I'm calling out bxflyguy11 for posting redundant posts to bring his post count up.

Aug 26, 2011
All of the posts contribute nothing to the thread and is obviously only posting to build up his post count.
Never understood why post count was so important...

You post more on NT and therefore your opinion is far more valued than mine.
Thats what the report button is for ...

You making this thread and me/other ppl replying isnt contributing to anything either.
Originally Posted by 03silverbullet

is this like a citizens arrest?

ya it is hhaa
I'm calling you out for making a worthless thread about a worthless dude making worthless posts in worthless threads.
INB4 Ksteezy makes this thread about himself.

INB4 that saying is the new "INB4 Megatron."
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