Illegal Imigrants BILLION DOLLAR Tax LOOP HOLE!! vol. no DAMBS given

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by Kramer

Originally Posted by odog24

this pretty much sums it up. now after hearing about this it will produce more racism and hate toward the illegal immigrants that are basically helping run the country by doing jobs that most people would not do
You know how many unemployed legal americans are dyin to get a job? And if thats just one illegal gettin away with a few thousand, multiply that by thousands and it's not bread crumbs anymore. Not sayin others gettin away with it too but that doesn't make this any less of an issue
Come on now, stop being ignorant. 
There are plenty of jobs for unemployed legal Americans but they rather sit on their fat butt and collect their unemployment checks instead.  Just go to any state with a farming industry, and I bet these unemployed legal Americans can get a job there.  There are tons of labor shortages so why aren't these unemployed legal Americans working there?,8599,2079542,00.html

Georgia's largest industry, agriculture, suddenly has 11,000 openings

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I guess I was just thinkin about how Im dyin for any job
I think a huge part of americans not wantin to work these jobs is cuz they expect to work in a field they have studied for and aren't willing to work in something unrelated until they find that job. And also most illegal immigrants work for less then minimum wage and what legal citizen is gonna do that?

Originally Posted by Regis

Originally Posted by Kramer

Originally Posted by odog24

this pretty much sums it up. now after hearing about this it will produce more racism and hate toward the illegal immigrants that are basically helping run the country by doing jobs that most people would not do
You know how many unemployed legal americans are dyin to get a job? And if thats just one illegal gettin away with a few thousand, multiply that by thousands and it's not bread crumbs anymore. Not sayin others gettin away with it too but that doesn't make this any less of an issue

I read a report the other day about some opening for agricultural jobs. Out of all the applicants not a single one of them was a US citizen. I'll have to look for the specific report.Look I'm not going to act like illegal immigration isn't a problem in this country. It's just so %%! backwards when middle class America tries to blame them for our countries problems but they out there voting for people that are trying to make laws that ONLY benefit the top 1 percent.

Yeah thats true, we really do need to fix the illegal status of these people or somethin
Originally Posted by Gry60

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Here is an idea....lets legalize all the illegals so then they can still work under the table for low wages but claim unemployment now too.

So in other news....JP Morgan lost 2 Billion dollars..The ceo appologized....and the shareholders let him keep his $23 million pay package...that concerns me more then illegals getting 10k in tax refunds.
Makes you wonder whose money was lost...

Finally, the dirt is coming into the light!
Not a new concept to me at all. Not mad at immigrants, more upset at US that allows this to happen. Can I go to a foreign country and do the same thing to them as an American citizen? I think not. This is why you see a lot of immigrants with their own business in a snap, while people who are American want their own business but struggle so much. I've seen and heard anecdotal stories of people being in the US less than 5 years having a business and Americans who are capable can't get anything. Smh...
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by desent

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

It's not just illegals though.  Thanks to E-Filing, everything including refund processing is automated.  Tax fraud is nothing new.  Whether or not it's going to an illegal or Joe Blow with his 12 kids, what's the difference?  

The difference is no ss# has to be given for kids... and they can claim as many as they see fit. If a citizen claims one(yes they may claim someone else kid(s) illegally) they have to provide a ss#. With this no additional information has to be given. And in this case you have CPAs NOTIFYING of fraud so blatant yet nothing is done about it.
I agree %!*@ happens all the time but once they get a whiff of it, then they typically get dealt with (unless they have x amount of money to fight it or get off)... but in this case not a DAMN is given and they are being told about it... but no they rather just hand out our tax dollars...

In my opinion stopping this %!*@, closing some company loop holes (oil ones and others) and a couple other steps could be done to get our deficit down from the 14+ trillion, thus possibly adding value to the U.S. currency... (a long series of steps that could result in this in my opinion... which i didn't state here... for those who would like to jump on me quickly for those comments)
No SS# has to be given for dependents?   Wrong.  All you need is a ITIN for every single person  you claim as a dependent.  Average Joe Blow with his 12 dependents can get a ITIN and claim them as a dependent. 
If your dependent or spouse does not have and is not eligible to get an SSN, you must list the ITIN instead of an SSN.,,id=96696,00.html 

Actually if u want to knit pick. A itin is not a ssn. So I was actually correctSo an estimated 4 billion this past tax year is distributed and u fools are worried about the 2 billion. The truth is both issues should be on the table but let's be honest banks been playing with out money and basically have the govt in theor back pocket. But this is a separate issue in which illegal immigrants don't have as much lobbying power as that financial sector. Point is the tax dollars can be used efficiently and as we all know that never seems to be the case regardless of what side of the aisle a politician may reside in
Originally Posted by Regis

You fool. This is what they want you to be mad about.
You so worried about illegals getting away with a few thousand but you ignoring millionaires using loop homes to get away with a couple million. We fighting for bread crumbs while people eating filet mignon.
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