I'm still trying to figure out why Columbus Day is a National Holiday.

unfortunately, I work tomorrow..so its not really a holiday for me 
It changed the world and led to our country, although we already have a more apt day for that (Independence Day).
It's the American way. If you can't figure out that then you'll never be able to figure out what this country is really about.
A more official answer below (from wikipedia). Funny how it became a holiday as a reaction against discrimination while the opposition to Columbus Day is for similar reasons.

Catholic immigration in the mid-19th century induced discrimination from anti-immigrant activists such as the Ku Klux Klan. Like many other struggling immigrant communities, Catholics developed organizations to fight discrimination and provide insurance for the struggling immigrants. One such organization, the Knights of Columbus, chose that name in part because it saw Christopher Columbus as a fitting symbol of Catholic immigrants' right to citizenship: one of their own, a fellow Catholic, had discovered America.

Some Italian-Americans observe Columbus Day as a celebration of their heritage, the first occasion being in New York City on October 12, 1866. Columbus Day was first popularized as a holiday in the United States through the lobbying of Angelo Noce, a first generation Italian, in Denver. The first official, regular Columbus Day holiday was proclaimed by Colorado governor Jesse F. McDonald in 1905 and made a statutory holiday in 1907. In April 1934, as a result of lobbying by the Knights of Columbus, Congress and President Franklin Delano Roosevelt made October 12 a federal holiday under the name Columbus Day.
good question, i know of the bad, but never actually read. anyone want to provide a link? thanks
what I dont get is why is the south still salty and not celebrate columbus day?

I remember in NYC we had columbus day, jewish holidays, washington and lincolns birthday off from school
In April 1934, as a result of lobbying by the Knights of Columbus, Congress and President Franklin Delano Roosevelt made October 12 a federal holiday under the name Columbus Day.




Originally Posted by JoseBronx

what I dont get is why is the south still salty and not celebrate columbus day?

I remember in NYC we had columbus day, jewish holidays, washington and lincolns birthday off from school
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