If you were starting a team....vol. Bosh v. Amare

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

OKB? dude is so biased its not even funny... always finding some random obscure stat to support his viewpoints


i would never build around either guy tho
Amare already has had multiple knee surgeries for someone his age and also has had eye problems. Although he's playing well now, I'm not sure I'dbuild a team around him if I'm honestly considering the future.

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

OKB? dude is so biased its not even funny... always finding some random obscure stat to support his viewpoints
Biased? tell me where I'm wrong.

Why is it even remotely exceptable that Amare Staudomire who plays on a team that takes more shots than any one can only get 7.8 rebounds?
The Amaré Stoudemire who is most dependent on a single player to get him the ball?Steve Nash
The Amare who's efficiency drops by 15 points when Steve is not on the court.

Why should I assume that the Amare Staudomire who plays with Steve Nash is the same as the one without him because there is a significant decrease in hisnumbers when Steve isn't dropping him dimes.

Chris Bosh has proven and is proving right now that he can produce with significant portion of the possessions running through without having Steve Nash. ChirsBosh right now is playing better ball then Amare ever has in his whole career. People just aren't paying attention.

Bosh has got 28 12 with only 2 turnovers son is balling as good as anyone not named Chris Paul.
lets not act like Bosh is light years ahead of Amare now

i mean at the end of the day i would take bosh over amare because he boards and puts some effort in on D

but amare always has and always will be the better of the 2 on the offense end
You don't build around either as a #1 guy, but Chris Bosh is a better basketball player.

Bosh is a better rebounder and defender, and a more versatile scorer...
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

You don't build around either as a #1 guy, but Chris Bosh is a better basketball player.

Bosh is a better rebounder and defender, and a more versatile scorer...
Agreed on all points.

Amare might fit better in those run-and-gun type offenses, but I'd take Bosh 9 times out of 10.
Originally Posted by henz0

Amare.. Bosh is a blackhole

truth x10000

Bosh keeps the ball forever, slows the offense down, the ball has to go through him, Amare just does him without getting look after look
If Bosh continues at his current pace I'm not sure why you wouldn't consider him a number 1 option.

28, 12, with only 1 turnover is major, y'all haven't really been watching him this year, very rarely takes jump shots damn near 5% of his points are inthe paint and is rebounding with a meanness. He is playing like an Elite Top 5 player right now.

Bosh being a "blackhole" has given us the 1st ranked offense in the league.

Originally Posted by Jdiddy931

If we were talking about the old Amare then this wouldn't be a discussion. Amare used to jump out the gym.

and yet he still didnt board or play D.

Bosh is more skilled in every aspect of the game.

Bosh all damn day.
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