I'm about to graduate from college and I dont know what I'm going to do after anymore

Jul 19, 2004
Im 21 and a senior at uc berkeley. i thought i wanted to go to med school but i honestly dont think i have what it takes to be a doctor. i thought about working for a magazine company or be a consultant at clinics. i just dont know anymore. please no trolling or spams, i dont really need those right now. what to do?
I feel you. My friend and I graduated from Berkeley this May. I am currently looking for work, as well. I majored in EECS. Keep your head up man, and follow your heart. If you want to work for a bit and go back to grad school or med school sounds good too. Take some time to search for what you really want to do, the job market ain't that good right now anyways. If anything apply this fall at the job fairs too. And go bears!

What up mayne.. this is the other friend and I also graduated from Berkeley, but with a much more obscure major(s) in Ethnic Studies and American Studies. Yes I was one of those kids who had his fist in the air at every ultra-left wing rally on upper Sproul. Holla! So yes, I'm currently looking for a full time job while volunteering and working as a contractor at different organizations. So far, I've gone through a kind of emotional roller coaster ride living at home, but I assure you that your case may be different. Start looking for work right now !!! Craft and tailor your resume accordingly, and live it up your senior year cuz my friend and I really do miss college life. Especially, all the ladies via Berkeley goggles. We are both Asian and we constantly got that yellow fever. Word up to the appreciation of Asian women thread.

Like my friend said, follow your heart as cliche as that sounds. Work on your resume and apply for jobs early. Make sure you have tons of fun in the process, and live it up for us plzzz. College was the !+%%, and we wish we could have it back in a different way.
Don't leave college. Just continue getting educated. Jobs is scarce out here and will be harder to find if you don't even know what you want to do.
So do you still want to be a doctor? Did you ever or was it someone else's goal for you?

Ask yourself what you truly want to do and take the steps towards making it happen.
Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

Don't leave college. Just continue getting educated. Jobs is scarce out here and will be harder to find if you don't even know what you want to do.

99% swag.
You can go on Wall Street and protest and complain about not having a job

But I'd stay continue schooling
I think it's great that you're thinking about this now. Entry into the job market requires thought, and entry into this particular economic climate will often be a struggle.

Contrary to what others are advising, unless you have the money/resources to keep going to school without adding (more) debt, do not go to grad school because you're scared or don't know what else to do. If you don't have the resources, I would advise you to get out there and try to get a job.

If you don't find a job, you'll have the time and fire under your behind to get motivated and ask yourself hard questions. If you don't find a job, go volunteer somewhere and talk to everyone you can because those conversations and connections may lead you somewhere.

If you do find a job, great! Work for a little while and see how you like it. If that's something you can do for a little while or make a career out of it, great! If not, you know you need to keep searching for something else. Until you find out what you want, or do not want, it's hard to focus and truly make an effort.

Since you've already contemplated working for a magazine or clinic consultant, I assume you already have ties or interests in these two particular fields.

If not, what I would advise is that:
1) you consider what fields or industries that you want to be in,
2) find a job description that you want, and
3) talk to someone/people who is/are already in that position about how you can get to where they are and go from there.

From what you say, medical school may not be for you, but there are other allied health professions that you could pursue as well. Start working, get a taste of the working world, find out what you want and do not want, and then take the necessary steps to get from point A to point B.

Keep this in mind: you don't have to rush, all of this is part of the process that will lead you to where you want to be.

If medical school is where you want to be, eventually, you'll find yourself there, if not, then you know for sure. Good luck, aintFRESH.
OP I know how you feel..

I was 19 in college and had no idea what I wanted to do. I only entered biochem in college because it was the
major my parents wanted--thus they wanted me to be a doctor. My belief is, you have to take a bunch of classes
and see what you really like/interested in. It wasn't until I was offered a research position my junior year studying
cytochrome c where i developed significant interest and decided to pursue medical school.

You say you considered medical school- have you taken any of the pre-reqs? O'chem, bio/physio/ physics?
I know you're graduating, but consider continuing your education and finding something that you can enjoy.
take a year off and travel or focus on something you really like. if you travel you meet people all over the world that can likely give you great connections, experience new things,and have time to really just think what you wanna do in life. ivy league schools encourage their students to do this so it must be pretty beneficial in a way.
Skills and capabilities wise, make yourself very valuable to others. It might get you a job, or a new business opportunity. Sometimes school isn't the only answer to make you valuable. Sometimes it is doing something more effectively than others.
thanks for the help and advice and support guys. i took everything yall said wit seriousness and thankfulness. i think i'll pull through in due time. just gotta keep my head up and find that thing i want to be passionate for.
Originally Posted by Rapsteady1

OP I know how you feel..

I was 19 in college and had no idea what I wanted to do. I only entered biochem in college because it was the
major my parents wanted--thus they wanted me to be a doctor. My belief is, you have to take a bunch of classes
and see what you really like/interested in. It wasn't until I was offered a research position my junior year studying
cytochrome c where i developed significant interest and decided to pursue medical school.

You say you considered medical school- have you taken any of the pre-reqs? O'chem, bio/physio/ physics?
I know you're graduating, but consider continuing your education and finding something that you can enjoy.
good old cytochrome c, I spent hours learning its pathway in the mitochondria 
Literally LIVE in the career center and take full advantage of  on campus recruiting. Even if the best you can do is get an internship while your friends get full time jobs, it will give you something useful to work on as you ponder your next steps. Of course, if you feel that you're just not ready to test the water yet, you can go for a graduate degree. Speaking of which, what did you major in? Oh, and coincidentally, I'm at ucb too. I'm econ and applied math.
Originally Posted by derrty6232

Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

Don't leave college. Just continue getting educated. Jobs is scarce out here and will be harder to find if you don't even know what you want to do.

99% swag.
you'll be a hobo in no time OP
I can relate. I graduated just this past Spring and have had no success in terms of looking for a job. Everywhere I apply I am not fit for the job due to "lack of experience". I completed one internship as a senior and it was volunteer. After that, to be honest it was tough to spend hours looking for work. I even applied to a local Nike store and never heard from them lol. So I decided that my degree wasn't going to get me where I wanted to be, well at least not at this point in time with the way things are. I decided that I was going to keep going to school because I feel that I can still apply myself in the academic environment. I don't know if any one of you can relate but its a feeling in which you feel like you haven't reached my full potential regardless of the fact you will have earned your 4 year degree. I am currently not enrolled in any school. I plan to apply and start classes next year. I don't know if I'm doing it right but I feel this is what I need to do now.
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