India reports COMPLETELY resistant Tuberculosis...Vol. This is NOT all.

Originally Posted by nwt

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Not to mention that third world country citizens just pop antibiotics for EVERY little headache which also raises the bug resistance of the nasty stuff, since its all they have.

This is far from true. Have you ever been to India or are you just speculating now? A few other things you mentioned weren't true either, FYI

That being said, I watched Contagion last week... and now...
I'm sorry but this is This is VERY true.
And I find it hard when "Contagion" is your only frame of reference.

I don't know where you've been in the world but this is a major factor in many outbreak scenarios.

A lot of poor countries and even poorer areas get stockpiles of generic medicines from philanthropic countries like the US and/or they have a bunch of left over stuff from humanitarian efforts and they end up popping a bunch of antibiotics for stuff.

Most of them don't know the difference and assume that its all good...when its not. Consuming all those antibiotics merely shifts the resistance of bugs to species not targeted by existing drugs. Then what happens is, once more people start getting sick, there is nothing to REALLY cure the problem since the stuff is resistent to medicines that are no longer effective. 

They treat every nail with a sledgehammer so to speak until a screw comes along. 

Thats why there is also a debate over the use and effectiveness of antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers and drug resistence.. Even first world hospitals are encountering stuff like MRSA and drug resistent pneumonia because of the stuff. 
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