Im from the south VOL Down South STAND UP

neither are the cowboys this year my man.

you still goin to dyckman with all your cowboys stuff on in december or whenever the giants play the cowboys lol

that all star weekend should be fun though. cubans a good owner so i could see it working well for dallas.
Man you already know
Originally Posted by blacklion23

Originally Posted by Eff Ecks

Originally Posted by blacklion23

I was born and raised in Atlanta. I use to love my city, but now I can't wait to get away. The more the city became popular, the more I wanted to get away. It was so much better when no one was really paying attention. Our music was cool until it became a fad. Yeah artist like TIP, Luda, Jeezy, and some others have kinda kept our music on the map, but it doesn't compare to when the Dungeon Family was running things. Here, so many of us are caught up trying to maintain a image. Dudes really think their bloods and crips, females fighting more than dudes, grown people still repin where they from. Where I stay the hood really has people on punshment. And yes, we are doin a lot of biting. I couldn't believe how many dudes start saying swagger like it was a new word. I can't speak for the entire south, but Atlanta sucks now.

I definately agree with this, but in the log run, you gotta be proud of your hometown.

Well I am in way. I just don't think most people who come here or visit get to see the other side of Atlanta. Like most think we have nice women. Ive found that some of those women live here but are not originally from here. In the hood areas you can catch maybe a hand full of nice women, the rest are straight hoodrats. The homeless population is a mess. I've been seeing the same jays on Marta for years. The Marta police don't even care about them because they've dealt with them so many times. You hear teenagers using every curse word in the book in front of adults and elderly people. You have so many babies raising babies. Moms and dads raising their boys to be thugs, laughing when they hear them curse like it's cute. I know this can be seen anywhere, but it's like a epidemic here.

VERY true. its like you lookin thru my own eyes.
Originally Posted by Ridgemont Fly

Originally Posted by eatmoreyeah

I live by New Orleans.

The Good: ladies, food, fishing, jazz, Mardi Gras, casinos, architecture, Magazine Street
, festivals, dive bars, Saints, Hornets...

The Bad: terrible public education, shady politicans, racism smh, the weather, a lot of the music, low-riders, LSU...
New Orleans

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