If you're going to rank memorable characters on HBO shows, where would u put Gyp Rosetti?

Jul 18, 2012
To me, he's at the top of the list. Bobby Cannavale SHOULD get an Emmy for what he did in Season 3 of BE. There have been some memorable characters over the years on some great HBO series (Omar, Joffrey, O'Reilly Bros., Paulie Walnuts, etc.), but I think that Gyp Rosetti took things to another level. He was an emotional mess, a loose cannon, and loved asphyxiation. The character was actually BELIEVABLE...that's how convincing Cannavale was in his role. Anyways...where would you put him?
love the actor, love the character, but I don't think he's even seeing a lot of the folks from the wire
love the actor, love the character, but I don't think he's even seeing a lot of the folks from the wire

I dunno, man. What took many actors multiple seasons to accomplish in their respective series, he did it in one. He was that good (to me).
I loved the Gyp character, but I would rank Richard Harrow over him (same show for those who don't know).
Tony Soprano
Stringer Bell
Christopher Moltisanti
Jimmy McNulty

IMO, Boardwalk is too "new" to be putting the characters in the all time HBO ranks. Nucky would obviously be #1 to this point, with Harrow, Darmody up there too. Gyp was awesome, but
he was only around for limited episodes
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love the actor, love the character, but I don't think he's even seeing a lot of the folks from the wire
I dunno, man. What took many actors multiple seasons to accomplish in their respective series, he did it in one. He was that good (to me).
the was part of the issue for me, we really didn't get to see any development, just a wild Gyp appeared out of nowhere and caused hell

and went a way just as abruptly
love the actor, love the character, but I don't think he's even seeing a lot of the folks from the wire
I dunno, man. What took many actors multiple seasons to accomplish in their respective series, he did it in one. He was that good (to me).
the was part of the issue for me, we really didn't get to see any development, just a wild Gyp appeared out of nowhere and caused hell

and went a way just as abruptly
Pretty much. No one knows why he does what he does. At least with each character on the series, they were given some sort of background to understand their motives.

I personally thought Season 3 was lackluster.
Pretty much. No one knows why he does what he does. At least with each character on the series, they were given some sort of background to understand their motives.

I personally thought Season 3 was lackluster.
While we don't get his backstory, we understand why he does what he does.

He talked about his father who was a bricklayer and he worked his *** off and died at 50... he doesn't want to die a chump and be looked down upon. He won't work a normal job where he just "gets by", he wants the power.

We saw him with his family and he's not given the respect he wants... which obviously makes him more irritable, angry, and power hungry in his business life. He doesn't feel any value at home and from his family, as a result, he's trying to fill a void in his life.

And his breakdown at the church gives us a great look into what make's Gyp tick
Gyp Rosetti:"I just need to get this said. With all due respect, You put me down in this game. I didn't ask for that. Not even a handshake. Make me want things. Things I can see; that I can almost touch. Then You take 'em away. Not for me, right? Everyone else, but not me. I'm what? A mistake You made? Like some leftovers. And I'm supposed to go through my life... no friendship, no love 'til I'm pissin' in my bed. Coughin' up blood on the sheets- then I'll know right? Then it'll all be clear. Put it in front of me, take it away- Why would You do that?! Just to screw with me? What kind of sick **** thinks that way? I'm supposed to trust You? Based on the treatment so far?! What are You up to, huh? I'm here. I'm listenin'! I'm ready for any kind of explanation!"

  • Gyp Rosetti"Everyone's a person, alright? So how else could they take it?"

  • Gyp Rosetti: "Nothing's personal? What the **** is life, if it's not personal?!"
Gyp is angry at the world, he feels he hasn't been given a fair shake, and that he's left to be alone while everyone else prospers. His relationship with God illustrates his feelings of inadequacy and frustrations with his life and he's looking for someone to blame. This same frustration is carried over into his work, where he takes offense to the smallest thing and seeks out respect and power in anyway possible. When the guy helping him with the tire made a joke, Gyp took offense to it and thought it was an insult to his intelligence. When Gyp feels insulted, it isn't a simple reaction, it blows up in his mind to an insult to his entire identity and life. 

We don't get years and years of Gyp to help us create his character, but we're given enough to see the reasons for his madness.
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I thought Gyp was a fantastic character, I just don't think his run was long enough to be considered among the greats..
Al Swearengen has them all beat..It's an extreme shame HBO didn't let Deadwood go for more than 3 seasons cause this dude would have went down as one of the greatest characters on, not just HBO, but all of t.v.
Kenny Powers
i don't watch enough hbo to judge every series but i don't think gyp is even #1 in boardwalk.

i think it would be

richard harrow
al capone
gyp rosetti

maybe if he had more time to develop i would rate him higher
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