Infighting within the BLM movement....

White or not this dude has been accused of stealing a ton of money from fundraisers. There has been paper trails proving that he been racking up off dead black folks
Can't ever completely get behind supporting any of these social media activists, either they are as impressionable as their audience or they've got an agenda(whether its good or bad).

Hashtag movements are just as bad of a joke, the fact that anyone thinks adding a hashtag to something makes it a statement shows how the anonymity of the internet has made us even more docile... King has done some decent work from what I hear but I wouldn't put anything past him. #BLM was cute at first but now it's a distraction. The **** is it suppose to mean anyway? Am I asking America to value my life lol?

We went from 'Black power' to 'Black Lives Matter'... Dat progress lol
BLM has lost my respect since they went for Sanders. Not even for political reasons. It just shows they don't know who their true allies are. Furthermore it shows the lack of centralized leadership will be a cause for concern

Shaun King, my great friend of over 30 years, is under severe attack today. He is currently the number one trending topic in the world and everything his attackers are saying is a stone cold lie.

I've known Shaun since I was in the third grade. We both grew up in Versailles, KY. We both graduated from Woodford County High School. We were roommates while attending Morehouse College in Atlanta, GA and we remain close friends to this day. Not only was Shaun beaten to a bloody pulp by a mob of students while we were in high school, my city of Versailles did everything it could to cover up and down play the event from the moment that it happened, as evidenced by half-assed police report and lack of news coverage at the time of the event.

All of this happened during a time where racial tensions were at extreme levels.

A student at my high school has recently shared his eye witness account and first hand perspective as a white student that grew up in my hometown of Versailles. PLEASE HELP SHARE HIS STORY!

To anybody from my city of Versailles that comes across this story, we should be MORE than vocal about it. During my time in high school, Versailles dropped the ball on how it handled EVERY instance of racial tension.

And to question his race? Since the third grade, Shaun has had to deal with whispers as to his racial make-up. Whispers that no adult helped him deal with or process. Yes, that includes his mother.

Shaun got called "******" just as much, if not more, than myself or any of my black friends and family while growing up in Versailles. Do you think an 8 year old would volunteer for that type of treatment? A funny colored, wavy haired child just trying to navigate life? To have anything from racial slurs to cups full of dip-spit (chewing tobacco) hurled at you from confederate flag covered pick-up trucks? And then 20 years later have some right wing ******** question whether it ever happened and go as far as to call you a fraud and try to de-bunk years of social justice work that you've put under your belt?

We grew up in a town where white mothers were constantly dis-owned by their families for having relationships and making children with black fathers. Where even into the 2000's, the racial identities of mix-raced children were a taboo topic. Shaun was a direct victim of that. 20 years later, much progress has been made in my town of Versailles, but we are proving we have much further to go if people from my home town don't speak the **** up.

With all the blatant instances of racism still happening in 2015, imagine what it was like 20 years ago in a rural Kentucky town with a population of less than 8,000. Imagine how a high school and police department would handle a potential "hate crime".

If this happened in the age of the internet, the story would have spread like wildfire, but 20 years ago, the systematic conditions were in place to sweep Shaun and his situation under the rug.

During those 20 months that Shaun spent time recovering, I was a constant presence at his bedside. Directly following the altercation and many more times over the years, Shaun had numerous spinal surgeries and is still in pain EVERY DAY OF HIS LIFE.

He's told his story countless times, but rarely comments on the amount of pain that he is in on a DAILY.

The extent that news media will go to in order to discredit a soldier that's dedicated his life to fighting injustice sickens me.

If anything, his entire life of dealing with this mess is the REASON he fights for injustice. Why are these idiots too blind to see that?

Piss off

Willis Polk II pka Deacon (of CunninLynguists)

Unfortunately, it seems that several groups on the Internet are spreading lies about an event that happened at my high school while I was a student there. This is a problem for me, because they were not first-hand witnesses, nor are any of their sources.
I, however, was there and saw it happen.

I have been asked to post my memory of that day, which I am happy to do. It involves another student at the time, Shaun King.

I was a senior in high school and had just walked out of the band room when I saw Shaun walking towards me in the hall. For my entire high school career, I cannot recall saying anything more than 'hello' to him. However, this day no such exchange took place. Before it could happen, Shaun was quite literally ambushed by a large group of large people.

He never saw what hit him. He never had a chance. I didn't stop to count how many attacked him, but the number was easily in the neighborhood of a dozen. They were big white farm boys, all members of the FFA. Immediately a crowd formed while they stomped the life right out of Shaun, who couldn't have weighed much more than 100 pounds, if at all.

