If you were President, what would you do?

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

 And I believe there was an apology earlier this year.
Like Official official? I guess it wasn't front page news then.

I forgot to mention after the apology I'd lean on Europe to do the same for their role played in it.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

 And I believe there was an apology earlier this year.
Like Official official? I guess it wasn't front page news then.

I forgot to mention after the apology I'd lean on Europe to do the same for their role played in it.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

^I just don't know how to tackle that to be honest. I'd love to hear an answer. I know about Mccain-Feingold.

I don't even think it can be done in our system without severely limiting the amount people can donate to a single campaign. I would probably bar actual companies from donating to campaigns. Corporations certainly are not people and should not be able to contribute as if they are. 
Education reform is a must. We need educated people and quite frankly we're lacking in that category. I think there should also be free, public education through college. We can't possibly have people getting out of school and being hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. 

Health care reform is also crucial. Our system should be among the best in the industrial world. The fact that there are millions of uninsured people in this country is just plain sad.

Attack one of the root causes of aggression toward the United States and a serious detriment to our image throughout the world. Stop our blind support of Israel. There needs to be a solution to this issue before any more innocent people die and any more land is illegally occupied.

Stop supporting dictatorships while preaching about our Democratic values. This blatant hypocrisy may not be evident to many Americans, but to the people who live under the dictators we support it is very, very much understood.

Cut defense spending. Because most of it isn't used on defense anyway and starting another preemptive war would just negate everything else I'd done to increase our standing in the world.

Drastically raise taxes on the top 5-10%. Should be fine, the money they save paying for campaigns could go to better use for our country. 
Originally Posted by bijald0331

^I just don't know how to tackle that to be honest. I'd love to hear an answer. I know about Mccain-Feingold.

I don't even think it can be done in our system without severely limiting the amount people can donate to a single campaign. I would probably bar actual companies from donating to campaigns. Corporations certainly are not people and should not be able to contribute as if they are. 
Education reform is a must. We need educated people and quite frankly we're lacking in that category. I think there should also be free, public education through college. We can't possibly have people getting out of school and being hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. 

Health care reform is also crucial. Our system should be among the best in the industrial world. The fact that there are millions of uninsured people in this country is just plain sad.

Attack one of the root causes of aggression toward the United States and a serious detriment to our image throughout the world. Stop our blind support of Israel. There needs to be a solution to this issue before any more innocent people die and any more land is illegally occupied.

Stop supporting dictatorships while preaching about our Democratic values. This blatant hypocrisy may not be evident to many Americans, but to the people who live under the dictators we support it is very, very much understood.

Cut defense spending. Because most of it isn't used on defense anyway and starting another preemptive war would just negate everything else I'd done to increase our standing in the world.

Drastically raise taxes on the top 5-10%. Should be fine, the money they save paying for campaigns could go to better use for our country. 
have sex with all different types of chicks, and stop giving hand outs and, end world hunger.
have sex with all different types of chicks, and stop giving hand outs and, end world hunger.
Number 1 thing I would do to get the ball rolling is address the issue on gangs and violence in America. I'd create an extremely strict law banning all mob activity in the United States. If you are caught in gang activity or reported, you're automatically given a choice to go to boot camp and join the military or go directly to jail with the maximum sentence of 10 years for the most minor offense involving gang activity. Even on your first offense.

I'd legalize guns and everyone that has a foid card would be able to carry a finger print/trigger guarded gun on their person. Some people would say that's a bad idea but it's the crooks that are carrying illegal guns on the streets, not everyday people. I'd equalize that with this law.

I'd legalize marijuana and put similar alcohol laws on it. I believe this would drive bootleggers completely out of business. Plus it would create hundreds of jobs all over the U.S. and create more tourist attractions in America, hence propelling the economy.

Border laws would be placed too. I'd give the go ahead for any non-U.S. citizen to come through the border instead of sneaking over and be thoroughly screened. Aftwards, they'd have to go through a 4 year period as border workers or helpers helping to screen other non-citizens coming in. They'd be given a temporary green card and paid minimum wage. It'd be a way for people to prove that they can be productive members of society. Appropriate housing would be set up all along the border in different cities and the temp workers would not be allowed to change their residence unless it's within the limits for the said 4 years. After their initial 4 years, they'd move up by being allowed to move to a city of their choice and be put on another 2 year probation period. After that, they'd earn their citizenship. Coming from parents that weren't born here, I know that most people come to America to WORK and make a better life for their family. Not to mess around and create trouble. Most of these people take those crappy minimum wage jobs that no one else would dare work.

