India reports COMPLETELY resistant Tuberculosis...Vol. This is NOT all.


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[h1]India Reports Completely Drug-Resistant TB[/h1]

Well, this is a bad way to start the year.

Over the past 48 hours, news has broken in India of the existence of at least 12 patients infected with tuberculosis that has become resistant to all the drugs used against the disease. Physicians in Mumbai are calling the strain TDR, for Totally Drug-Resistant. In other words, it is untreatable as far as they know.

News of some of the cases was published Dec. 21 in an ahead-of-print letter to the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, which just about everyone missed, including me. (But not, thankfully, the hyper-alertglobal-health blogger Crawford Kilian, to whom I hat-tip.) That letter describes the discovery and treatment of four cases of TDR-TB since last October. On Saturday, the Times of India disclosed that there are actually 12 known cases just in one hospital, the P. D. Hinduja National Hospital and Medical Research Centre; in the article, Hinduja’s Dr. Amita Athawale admits, “The cases we clinically isolate are just the tip of the iceberg.
Oh man

I didn't see it in the article, but I'm going to assume this is from the combination of overuse AND improper use of antibiotics.

This is seriously becoming a very scary GLOBAL problem since we are basically engineering these various resistant superbugs.
an there are 1 billion indian people. sucks that they dieases keep popping up. I'm sure a cure will be found. LEts pray
so zombie apocalypse it isss...

sillyputty thanks for sharing

i feel that all of these problems in third world countries can be easily avoided but in reality i think there will always be third world countries rampant with diseases and health problems because of how our society is setup
its pretty sad
Strains of diseases will continue to evolve because of biological and environment changes over time. I'm also sure, like 00david00 said, some scientists are probably creating resistant superbugs for "research" or other motives.
Eh, you're lead in wasn't necessary.

As far as the article, *kanye shrug* what can you really do besides continuing to be health conscious?
Nobody will really understand the severity of this once is too late, I'm sure something like this is what will dictate the end of our species, once it gets out of hand it will be impossible to the end of days, roaches will be the only thing left....
Stop it with all these end of the world diseases. This isn't the thing that's going to kill us all. SARS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, West Nile, etc. were all "supposed to" do that. And nothing happened.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Stop it with all these end of the world diseases. This isn't the thing that's going to kill us all. SARS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, West Nile, etc. were all "supposed to" do that. And nothing happened.
No, those other illnesses weren't "supposed to" do anything. When these other illnesses made an appearance, we had no idea what the extent of the damage could be. Because of that, we take extreme precautions. Especially since people like you seem to think that it's not worth worrying about unless there's a 50% mortality rate. 
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Contagion is the first thing I thought of. Bad news.

Lol I just watched that this past weekend and also the first thing I thought about
Hasn't this also been occurring in some parts of Europe as well?  I know I read an article at the end of December talking about the same problem; just can't remember the exact region and disease.  
Fear not....Jack Bauer will throw the entire indian subcontinent into a Haz Mat container and we'll be good.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Not to mention that third world country citizens just pop antibiotics for EVERY little headache which also raises the bug resistance of the nasty stuff, since its all they have.

This is far from true. Have you ever been to India or are you just speculating now? A few other things you mentioned weren't true either, FYI

That being said, I watched Contagion last week... and now...
Speaking of incurable diseases, the show "Survivors" that originally aired on BBC is an awesome show. It is currently showing on Netflix.
"Not to mention that third world country citizens just pop antibiotics for EVERY little headache which also raises the bug resistance of the nasty stuff "

Well they do that here in America too. That's not a 3rd world country thing, that's a Big Pharma making money off of people thing.
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