IF you were an NFL/NBA player...

Im from L.A so i'll choose the heat adn the dolphins. Miami's the next best thing
NFL- Chargers, it's still in Cali.
NBA- Chicago, Lakers, or Knicks. Great tradition.
i'd obviously wanna play for the warriors, niners, raiders but obviously this post isn't about hometown teams so...

NBA: Raptors, WNBA Scums, Kings, or Clippers. I'd say Lakers too but there's too much pressure. I like the way the WNBA plays(but I like the NBDL more)and Toronto seems like a nice area.

NFL: it's hard..but i'd go with either Green Bay or Buffalo (only cuz of my man Marshawn). I want to stay on the west coast, but I don't like theCardinals, and Seattle still has Shaun Alexander

but in all honesty of course i'd rather play for the Warriors and Niners
besides my hometown teams(mavs and cowboys)
i would want to play for the Packers(a lot of history there plus the weather is
) or the Spurs...they know how to win
NFL- Cowboys (I don't care at all about the Cowboys, but I LOVE Dallas)
NBA- Lakers (My Favorite team, and LA
MLB- Dodgers (See above)
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