I'm still trying to figure out why Columbus Day is a National Holiday.

Originally Posted by Master Zik

It's the American way. If you can't figure out that then you'll never be able to figure out what this country is really about.
B/c Columbus rediscovered america, officially opening it up for colonization, which led to establishment of the American colonies. It's more symbolic than it is about Columbus himself. 
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Whatever the reason we celebrate it is, I don't care. Paid day off ftw.
Essential1 wrote:
Originally Posted by Budweiser

blackngold1z wrote:
yet another reason to hate fdr
Impossible. Liberals have never done anything wrong, ever.

Because Liberals defend internment camps...... #*@!

If by "liberal" you mean of the left wing, well yes, your people did support internment camps. When you decide to give government a lot of power, entire groups of people in your society will get crushed. If you, like many "progressives" or "liberals" (or what ever name you hide your left wing authoritarian thoughts behind) believe that society's problems can be solved by giving enough power to enough 'experts" in Washington, individuals and entire groups with your society will get crushed and the reason is because government is simply a blunt instrument that exists to exercise, violent and coercive powers over others. When you decide that all or most problems can be solved by the blunt instrument of state power, politically powerless groups and individuals will eventually have their property, liberty and lives taken from then by the omnipotent state.

Regarding Columbus Day, like WWS posted, it is partially an Italian American holiday. More importantly though, Christopher Columbus is part of the American narrative, that daring, risk taking and boldness are the life blood of our nation. It is part of our founding myth and it does not matter to most people how vile it is that the American Aeneas was an evil, covetous and blood thirst conqueror. Men like that are often time found in the corner stones of the founding myths of many nations.

Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Essential1 wrote:
Originally Posted by Budweiser

blackngold1z wrote:
yet another reason to hate fdr
Impossible. Liberals have never done anything wrong, ever.
Because Liberals defend internment camps...... #*@!

 individuals and entire groups with your society will get crushed and the reason is because government is simply a blunt instrument that exists to exercise, violent and coercive powers over others. When you decide that all or most problems can be solved by the blunt instrument of state power, politically powerless groups and individuals will eventually have their property, liberty and lives taken from then by the omnipotent state.

im sure in the history of the world this has only ever happened under the watch of a left wing government
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Essential1 wrote:
Originally Posted by Budweiser

blackngold1z wrote:
yet another reason to hate fdr
Impossible. Liberals have never done anything wrong, ever.
Because Liberals defend internment camps...... #*@!

If by "liberal" you mean of the left wing, well yes, your people did support internment camps. When you decide to give government a lot of power, entire groups of people in your society will get crushed. If you, like many "progressives" or "liberals" (or what ever name you hide your left wing authoritarian thoughts behind) believe that society's problems can be solved by giving enough power to enough 'experts" in Washington, individuals and entire groups with your society will get crushed and the reason is because government is simply a blunt instrument that exists to exercise, violent and coercive powers over others. When you decide that all or most problems can be solved by the blunt instrument of state power, politically powerless groups and individuals will eventually have their property, liberty and lives taken from then by the omnipotent state.

Absolute nonsense......

Just like when these "Washington Experts" who took the liberal position of deregulating Wall Street, the Banks, and Big Business in the 1980s, late 1990s, and more than ever in the 2000's  (btw that is not a liberal position, seeing as how you wouldn't know what one is if it slapped you in the face) and the entire working class got as you call it got "crushed"...

Also riddle me this batman, look at Washington now... Look at how corrupt it is... The Supreme Court Ruling that established Corporations are Individuals and are allowed to pump as much money as they want into elections, was voted in favor by the Conservative Justices and more liberal justices voted against... The topic of Campaign  Finance is only touched by Liberals in DC right now, Conservatives won't even get 10 feet near it....  Wall Street/Banking Reform, Liberals wanted to make regulations to protect consumers, Republicans wanted to ease regulations more (as if we haven't already seen the result of it)... Who tried to end corporate loopholes for taxes, and who tried to end tax cuts to companies shipping jobs overseas? Liberals.........When Liberal tried to pass a health care bill to anyone who became sick as a direct result of 9/11 it took us TWO TIMES TO PASS IT... Still only getting 17 Republicans to agree with it... When it came to giving tax cuts to Small businesses to get them to hire people, who filibustered it, you got it Conservatives... When Liberals tried to reign in Health Insurance Company malpractices, who actually tried to pass the legislation? And who at every turn, watered it down with obstructionism, and fear mongering, to a bill that is similar to Bob Dole's proposal in 1994, and which most people assume the large core will not work...