I remember not being able to get close, certainly not close enough to interfere. The attackers had formed a circle around the debacle and would not let anyone in. It stuck in my mind for years as the most disgusting thing I had ever seen.

It couldn't have lasted long. As soon as the chaos attracted the attention of two teachers, it was over and the attackers deftly dispersed. There was blood all over the floor.

I hung around in mute horror, not believing what I had just seen. I had had a fairly sheltered upbringing and my first brush with violence had left an impression.

So now, in 2015, various organizations on the Internet have taken the stance that this incident never happened. This view seems to stem from one specific article making the observation that the police account and public records of this incident do not coincide with Shaun's account. For example, the police report says there was only one attacker, not a dozen. It also states that Shaun's injuries were very minor.

What the article does not discuss is the political and social climate of that place and time, and how those factors had an effect on the fallout from this incident. This is Versailles (pronouced ver-SAY-els), Kentucky in 1995. I believe the population around that time was it about 6000 or so. When a minority gets almost beaten to death in a small rural town's high school, it is every civic leader's nightmare. In 1995, in Versailles, it could have potentially made national headlines, had the story gotten out. But unfortunately, it did not, and no residents of Versailles, Kentucky should be surprised. By this point in the reading, you should have surmised that any investigating officer would have felt heavy, intense pressure from all sides. The last thing Woodford County High School wanted was for this story to be on the front page of the local paper. You don't have to interview school administrators to know that. The city's elected leaders did not want this getting out because they wanted to keep their jobs. And the local police needed to keep a tight lid on this so that they would not look like jackasses.

So Shaun's injuries were downplayed to just a scratch in the police report. The FFA guys had planned ahead for one of them to take the fall for all. The investigating officer was happy to put that detail in his report. Nor was he eager to interview witnesses, having never asked me a single question.

When you read about incidents like these, it's very easy to imagine that details were left out, memories are hazy, things are made up. If you are having such reservations about this story, please understand that I have no agenda. I was not close with Shaun in high school, and I have not spoken with him since. I am in no way related to his efforts to combat racism. Nor was I ever close with his attackers. I relate my memories of this day only so people will know what really happened. I was one of a very few people that saw it with their own eyes.

There it is. It happened.
Man don't nobody care about his damn background stories bruh people have gotten shot and killed by cops but his friend wanna bring up him getting bullied in school. Man ****** get bullied in school EVERY single day b. So to scapegoat for this guy who went through "racial injustice" as bad as his friend is making it out to be to try to save his *** is not gonna fly. Of course he doesn't mention how he utilized the funds he "raised".

You would ESPECIALLY think  a "great friend" for over 30 years would know where millions of dollars have went if they were utilized for the right purpose. **** Shaun King and **** Shea b. Trying to bring up some old **** about him getting beat up like the whole purpose we even know who he is because hes campaigning for dudes who actually lost their lives 
 No one cares b
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 political move to slander someone who's been very outspoken about police brutality and racial injustice happening in recent time

when the accusations about misplaced funds/charity money didn't stick, people decided to go another route and be more personal about it. there may be some truth to what he's been accused of, but then again it's never fully materialized enough for him to lose his job and voice in media

i stopped following him on twitter when he showed how clueless he was about how women tend to rarely get the benefit of the doubt in a male-dominated society (namely about cosby and the issues that resulted from those events), but he's been for the most part dedicated and passionate about the racism in our justice system (not always on point or coming from a well-thought out perspective, but committed nonetheless)

obvious slander attempt to curb dissent from the most outspoken voices revolving around racism and injustice
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 political move to slander someone who's been very outspoken about police brutality and racial injustice happening in recent time

when the accusations about misplaced funds/charity money didn't stick, people decided to go another route and be more personal about it. there may be some truth to what he's been accused of, but then again it's never fully materialized enough for him to lose his job and voice in media

i stopped following him on twitter when he showed how clueless he was about how women tend to rarely get the benefit of the doubt in a male-dominated society (namely about cosby and the issues that resulted from those events), but he's been for the most part dedicated and passionate about the racism in our justice system (not always on point or coming from a well-thought out perspective, but committed nonetheless)

obvious slander attempt to curb dissent from the most outspoken voices revolving around racism and injustice
Why does he seem passionate though? Cause he tweets a lot about it? Not knocking him for his views or what he stands for, I just wish us blacks would not be such sheep by supporting whatever is "hot" at the moment and actually take lead. Like who the **** is this guy? How is he the face of the black lives matters movement? Just a white guy on twitter that tweeted a lot about black issues to me.... I haven't seen this ***** on TV, haven't seen him at any political events, haven't seen him start any type of programs. Hell dude has "raised" over a half a million bucks and I haven't seen ****.

