if you had to give up one of your 5 main senses, which one would you sacrifice?

Originally Posted by BroboCop

Originally Posted by recycledpaper

touch and it's not even close

how bad can your life get if you can't feel textures and dry/wetness? not that bad...
 Life would be terrible without touch.

how would smashing feel if you had no sense of touch? touch isn't just texture and dry/wetsmell easily
Originally Posted by BroboCop

Originally Posted by recycledpaper

touch and it's not even close

how bad can your life get if you can't feel textures and dry/wetness? not that bad...
 Life would be terrible without touch.

how would smashing feel if you had no sense of touch? touch isn't just texture and dry/wetsmell easily
Originally Posted by TkTheGirl

Been semi deaf before wasn't so bad. Feeling music rather than hearing was a different experience as long as the speakers or floor shakes to the beat.
Close to blind most of my youth, sight ain't important as long as I can touch it.
Hmm I love food, smell and taste would be disappointing.
Touch. No comment.

I'd say hearing.

i guess im gonna have to go with the expert on this one since she's lived it
Originally Posted by TkTheGirl

Been semi deaf before wasn't so bad. Feeling music rather than hearing was a different experience as long as the speakers or floor shakes to the beat.
Close to blind most of my youth, sight ain't important as long as I can touch it.
Hmm I love food, smell and taste would be disappointing.
Touch. No comment.

I'd say hearing.

i guess im gonna have to go with the expert on this one since she's lived it
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

touch and it's not even close

how bad can your life get if you can't feel textures and dry/wetness? not that bad...

^ Or your arm can be on fire and you not even know. Great huh?
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

touch and it's not even close

how bad can your life get if you can't feel textures and dry/wetness? not that bad...

^ Or your arm can be on fire and you not even know. Great huh?
Taste. I would still have a hunger, if not, I would still eat. I'll never have to worry about eating something I don't like.
Taste. I would still have a hunger, if not, I would still eat. I'll never have to worry about eating something I don't like.
if you lose your sense of smell, you can only taste certain things like salt.

try eating chocolate and plug your nose, you wont be able to taste it.
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