iJango have you heard of it? sounds like a pyramid scam, help please! PICS added for incentive

May 10, 2007
Aight so today my dad calls me up and tells me to go to one of his friend's house. and there's this girl presenting this crap.  I straight up said "this is a pyramid scam" and of course she's all like no its not blah blah blah...and so I do my research and no good things come from them, not a verified scam, but looks promising to being a scam nontheless. so my dad is really close to this guy, almost like a brother, and he's down for it and trying to convince him.  How do I convince him otherwise not to do this bull****.  I know its a scam in the making, because of the, "Director" fee, and they have a free membership, blah blah blah, and plus all she's saying is the bull**** that they fed her to sign up and she couldnt even answer all my questions regarding the scam stuff.. So NT, please help me out, have you heard of this company iJango? do you think its a scam? Can anyone point me in the right direction of this is legit or not? thanks!

-iJango scam or not?
-Legit check?
-How do I discredit them to my dad if its not legit or scam?

PS. as an added incentive:
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Get rich quick schemes
these guys make me sick. there is way too many of these pyramid schemes out there.
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