimism. nothing has changed over what? bush's term in office? how do you KNOW that either major candidate isn't going to do anything? how do you know Ron Paul would have changed anything if "these cat's aint doin nothing and aint go do nothing."

Look call it whatever you want. I call it truthism. Dudes spending millions on whatnot and people losing homes and retirement funds. The vets have it bad. There are many in this city who are vets are homeless. You know what. I'll retract my statement on Paul. Nobody can fix things. Trust me. Rather not go into detail because I know it will turn into something its supposed to be.

Only thing I can say to RKO is.. the vets here are homeless cus they like herion
and thats truthism. I've never tried to tell anyone which way to vote. I tell them what I think on each person but never who to vote for and I saythis. I'm a Felon and I can't go vote. I feel really unamerican b/c of this and it makes me sad. No matter who you vote for just go do it for peoplelike me who can't. IDK if that gives me a right to complain or not. I assure you if I could vote I would so Imma put in my 2 cents anyways lol. But on thereal go vote for people like me and ALOT of others who can't no matter what way you go with it.
Even with a majority popular vote, unless the electoral candidates pitch in their votes for the "popular candidate" of that state, the election will not end well for either side.

The electoral votes go towards whoever has the majority of that state...they don't have a choice on where the votes go...you have a half understanding ofthe system.
Voting for the lesser of 2 evils is still voting for an evil

Would you feel satisfied with yourself knowing the fact that you allowed someone of marginal quality in?

Vote if you feel that the 2 candidates are of your standard for progression . But don't feel obligated to vote if neither one of these 2 are on par withwhatever you think is standard to running the country/world.

I think your opinion still counts. If you are one who follows and participates in current events. Then you are entitled to your opinion because you are awareof your decision and have chosen to not vote based on an opinion towards these candidates.

I think this is a very important election, I have my vote down. I think your opinion is valid if you know what's truly going on.

(One more thing, please do your homework before going in and pulling the trigger...remember there are reasons for republicans doing what they do and democratsdoing what they do, being elected President contains a delicate balancing act, there is a give and take to both parties....so do some research...it's not apopularity contest, {too bad it is} think about progression,security, financial stability, etc.)
Originally Posted by West2East

I don't get how people don't vote. Their are always state and local issues to vote on. Those are the ones you truly can't complain about if you didn't vote on them seeing as how those sometimes have a much greater impact on your immediate life.

Bingo. If you don't want to vote for president because you don't like the candidates than don't vote, but don't use that as an excuse for notvoting at all. Just leave the pres part blank and vote on the other issues that matter that you actually do want to vote for or against.
if your a Christian or believe in god, just let god handle it..people too stuck on who's going to win...neither one of them are going to get into officeand do everything that they said they were going to do...god is over all man. And whatevers going to happen is only because he let's it.....biut I agreeeveryone has right to speak their opinion voting has little say over that...
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