When Liberals try to allow gays to openly serve in the military, or allow them to get similar benefits as any other couple, or tries to give them the ability to get married, who gets in the way? Conservatives....  Who typically feels women shouldn't have the right to an abortion? Conservatives....

Who wants to end Social Security (even though it has ran $2 trillion surplus and will pay 100% of benefits until 2037, and will be able to pay 78% of benefits until 2081, when it then finally runs a deficit... And all its problems of money are caused by pillaging its surplus for silly +#+* like tax cuts and war)... Who wants to end Medicare/Medicaid....  Exactly................ Not liberals

Sounds like we want to oppress people doesn't it...
It didn't take long for Essential to bash the right. His day isn't complete without it.

I'm finally putting him on ignore.
im still trying to figure out why im at work today. banks are closed. billing dept who makes bank deposits, open.
columbus didnt discover shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh he barley made it here alive but he discovered a place that was already inhabited & has hundreds of thousands of people there already if not millions... once again fam didnt do shhhhhhhhhhhh & if he did i discovered dress pants & boxers this morning.......
Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

I still have class

this...totally forgot it was columbus day.

it is a wrong holiday. but it WAS a day off for me back in my pre college days so i was down with it obv.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

How? He's been saying "lotta angry browns and blacks in here" a few times but never elaborates.

actually i just saw your question mark so sry & i had his og reply quoted before but my response would have gotten me banned
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Essential1 wrote:
Originally Posted by Budweiser

blackngold1z wrote:
yet another reason to hate fdr
Impossible. Liberals have never done anything wrong, ever.
Because Liberals defend internment camps...... #*@!

If by "liberal" you mean of the left wing, well yes, your people did support internment camps. When you decide to give government a lot of power, entire groups of people in your society will get crushed. If you, like many "progressives" or "liberals" (or what ever name you hide your left wing authoritarian thoughts behind) believe that society's problems can be solved by giving enough power to enough 'experts" in Washington, individuals and entire groups with your society will get crushed and the reason is because government is simply a blunt instrument that exists to exercise, violent and coercive powers over others. When you decide that all or most problems can be solved by the blunt instrument of state power, politically powerless groups and individuals will eventually have their property, liberty and lives taken from then by the omnipotent state.

Absolute nonsense......

Just like when these "Washington Experts" who took the liberal position of deregulating Wall Street, the Banks, and Big Business in the 1980s, late 1990s, and more than ever in the 2000's  (btw that is not a liberal position, seeing as how you wouldn't know what one is if it slapped you in the face) and the entire working class got as you call it got "crushed"...

Also riddle me this batman, look at Washington now... Look at how corrupt it is... The Supreme Court Ruling that established Corporations are Individuals and are allowed to pump as much money as they want into elections, was voted in favor by the Conservative Justices and more liberal justices voted against... The topic of Campaign  Finance is only touched by Liberals in DC right now, Conservatives won't even get 10 feet near it....  Wall Street/Banking Reform, Liberals wanted to make regulations to protect consumers, Republicans wanted to ease regulations more (as if we haven't already seen the result of it)... Who tried to end corporate loopholes for taxes, and who tried to end tax cuts to companies shipping jobs overseas? Liberals.........When Liberal tried to pass a health care bill to anyone who became sick as a direct result of 9/11 it took us TWO TIMES TO PASS IT... Still only getting 17 Republicans to agree with it... When it came to giving tax cuts to Small businesses to get them to hire people, who filibustered it, you got it Conservatives... When Liberals tried to reign in Health Insurance Company malpractices, who actually tried to pass the legislation? And who at every turn, watered it down with obstructionism, and fear mongering, to a bill that is similar to Bob Dole's proposal in 1994, and which most people assume the large core will not work...

When Liberals try to allow gays to openly serve in the military, or allow them to get similar benefits as any other couple, or tries to give them the ability to get married, who gets in the way? Conservatives....  Who typically feels women shouldn't have the right to an abortion? Conservatives....

Who wants to end Social Security (even though it has ran $2 trillion surplus and will pay 100% of benefits until 2037, and will be able to pay 78% of benefits until 2081, when it then finally runs a deficit... And all its problems of money are caused by pillaging its surplus for silly +#+* like tax cuts and war)... Who wants to end Medicare/Medicaid....  Exactly................ Not liberals

Sounds like we want to oppress people doesn't it...


The irony of rex's post purplexes me.
people have a right to be upset...especially with the amount of DR folks on here we should know better
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