If you have any super power what would it be and why?

Mar 21, 2010
I'm in the Navy, and plenty of stuoid conversation come up. Today's was super power and I thought I pose the question to the NT community.
My SP was to produce money from any pocket that I stuck my hand in.....I know, I know....Money can make you a superhero if you use it right! LOL    
ability to have an elastic +%*%%%!. That way i could poop with ease.
simple ones...

Reading minds
or being able to turn into anyone/anything lol
Originally Posted by greatESQUEape

telekinesis, cos I'm lazy.

 Me too!!!
If I had to pick one, being able to teleport to anywhere I want like in the movie Jumper. I would say fly, but I don't want to have to fly everywhere although it would be really cool. I'd just like to go from point A to B instantly.
I wouldn't want any. There something to be said about that line, "With great power comes great responsibility"...Also having a power would kind of amplify the person you already are & juding by the fools on NT, we'd have a lot of villians...
id def take teleporting or invisibility.
i don't' think i would use either for the betterment of humanity though 
This movie might kinda plays to OP's question. It's generating some good buzz...Here's a link to a review from SlashFilm.com.
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