I'm a New Comedian- Help Me Out-Update-New Vid Page 1-Time Square Comedy

I actually really enjoyed your delivery.

I think you played up the "this is my life, why you laughing?" I bit too much, but I love the concept.

Keep on grinding fam.
I actually really enjoyed your delivery.

I think you played up the "this is my life, why you laughing?" I bit too much, but I love the concept.

Keep on grinding fam.
Originally Posted by k3stacks

You look like a heavy set henz0

Yeah he do! 

And not bad OP. More Polishing but not a bad start. 

The repeating of "I'm not a *%*$%" and "Cut it out guys I'm telling you guys about my life" isn't working.
I'm not going to give out advice like I know what to do when it comes to stand up. Things started rough, then smoothed out, and finally things became hilarious. (Kinda like my relationships) I only know two things. 1. I love stand up. 2. I laughed.

That to me = success. Keep it going, man.
I'm not going to give out advice like I know what to do when it comes to stand up. Things started rough, then smoothed out, and finally things became hilarious. (Kinda like my relationships) I only know two things. 1. I love stand up. 2. I laughed.

That to me = success. Keep it going, man.
Originally Posted by amel223

The repeating of "I'm not a *%*$%" and "Cut it out guys I'm telling you guys about my life" isn't working. Idk if it's the delivery or the lines.
Yeah a couple of people in here liked it but I thought it was kinda awkward and unnecessary...maybe because I've seen a lot of stand-up comedians use that "I'm being totally serious, stop laughing it's not funny!" line before or have made it as part of their act, like they're acting as if they're just up there telling a story to a therapist or something.

Overall though, it was a very good start.
Originally Posted by amel223

The repeating of "I'm not a *%*$%" and "Cut it out guys I'm telling you guys about my life" isn't working. Idk if it's the delivery or the lines.
Yeah a couple of people in here liked it but I thought it was kinda awkward and unnecessary...maybe because I've seen a lot of stand-up comedians use that "I'm being totally serious, stop laughing it's not funny!" line before or have made it as part of their act, like they're acting as if they're just up there telling a story to a therapist or something.

Overall though, it was a very good start.
Originally Posted by spacerace

i actually really enjoyed your set. you did seem a little nervous throughout the video but that's expected. keep up the good work my dude. 

your jokes were good, the way you presented could have been better, though, not saying it was bad, just a little tweaking....

and you remind of kevin hart, but im not sure what it is though....

go colts!
Originally Posted by spacerace

i actually really enjoyed your set. you did seem a little nervous throughout the video but that's expected. keep up the good work my dude. 

your jokes were good, the way you presented could have been better, though, not saying it was bad, just a little tweaking....

and you remind of kevin hart, but im not sure what it is though....

go colts!
Based off that video, some thoughts:

1.) Great material, people can relate to everyday things like the topic you spoke about. Good job there

2.) SLOW DOWN the delivery. You spoke so fast (and with a lot of "ums"), to the point that you never gave the audience time to laugh at the end of a sentence. It seems like you went on and on with no stopping. Relax, and deliver with confidence. Know that laughs will come, so enjoy the laughter with the audience. The joke always seems funnier when the comedian is laughing too.

3.) I dunno if this is possible, but I always like comedians to be more animated, like walking around, using their hands to talk, and actually having the mic in their hand and walking around. I just hate comedians that stand still like they are giving a speech. Perhaps work that in somehow?
Based off that video, some thoughts:

1.) Great material, people can relate to everyday things like the topic you spoke about. Good job there

2.) SLOW DOWN the delivery. You spoke so fast (and with a lot of "ums"), to the point that you never gave the audience time to laugh at the end of a sentence. It seems like you went on and on with no stopping. Relax, and deliver with confidence. Know that laughs will come, so enjoy the laughter with the audience. The joke always seems funnier when the comedian is laughing too.

3.) I dunno if this is possible, but I always like comedians to be more animated, like walking around, using their hands to talk, and actually having the mic in their hand and walking around. I just hate comedians that stand still like they are giving a speech. Perhaps work that in somehow?
a lot better than i expected it to be. pretty impressed, and props for going out and doing it that takes some courage.

like others have said, the more you do it, the more comfortable you'll be and the better it'll get.

if you've got netflix check out I am Comic, interesting documentary that shows what it takes to make it as a stand up comedian
a lot better than i expected it to be. pretty impressed, and props for going out and doing it that takes some courage.

like others have said, the more you do it, the more comfortable you'll be and the better it'll get.

if you've got netflix check out I am Comic, interesting documentary that shows what it takes to make it as a stand up comedian
like everyone is saying. Just slow things down, but other than that, it was pretty good.
like everyone is saying. Just slow things down, but other than that, it was pretty good.
How old are you OP? Stand up comedy has been a dream of mine as well for as long as I can remember. Good luck with everything and keep your craft going.
How old are you OP? Stand up comedy has been a dream of mine as well for as long as I can remember. Good luck with everything and keep your craft going.
Credit me later,

On your last line... "called my mother... how do are you putting ice cream in girls when you know your *%# is lactose intolerant" would have set it OFF
Credit me later,

On your last line... "called my mother... how do are you putting ice cream in girls when you know your *%# is lactose intolerant" would have set it OFF
Material was good and funny. Delivery was pretty good, too. I would say just slow it down some of the time (think how Katt Williams would have delivered your joke about shutting everything down at 6:30pm - "6:30??? *insert w-t-f face* ...B!tch, I just woke up at 4:30!..") I think this lets people absorb the joke and allows you to get a chance to feed off the crowd's response.

As far as stage presence I would suggest keep your body moving. When you had your left hand on the mic, your right arm was still for a lot of the time. But when you kept your hands and arms in motion it only helped your overall stage presence as you looked more comfortable, and helped with the delivery of the joke. Additionally, try taking the mic off the stand and walk around. This might help with keeping your body in motion.

Overall a good set! Keep working on your craft!
Material was good and funny. Delivery was pretty good, too. I would say just slow it down some of the time (think how Katt Williams would have delivered your joke about shutting everything down at 6:30pm - "6:30??? *insert w-t-f face* ...B!tch, I just woke up at 4:30!..") I think this lets people absorb the joke and allows you to get a chance to feed off the crowd's response.

As far as stage presence I would suggest keep your body moving. When you had your left hand on the mic, your right arm was still for a lot of the time. But when you kept your hands and arms in motion it only helped your overall stage presence as you looked more comfortable, and helped with the delivery of the joke. Additionally, try taking the mic off the stand and walk around. This might help with keeping your body in motion.

Overall a good set! Keep working on your craft!
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by cbrooks3

i thought the funniest part was when you would tell a story and people would laugh and you get mad at 'em because "that %#** is serious, it is a part of my life. this isn't funny."

Yeah - I think you should say that with a little more "umph" like " 
 #+#$ y'all laughin' at?!" - kinda like Bernie Mac at the Apollo when he was cussin' at the audience ("I ain't scared of you mutha #+#$!!") or Chris Tucker in "Friday" ("Don't laugh - it ain't funny")...
...it's a cheap way to get laughs while you get the crowd into you and set the next joke up.

Your stage presence will get better over time, but you're off to a good start...

thats a interesting observation, never noticed that
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