I'm done looking out for drunk friends/girls/people...

This !@+% happened to me two weeks ago, except with weed.

I didn't smoke, because I knew one of us couldn't be high to drive, but my friend decides to smoke and drive. I eventually told him to stop, and therewas about 5 of us, and took over. He literally would be trying to get the joint from someone in the back seat, and looking for it in the back, yes his eyesweren't on the road. We were going like 55 in a 35 on a steep, curving road, and I swear I thought we were going to crash.

After the football game that night, he said he would drive, so I let him, because I stupidly thought he was okay again. Guess not. He had no idea where he wasdriving to on the highway, he was jerking side to side in the lane, and said it was the steering wheel's fault. He slowed down a bit after we yelled at himto, and we had to give him directions to his house. It was that bad. He also said he had 10 hours of sleep that entireweek. The annoying thing is, is when I called him out on how much of a $+$#@! driver he was that weekend, he vehemently denied it and said he was fine.

Never again...
Originally Posted by Kim1

Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

You grown enough to drink, u grown enough to take care of yourself when u drunk
I wish. These are _____'z from the Hood.

They barely take time out they "busy schedules" to take care of their kid(s) for 1 or 2 days.


Im not feelin my life right now...
Originally Posted by Dynamic X

This !@+% happened to me two weeks ago, except with weed.

I didn't smoke, because I knew one of us couldn't be high to drive, but my friend decides to smoke and drive. I eventually told him to stop, and there was about 5 of us, and took over. He literally would be trying to get the joint from someone in the back seat, and looking for it in the back, yes his eyes weren't on the road. We were going like 55 in a 35 on a steep, curving road, and I swear I thought we were going to crash.

After the football game that night, he said he would drive, so I let him, because I stupidly thought he was okay again. Guess not. He had no idea where he was driving to on the highway, he was jerking side to side in the lane, and said it was the steering wheel's fault. He slowed down a bit after we yelled at him to, and we had to give him directions to his house. It was that bad. He also said he had 10 hours of sleep that entire week. The annoying thing is, is when I called him out on how much of a $+$#@! driver he was that weekend, he vehemently denied it and said he was fine.

Never again...
Im tryna read all that but like my eyes are not following my brain im that drunk still

and still i drove for like 32 mins without doing anythin wrong on the road or w/e


I hate being tipsy n depressed....wish I had me one of those girls that held me down no matter what....just to see what it was like to be held down no matterwhat...

drunk rant/
the ones that always have the rep of getting "too" wasted all the time are the ones are the ones that are inconsiderate and selfish...point blank. Inever expect them too look out for me when i'm the one that gets too wasted because when another person in the group gets wasted, they're the firstones to !#@%+ about it.
i dont remember if people help me when i get to drunk
but if its not a habit on their part i will help them out.
I return the favor......numerous times i have had other take care of me...my roommate is like my chaperone when it comes to drinkin.
This pretty much ruins a good night, when you want to get a good buzz going and there's that one friend that takes it over board and everyone else has towatch over him so he doesn't get into a fight or thrown out of the club. I'm just asking myself how did he get so wasted so fast.
i have this one friend that passes out everywhere. last monday, we went to the dolphins game & around the 3rd quarter we realized he wasn't there.we called his cell phone & he told us he was passed out in someone's car.
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