if you Joined NT in '03 check in!!! Vol......Blueprint 2

i registered for a name around the time white/chrome IVs came out. i think that was 00 or 01, but my name was never approved. Then I tried again in 03 with mycurrent username
register 11/04 but been reading post dec since 03. found niketalk on a internet search back when retro 3 white cements drop.
Originally Posted by you go boy

thats me... tell me why i registered in 03 but didnt know i got into NT until a year or two later
... i was like man NT is wack it takes mad long to get accepted

try 4 years of me saying that. i would just be on here looking around the jordan brand all day but never could get accepted for some reason

funny, I was just thinking that I've been registered on here since '03 earlier.
'01 Sept (I think). Maaaan - this post makes me realize how old I am. Prev alias 6dollaburger (which I still want back dammit) falsely banned.

Some of ya'll were fresh off breast milk back then.
not even sure when i joined, but i am sure it has to be somewhere around '03.
I joined in 04 I think but I been lookin on since atleast 01... I could not figure out how to fix the cookies to register..my homeboy had to do it for me! haha
Been here since 99. My first name was Jordan XI King then HeyImWill then hey im will at aol dot com. I think I went through like 5 names.

I'll never be a Mod
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