I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a Christian.

Rick Perry is one gigantic fail.

It's fun to laugh at how horrible a candidate he is, until you realize HE RUNS ONE OF THE BIGGEST STATES IN AMERICA.
sillyputty in 5 4 3 2 1...

 but really i respect sillyputty he has so much knowledge
Not sure if OP is serious.

Sillyputty will be drawn to this thread like a moth to a flame.
EDIT: If this guy wins, it's a wrap for the Middle East and the so-called "Muslim" states. WW3 for sure.
100k dislikes. roffles. it was like 40k a couple hours ago.

anyway this guy is trolling. making it seem like anyone can run for presidency.
OP is obviously joking.

But seriously, who on his PR team thought this was a good idea?
damn right he isn't, he's out there trying to do god/jesus whomever numbers with the amount of people that's been executed under his rule.
As everyone saw in those GOP "debates," Rick Perry is a witless blowhard. Now he'll pander to the Bible-belt in a last ditch effort to overtake fellow clowns Romney and Gingrich. LOL.

Ron Paul for President. (though he has no shot)
This dude is a joke. I cant take him or any of the GOP candidates seriously.

InB4 Silly OD's on cartoons/youtube vids/ gifs and other mediums to get his point across. Gotta hand it to him though it is funny
Dudes going at OP either didn't watch the video or have zero ability to perceive sarcasm.
Why is there this recent backlash of religious people deciding that they are the ones being persecuted...

Listen NOT ALLOWING someone to act in a certain way that should be within their rights (ex: homosexuals) is persecution.

NOT FORCING everyone to feel the same way as your religion is not... No one is trying to DISALLOW you from being whoever you are, celebrating your holidays, or even hating homosexual people, just shut the %+#% up and let other people have the same freedom.
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