Idk man, just wish this guy wasn't considered an "activist" because imo it seems like he tweeted his way to fame. But I guess that's just the world we live in now a days.
Them Mexicans know money talk. Mogs migrated over to America and got more pull than black folks. Probably the one minority that came to America with less than black folks but look at a lot of them now. They're not loyal to no party and only vote for folks that are gonna benefit them.

It ain't no such thing as all lives matter or them letting the lgbt community hijack their ****. It's "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO FOR ME"

Salute to the Mexicans even though some can't stand blacks I can still admire their plan of action to succeed

These black 'leaders' and black feminist should take notes. Only thing they've achieved is getting more black folks abused or killed. Dudes get pulled over for a traffic ticket and start bucking like its the bmore riots.

Stop playing yourself into the white supremacist hands.

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Yeah, I keep hearing about him using money from fundraisers for personal use, but I've yet to see any concrete proof here or anywhere on the interwebz. Not saying it isn't possible, and if it did happen I would never condone such actions.

But as it stands, nobody is providing any evidence of it. It's funny to see people bash hashtag activism, but then turn around and take hearsay from Twitter as truth.
Farrakhan be spitting that truth but you know black Christians can't take words of advice from a Muslim. They might go to hell :rolleyes
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Yeah, I keep hearing about him using money from fundraisers for personal use, but I've yet to see any concrete proof here or anywhere on the interwebz. Not saying it isn't possible, and if it did happen I would never condone such actions.

But as it stands, nobody is providing any evidence of it. It's funny to see people bash hashtag activism, but then turn around and take hearsay from Twitter as truth.
Tea is definitely about to spill now
The problem with King is that with everything he said yesterday in his own defense, he never addressed the original allegations. Which was the race of his father.

In addition, I think this is the crux of the problem (a comment I read):

I think people would find him being disengeniuous if this were to be true. He has applied for scholarships and used the system to pay for college based off of his race AND accomplishments in his life. That's probably the big thing here, lying about one's race to make gains for oneself. That's a big deal, regardless of his accomplishments.
Them Mexicans know money talk. Mogs migrated over to America and got more pull than black folks. Probably the one minority that came to America with less than black folks but look at a lot of them now. They're not loyal to no party and only vote for folks that are gonna benefit them.

It ain't no such thing as all lives matter or them letting the lgbt community hijack their ****. It's "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO FOR ME"

Salute to the Mexicans even though some can't stand blacks I can still admire their plan of action to succeed

These black 'leaders' and black feminist should take notes. Only thing they've achieved is getting more black folks abused or killed. Dudes get pulled over for a traffic ticket and start bucking like its the bmore riots.

Stop playing yourself into the white supremacist hands.


Let's talk about it. I've been saying this for a while but people don't want to hear the truth. You think interrupting a rally, civil unrest (not gon say rioting), getting interviews with one person will change things, not in the least bit. Money gets things done and no flip flopping. How many mayors, governors, Congressmen have they approached?

U take a stand with your movement and don't allow anyone to sully it. You don't allow people to suck you into their fight w/o reaping any benefits and you don't let people attach to your fight to reap the benefits w/o putting in any work.
^^^ Of course, but to them, it was progress. They're playing politics and don't even know it.
people keep saying it was proven that he is making money off dead folk...where is the "paper trail"....?
^^^ Of course, but to them, it was progress. They're playing politics and don't even know it.

Both sides are using each other.

Of course, thing is, they are using the people right. What's their end game? Do they have a specific agenda or things that they want accomplished? We all know what the politicians want and they will get it if enough people believe that they are for them.

On topic, does anyone feel like too much energy is being wasted on exposing/clearing dude? It's almost like a Doug from Up w/ the focus

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Farrakhan be spitting that truth but you know black Christians can't take words of advice from a Muslim. They might go to hell
Nation of Islam had amazing success in its political and economic building and education. I commend them for it.

Black Christians on the other hand...
. I was raised Anglican and despite the massive success of the West Indian community as a whole in this country a lot of our thinking is colonial based. Same as AAs. Same as Afro-Latinos. far as group economics, community building etc. Africans in America and NOI are the only ones who have go it.

The Christian Cultural Center in NYC has been attempting to change this on the principle that Christianity has not been a culture the way Islam and Judaism is. It is not a way of life. So they are trying to change that perception and foster political and economic growth that way (which is a great idea in my view).
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