I'm Addicted to Soda

Make a bet with your boy. If you drink over 2 cans a day, you'll give him $100 for each additional can. This worked like a charm with me and working out.
Make a bet with your boy. If you drink over 2 cans a day, you'll give him $100 for each additional can. This worked like a charm with me and working out.
i just wish soda wasn't that bad for you teeth, i really miss drinking Vanilla Coke, have never really drank soda on a consistent basis since i found out how bad the Cirtic Acid is for you
i just wish soda wasn't that bad for you teeth, i really miss drinking Vanilla Coke, have never really drank soda on a consistent basis since i found out how bad the Cirtic Acid is for you
I stopped drinking soda about 3 weeks ago.. I only had it twice in that 3 week span and it was because I went out to eat. I've been sticking to water 
I stopped drinking soda about 3 weeks ago.. I only had it twice in that 3 week span and it was because I went out to eat. I've been sticking to water 
You're going to have to fight through the withdrawal no matter what.

Exercise, drink plenty of water, and take ibuprofen when you get a headache. It'll take some time but the cravings will subside eventually.
You're going to have to fight through the withdrawal no matter what.

Exercise, drink plenty of water, and take ibuprofen when you get a headache. It'll take some time but the cravings will subside eventually.
It's mind over matter. Your symptoms are more psychological then it is physical withdrawls.  Cut back little by little until you're no longer drinking soda. Drink a lot of water too...3-4 liters daily.
It's mind over matter. Your symptoms are more psychological then it is physical withdrawls.  Cut back little by little until you're no longer drinking soda. Drink a lot of water too...3-4 liters daily.
dang man....and i thought i was addicted to soda...usually need one 3-5 days but im good without it. lately ive been trying to drink more water though
dang man....and i thought i was addicted to soda...usually need one 3-5 days but im good without it. lately ive been trying to drink more water though
i get a few sips every few months in for taste but water/juice guy

but in 7-10 grade i was beasting. played pickup ball tons then so some sponsor always had drinks out there

also try and control your fast food/vending  intake because they usually go hand in hand
i get a few sips every few months in for taste but water/juice guy

but in 7-10 grade i was beasting. played pickup ball tons then so some sponsor always had drinks out there

also try and control your fast food/vending  intake because they usually go hand in hand
i drink too much POP, ive cut it down though. used to drink a bottle every 2 days, now its every 4-5. wish i could completely give it up but i love coke/sprite/ginger ale too much
rarely eat fast food ever and my diet is pretty healthy. i drink a lot of water.

@people drinkin diet thinkin they doin it. that has aspartame in it which is terrible

@people drinkin gatorade casually thinkin they doin it. that might be worse than pop
i drink too much POP, ive cut it down though. used to drink a bottle every 2 days, now its every 4-5. wish i could completely give it up but i love coke/sprite/ginger ale too much
rarely eat fast food ever and my diet is pretty healthy. i drink a lot of water.

@people drinkin diet thinkin they doin it. that has aspartame in it which is terrible

@people drinkin gatorade casually thinkin they doin it. that might be worse than pop
I pretty much grew up on soda, around 17 or so I slowly just started getting sick of it. I would drink only one can every day and than one can every other day.
Now a few years after that I can go weeks without any soda intake. And the only soda I drink is a&w cream soda. I havent had any other kind of soda in months.
**You should try drinking a lot of sweetened ice tea. its not the healthiest, but a lot better than soda
I pretty much grew up on soda, around 17 or so I slowly just started getting sick of it. I would drink only one can every day and than one can every other day.
Now a few years after that I can go weeks without any soda intake. And the only soda I drink is a&w cream soda. I havent had any other kind of soda in months.
**You should try drinking a lot of sweetened ice tea. its not the healthiest, but a lot better than soda
i dont know how but i really kicked my soda habit.....it was never on no crazy %#!% like the OP
but i do know i was drinking soda every day....now i prob drink a soda once a week at the most....juice/water/tea ftw....even tho too much sweet tea isn't good
I just stopped buying it and i only drink it now around once a week when i go out to eat. 

It's tough to get off but i just went cold turkey and went hard with water. 

With that being said  Pepsi
i dont know how but i really kicked my soda habit.....it was never on no crazy %#!% like the OP
but i do know i was drinking soda every day....now i prob drink a soda once a week at the most....juice/water/tea ftw....even tho too much sweet tea isn't good
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