Im About To Go Bowling For The First Time In Years. Whats Your High Game?

160ish. not bad for someone who throws the ball straight down the lane.
at me for not being able to hook
I forgot. I haven't been bowling in like 7 years, no lie. I need to start getting back into it though. Thinking about buying some shoes so I can starthitting up the alley more frequently. Anyone got recommendations?
Oddly enough, I'm kind of a really good bowler.
My lifetime high is 229. I hit 7 strikes, 4 spares, and in my last frame left 1 stupid pin.
On average I bowl about a 160, give or take
300 game. 800 flat series (out of 3 games). Come see me hahaha. If anyone tryin to throw down some money come see me at Classic bowl or Serra Bowl.
Like 150.

but I bowled my third turkey the other night.

Who's in the turkey club? no pun intended.. How many yall got????
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