The housing market.. oh the housing market what a mess. First and foremost, since the banks got bailed out, the PEOPLE will also get their bailout. I'd set a law restricting any bank or law enforcement from kicking a family out of their house. If they cannot pay their mortgage, too bad banks. You'll have to wait for your money until the family can get everything in order. A more detailed look and decision would be given to this issue.

I'd come down hard on the financial sector. Wall street would feel the wrath of my decision. I'd regulate their greed by erasing all the schemes that they've come up with. Terms like "derivative". A free market would be exactly what it would become. The only reason a company would be granted bankruptcy is to pay back it's customers from a certain time period. People shouldn't have to pay for the decisions a company makes for themselves. Companies would be heavily taxed after grossing a certain amount of money.

The gap between the rich and the lower class would END. You don't need 18 cars and 7 houses. The wealth would be evenly distributed through tax laws. This wouldn't be a handout either.

Of course these are all hypotheticals and there would be more regulations. Hell, I'm only scratching the surface. I would not only be president but I wouldn't be able to be voted out of office unless it's harming people unnecessarily or killing them and I would have unlimited power. Even over the constitution. I'd go hard on all these fools. FOR THE PEOPLE...
Number 1 thing I would do to get the ball rolling is address the issue on gangs and violence in America. I'd create an extremely strict law banning all mob activity in the United States. If you are caught in gang activity or reported, you're automatically given a choice to go to boot camp and join the military or go directly to jail with the maximum sentence of 10 years for the most minor offense involving gang activity. Even on your first offense.

I'd legalize guns and everyone that has a foid card would be able to carry a finger print/trigger guarded gun on their person. Some people would say that's a bad idea but it's the crooks that are carrying illegal guns on the streets, not everyday people. I'd equalize that with this law.

I'd legalize marijuana and put similar alcohol laws on it. I believe this would drive bootleggers completely out of business. Plus it would create hundreds of jobs all over the U.S. and create more tourist attractions in America, hence propelling the economy.

Border laws would be placed too. I'd give the go ahead for any non-U.S. citizen to come through the border instead of sneaking over and be thoroughly screened. Aftwards, they'd have to go through a 4 year period as border workers or helpers helping to screen other non-citizens coming in. They'd be given a temporary green card and paid minimum wage. It'd be a way for people to prove that they can be productive members of society. Appropriate housing would be set up all along the border in different cities and the temp workers would not be allowed to change their residence unless it's within the limits for the said 4 years. After their initial 4 years, they'd move up by being allowed to move to a city of their choice and be put on another 2 year probation period. After that, they'd earn their citizenship. Coming from parents that weren't born here, I know that most people come to America to WORK and make a better life for their family. Not to mess around and create trouble. Most of these people take those crappy minimum wage jobs that no one else would dare work.

The housing market.. oh the housing market what a mess. First and foremost, since the banks got bailed out, the PEOPLE will also get their bailout. I'd set a law restricting any bank or law enforcement from kicking a family out of their house. If they cannot pay their mortgage, too bad banks. You'll have to wait for your money until the family can get everything in order. A more detailed look and decision would be given to this issue.

I'd come down hard on the financial sector. Wall street would feel the wrath of my decision. I'd regulate their greed by erasing all the schemes that they've come up with. Terms like "derivative". A free market would be exactly what it would become. The only reason a company would be granted bankruptcy is to pay back it's customers from a certain time period. People shouldn't have to pay for the decisions a company makes for themselves. Companies would be heavily taxed after grossing a certain amount of money.

The gap between the rich and the lower class would END. You don't need 18 cars and 7 houses. The wealth would be evenly distributed through tax laws. This wouldn't be a handout either.

Of course these are all hypotheticals and there would be more regulations. Hell, I'm only scratching the surface. I would not only be president but I wouldn't be able to be voted out of office unless it's harming people unnecessarily or killing them and I would have unlimited power. Even over the constitution. I'd go hard on all these fools. FOR THE PEOPLE...
If the President. First I will carry on the reform, after all, now the gap is more and more big, the democratic practices and the intensity is weak. Practice of common prosperity has culture, to reform the quality of people.
If the President. First I will carry on the reform, after all, now the gap is more and more big, the democratic practices and the intensity is weak. Practice of common prosperity has culture, to reform the quality of people.
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