Inflation is the biggest scam known to man

Originally Posted by 59 Piffy

uh, thats a fraud too my dude

the whole cashless society concept is something they want to implement everywhere. they collapse the dollar and make it worthless so they can say to the people "the dollar is worthless we have to have a cashless society". then you need to get microchipped in order to buy/sell. they control you through the chip and if they dont want you buying/selling anything, they simply turn your chip off.

another thing, none of your taxes actually go to the government
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]You're talking madness! Foolishness even! [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]It really seems like Aaron Russo wasn't bs'ing when he spoke about this being "chipped" thing [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]  ... Everything will get clearer as time passes though.[/color]
worthless thread is worthless.

at least give us some explanation or a reason or a video.

where would we be without inflation?
would our society be in a worse economic situation than the one which we are currently facing?
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by 59 Piffy

uh, thats a fraud too my dude

the whole cashless society concept is something they want to implement everywhere. they collapse the dollar and make it worthless so they can say to the people "the dollar is worthless we have to have a cashless society". then you need to get microchipped in order to buy/sell. they control you through the chip and if they dont want you buying/selling anything, they simply turn your chip off.

another thing, none of your taxes actually go to the government
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]You're talking madness! Foolishness even! [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]It really seems like Aaron Russo wasn't bs'ing when he spoke about this being "chipped" thing [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]  ... Everything will get clearer as time passes though.[/color]
As far as Aaron Russo goes talking about us being chipped and cameras being everywhere it's already happening. Smart phones are the chips and the cameras are in our own hands think about it.
its in all govts best interest to have their currency most valuable. But its not something everyone can win
Originally Posted by IamDavidRice

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by 59 Piffy

uh, thats a fraud too my dude

the whole cashless society concept is something they want to implement everywhere. they collapse the dollar and make it worthless so they can say to the people "the dollar is worthless we have to have a cashless society". then you need to get microchipped in order to buy/sell. they control you through the chip and if they dont want you buying/selling anything, they simply turn your chip off.

another thing, none of your taxes actually go to the government
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]You're talking madness! Foolishness even! [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]It really seems like Aaron Russo wasn't bs'ing when he spoke about this being "chipped" thing [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]  ... Everything will get clearer as time passes though.[/color]
As far as Aaron Russo goes talking about us being chipped and cameras being everywhere it's already happening. Smart phones are the chips and the cameras are in our own hands think about it.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]You make a good point about the camera on phones.. But the being "chipped" thing he was referring to is exactly what OP is speaking of. "All money is to be in those chips. There will be no more cash. Anytime you have money in your chip they can take out how much they want whenever they want to.... If you're one of those who protest, they'll turn off your chip"[/color]  
Anything of value monetary wise or in any market or in most cases any business only has value because someone told you it has value...

The value of currencies, the value of non-essential products, the value of markets are not of any value at all.. They are all made up.. It is akin to Santa Claus, just on a more meaningful scale.

Your $ only has value because someone ascribed a value to it. Same with gold, silver, diamonds, and everything that can be publicly traded/bought
Originally Posted by 59 Piffy

people brush off these price increases as "oh the price has to go up with time"

the percentage of your income isnt going up drastically yet the price of goods are.
Bottom line.

Originally Posted by iYen


This is funny, but at the same time it's really not
Hidden Tax. 

"Quantitative easing" or money printing is a hidden tax. They just call it by another name because passing taxes the conventional way is unpopular with the public. Anytime the volume of money in circulation increases, your savings' value decreases. In fact, talking about taxes now a days is pointless because the stealth tax mechanism has been working great for decades, and anytime you hear politicians talking about taxes, its only demagoguery  to garner public support during campaigns (i.e. bush tax cuts). Its also a great tool to widen the gap between the rich and poor, to maintain the socio-economic class structure and to finance unpopular wars. 
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Hidden Tax. 

"Quantitative easing" or money printing is a hidden tax. They just call it by another name because passing taxes the conventional way is unpopular with the public. Anytime the volume of money in circulation increases, your savings' value decreases. In fact, talking about taxes now a days is pointless because the stealth tax mechanism has been working great for decades, and anytime you hear politicians talking about taxes, its only demagoguery  to garner public support during campaigns (i.e. bush tax cuts). Its also a great tool to widen the gap between the rich and poor, to maintain the socio-economic class structure and to finance unpopular wars. 

Our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves right now...
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

In due time, the people of this great country we call America, will be paying each other with ammo, vegetables, fruit, tampons, gold, silver etc etc etc
I agree however gold and silver are completely worthless at a practical level. the *!$+ am I going to do with gold or silver if this world goes to $###? 
True, which is why I put the essentials first

you forgot water 
Originally Posted by dj B Milk

there have been tons of bad posts on NT before, but this one takes the cake. This is probably the most ridiculous post I've seen in my 20+ years on the internet. That's saying ALOT.

You been active online since before '92 ?

I bet your PC looked something like this...


If you think the past few years were hyperinflationery then RIP. If and when hyperinflation takes place, it will be 20x times (at the least) worse than anything you've experienced today.
Originally Posted by dankenstien88

Originally Posted by dj B Milk

there have been tons of bad posts on NT before, but this one takes the cake. This is probably the most ridiculous post I've seen in my 20+ years on the internet. That's saying ALOT.
You been active online since before '92 ?

 The irony though
Austrian Economists have been saying this for 150+ years. And even other Free Market economists have been saying this for hundreds of years.

I agree however gold and silver are completely worthless at a practical level. the *!$+ am I going to do with gold or silver if this world goes to $###? 

If it wasn't illegal to exchange for good/services nobody would want to accept worthless paper in favor of commodities with intrinsic value.
Originally Posted by tecca nena

its in all govts best interest to have their currency most valuable. But its not something everyone can win

Not true at all, the Swiss deliberately devalued the franc last year because it was becoming too strong.
People need to think outside the box. Dismissing OP is foolish. Wages have declined in the last 20 years, yet the price of fuel, food, and clothing is going up. Speculative bubbles don't help either.
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