I'm about to quit looking for a job completely.

Feb 8, 2012
Alright fam, here's the deal. I got laid off last August from my full time job, and ever since then, I've been looking for work. I always kept 2 jobs throughout my work history, but now it's getting to the point where I don't want to deal with the headaches of searching for a job and dealing with bosses. My house is paid for and so are both of my cars, so I don't have any real bills other than light, water, cable, light, gas, and phone. I make sure that any large sum of money goes to things like car insurance and HOA for the year. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have a job and keep busy but the job market is so damn discouraging.

NOW my mom is getting worried that I'm giving up on life completely. The problem I see with that is that she doesn't understand that I can afford to slack off and not worry about getting evicted or something that everybody else works hard for.

If you were in my position, would you continue to look for work, or just live life day by day?
Feeling a little bit lost these days.
Collect unemployment for now, but continue to look for a job.

I think I need to look into it. I just KNEW that I was going to find a job soon after getting laid off that's why I never applied. I just felt that there were people who needed it more than me. Now that I think about it, that was a dumb move on my part to turn down free money.
I say live your life day by day. Don't give up looking for work, but don't stress it too much. It sounds like you're in a pretty comfortable place financially speaking, so there isn't too much urgency. I just wouldn't give up entirely cause then when you actually need to get a job it'll be hard to return to that mentality. You're cool for now, but what about your future? If you get a girl and settle down or have kids? Money now might be aite, but you definitely could make it easier on yourself in the future if you keep pushing for a job now. Good luck with the search fam. I know its brutal on the job market right now, but you'll be alright if you don't quit.
This is what America has become...

Or how about this?

Florida Man Sues Wells Fargo, Says He Was Fired for Daughter’s Cancer Treatment

Susana Kim
ABC News
August 12, 2012

A man in Palm Beach County, Fla., is suing his former employer, saying he was terminated on a pretext because his late daughter’s cancer treatments were too expensive.

Yovany Gonzalez, 36, was a securities broker with Wells Fargo in Palm Beach County. He began his career as a mortgage consultant at a Wachovia bank branch, which was acquired by Wells Fargo in 2008.

One of his children, Mackenzie, was diagnosed with cancer in December 2008. During Mackenzie’s treatment, Gonzalez had to work irregular hours, “generally less than full time, and in several different locations,” the suit states.

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Alright fam, here's the deal. I got laid off last August from my full time job, and ever since then, I've been looking for work. I always kept 2 jobs throughout my work history, but now it's getting to the point where I don't want to deal with the headaches of searching for a job and dealing with bosses. My house is paid for and so are both of my cars, so I don't have any real bills other than light, water, cable, light, gas, and phone. I make sure that any large sum of money goes to things like car insurance and HOA for the year. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have a job and keep busy but the job market is so damn discouraging.
NOW my mom is getting worried that I'm giving up on life completely. The problem I see with that is that she doesn't understand that I can afford to slack off and not worry about getting evicted or something that everybody else works hard for.
If you were in my position, would you continue to look for work, or just live life day by day?
Feeling a little bit lost these days.

I feel lost too ..... i been out of work for about 2 yrs, been saving money for a while so the well is starting to dry up and i really dont wanna do anything in this realm....

i have 2 daughters to take care of so i gotta make bread
What field is your career in? You can always take a lower paying job......anything, retail/restaurant while continuing to search for a new career job. You would be amazed the people you might meet while working somewhere, that one person could change your life or hold the key to your new job. Networking is crucial.
I would say giving up is not a good idea at all. Although you are making enough to get by, you still wan't to advance in your career as well as build up retirement savings and have health care etc.
I FINALLY just got my license today, so I've been applying at jobs all day. I was getting turned down since graduation because I didn't meet the minimum requirements (license), so I just gave up for the summer basically. Sucks because now all the other new grads must have their licenses and the pool must be flooded. I'm worried I'm gonna be too proud to take jobs working in departments I have no interest in, but I'll give it 6 weeks.

If I were you and in the position where all my major bills were paid for, I'd aim for the stars and start applying to my dream type jobs. If you don't get them, oh well, but at least you put yourself out there to be successful.
Never give up, I've been out of work for about 10 months. Keep applying, waking up early and do everything you would normally do If you had a gig. You don't want to become a lazy bum, just sitting around doing nothing. It's hard trying to find specific jobs in my field so I think I'm actually going to try odd type of jobs for the side money and focus on my career while working. I never though I would be applying for retail/busser gigs but at this point I'm really tired of not working.
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Man i feel OP on this one. Graduated from college 18 months and still can't find a job. Right now, I'm working a dead end job part-time. I took a chance on college and all i got was student loans. My brother took a break from school and he makin 30k a year workin in a factory. Where did I go wrong?
What field is your career in? You can always take a lower paying job......anything, retail/restaurant while continuing to search for a new career job. You would be amazed the people you might meet while working somewhere, that one person could change your life or hold the key to your new job. Networking is crucial.

This man knows.

I have a full timer but I'be been SERIOUSLY looking for that right part time job. I figured I'd keep that for a little while.

Op if you're somewhat straight financially, find a gig you enjoy.
OP keep your head up

I work in Human Resources, so I interview candidates and review resumes/applications daily. Continue to grind it out with the job search, but also work to maintain your skills or develop new ones during your time off, whether that be additional education, vocational training, temp jobs or even volunteering. If you've been unemployed for the past year, you may have already heard the questions: "so what have you done in your time between jobs?" You'll want to be able to positively describe that gap in employment as being productive and not complacent. You don't want to throw up your arms, give up and expect a company to employ you out of sympathy. The job market is getting better, compared to say 2-3 years ago and there are others in your same situation; lots who are worse off. Even if it means taking an initial step backwards, at this point, any opportunity may be one to move forward. Good luck
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