If you have any super power what would it be and why?

shape shift... wanna be rich? shape shift into a billionare... wanna be an athlete? shape shift into a pro... everyday would be a different adventure PLUS you could go the angelic route and shape shift into significant people in others lives and give them motivation
The power to replicate any super power. 

If there were no super powers to replicate then there's no point in having the question in the first place.

Thanks for playing.

infinite knowledge, if i possess that, why wouldn't i be able to manufactuer some of these other abilities for myself through science ie: invisibility, flying, teleporting, mindreading, etc.
For fun: teleportation
To adapt to the world: water breathing (take that global warming)
Realistically: ablility to wake up and fall asleep at anytime and at the exact time I want (my insomnia lead me to this answer)
On the real, having Charles Xavier's power would be dope. You could basically be invisible if you had his powers.
Invisibility or flight. But seeing a dude flying would look strange to everyone else so Imma go with invisibility. 
Originally Posted by Hizzle

If I had to pick one, being able to teleport to anywhere I want like in the movie Jumper. I would say fly, but I don't want to have to fly everywhere although it would be really cool. I'd just like to go from point A to B instantly.

This. NASA can put me on a rocket and send me into space. Teleporting my way through the universe. Maybe ill be lucky and find the planet full of beautiful womenz. 

If nothing goes right i can just teleport back to earth.
This thread always comes up. And every time, my answer is always the same : teleportation.

Nothing can beat that, man. The world is literally at your disposal.
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