I'm trying to quit smoking. Vol Day 1

Jul 16, 2001

- I think I'm serious this time. Day 1 is almost over. Apr03 09
Focus on your most crucial craving of the day - the one you can't go a day without.

[i.e. first thing when you roll outta bed; after a breakfast in the morning; when you take a !*@*; etc.]

Once you conquer that one, it'll only get easier.
third day will be one of the hardest. After that it's cake.

If you're a real fiend though try Camel Snus...smokeless and spitless. Gradually ween yourself off

My most crucial craving is the one where I'm bored as %$%@ like right now

And just want to relax outside
Originally Posted by eLNiNo4530

third day will be one of the hardest. After that it's cake.

If you're a real fiend though try Camel Snus...smokeless and spitless. Gradually ween yourself off
I haven't had a cigarrette in 71 hours....I've been fine until now...

Do you think the nicotine in the snus will help the cause or make it worse later from more nicotine withdrawal?
Homer Simpson says it best.."Trying is the first step toward failure. "

Get past the trying and get the right mindset to where you believe you don't need to smoke
After a week it's not even a problem. I smoked from age 14-21 and quit pretty recently. The only time I smoke is when I drink or drop, and I have no realurge to smoke the next day.

You don't need anything to help you quit...

Mind over matter. If you can't quit smoking, you are weak. Just like any nervous habit that we submit to, we are exposing a weakness. You're strongerthan this....

You don't need to smoke....

You're not going to smoke because you're stronger than that, right?


If you quit you will live longer

You will also save money.

You can do it, just try to be consistent...don't be weak! You don't need them anyways.
Originally Posted by desoIation1

how about a pic?
The one on the right looks like it taste better.

Originally Posted by Ortega03

Homer Simpson says it best.."Trying is the first step toward failure. "

Get past the trying and get the right mindset to where you believe you don't need to smoke

Good $@!+. I was doing awesome until now. Then all of a sudden my head starts shrinking, blurry vision etc.
Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by eLNiNo4530

third day will be one of the hardest. After that it's cake.

If you're a real fiend though try Camel Snus...smokeless and spitless. Gradually ween yourself off
I haven't had a cigarrette in 71 hours....I've been fine until now...

Do you think the nicotine in the snus will help the cause or make it worse later from more nicotine withdrawal?

Cold turkey's the only real way to quit for good. By using Snus or something like that you're still feeding your body the nicotine and it'll makeit that much easier to smoke JUST ONE...and we all know it's never just one. You're doin' good my man. When I go home to see the fam, I don'tsmoke and the first few days are a b*tch, but after that I don't even think about it. Find something fun to do with non-smoker friends. The less the ideais there, the less you'll think about it. You're probably not as addicted as you think. I've been smoking on and off for about 5 years and after afew days I forget all about it-- I don't know why I haven't quit for good yet. I have a friend that just quit and she said after two days she wouldforget all about them.

Keep it up fam!
Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by desoIation1

how about a pic?
The one on the right looks like it taste better.

Originally Posted by Ortega03

Homer Simpson says it best.."Trying is the first step toward failure. "

Get past the trying and get the right mindset to where you believe you don't need to smoke

Good $@!+. I was doing awesome until now. Then all of a sudden my head starts shrinking, blurry vision etc.

Suck on a pencil
Originally Posted by NikeAirsNCrispyTees

Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by eLNiNo4530

third day will be one of the hardest. After that it's cake.

If you're a real fiend though try Camel Snus...smokeless and spitless. Gradually ween yourself off
I haven't had a cigarrette in 71 hours....I've been fine until now...

Do you think the nicotine in the snus will help the cause or make it worse later from more nicotine withdrawal?

Cold turkey's the only real way to quit for good. By using Snus or something like that you're still feeding your body the nicotine and it'll make it that much easier to smoke JUST ONE...and we all know it's never just one. You're doin' good my man. When I go home to see the fam, I don't smoke and the first few days are a b*tch, but after that I don't even think about it. Find something fun to do with non-smoker friends. The less the idea is there, the less you'll think about it. You're probably not as addicted as you think. I've been smoking on and off for about 5 years and after a few days I forget all about it-- I don't know why I haven't quit for good yet. I have a friend that just quit and she said after two days she would forget all about them.

Keep it up fam!
ALL my friends smoke!

Been smoking a pack a day for the past 5-6 years

I don't have a choice. I HAVE to quit. It affects my life too much.

And now I'm bored (which kicks in the craving) and don't want to hit up my friends because they all smoke and I know I'll ask for one..
Buggz make some new friends that don't smoke, seriously.
Or have you thought about asking them to try to make a pact to quit with you?
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