Insecurities Thread

Feb 8, 2009
Alright NT we all have insecurities, many of which we aren't willing to admit or say aloud. I'm going to use NT as a place to air my issues:

1. I'm losing my hair. It bothers me more than I'd like to admit

2. I'm an awful procrastinator. One of the worst I know of. I know a deadline is coming or a project is due and I still won't work on it until the last minute.

3. I feel like I'm lazy. I'm doing well for myself (make just over $100k, no debt, degree, etc.) but I always feel like I should be doing more. Whenever I'm just chillin, I think 'I should be studying for the GRE' or some other type of self-improvement task. Maybe its the social media world we live in where I can see what everyone else is accomplishing in their lives.

4. I’m overly materialistic. I care too much about shoes, clothes, etc. Sometimes I can’t even go to the grocery store without putting a matching outfit on. It annoys me that I’m this way sometimes. I kind of envy those people who stroll out the house wearing whatever. I think this stems from me caring too much about what some other people think or me. Growing up as one of the few black people around a lot of whites I felt as though I had to act (or dress) a certain way or portray a certain image to I wouldn’t be viewed as ‘one of those black people.’ I realize that mindset is all BS now but I that that is where my materialistic tendencies come from.

5. I’m very risk adverse when it comes to finances. I’m more of a 401k guy than a put-half-my-money-into-a-side-hustle type of guy. I admire those who take risks like that. It just ain’t me.

6. I’m think I’m a slow reader. Tests with reading comprehension portions like the GRE, LSAT scare me because I read slowly. This is more of just a self-improvement thing

7. I tend to be timid sometimes. I want to be more decisive.

8. With all that being said…I think I’m hard on myself. I’m doing pretty well for a guy my age and I should be proud and somewhat content but I never am. My parents are African and if you know African parents I don’t need to say another word.
You sound much better than the average person man :lol:. Sometimes you gotta step back and remind yourself though. But I get it - we only understand the life we know.

And I grew up in a similar environment - middle class to flat out rich white environment. Being a lower middle class African American military brat - their environment can be intoxicating to say the least :lol:. And a lot of African Americans do not like when I say that but it is true I am sorry.

Post high school I spent most of my twenties subconsciously trying to imitate them which lead to me channeling my self-esteem through a bunch of meaningless s***. And I have made too many mistakes because of it.

But I am much better now in general with a bright road ahead.
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I feel like im too good of a person and it makes people take advantage of me.
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What profession do you work in, making over 100k and you can't read, and is timid as well? Doesn't make sense...

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What profession do you work in, making over 100k and you can't read, and is timid as well? Doesn't make sense...

I'm an officer in the military. I'm not very timid but I wish my personality were more authoritative, having a "command presence" as some would say. I've never been the type to walk into the room and take control. I can read bruh, calm down :lol:. I can't read as fast as I'd like. I can read at about 300 wpm which is in the acceptable range for college educated adults. I remember taking the LSAT (when I was considering law school) and barely finishing the reading comprehension sections. I don't read, comprehend, analyze and retain as well as I'd like to. Sometimes I read things and if asked a question 10 minutes later I couldn't give you an answer. I end up reading this over and over just to properly comprehend things.
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I'm not perfect, its something I'm working on. Unlike what you might see on the movies, most military life (especially for officers) isn't like Saving Private Ryan where you're always giving 'rah-rah' speeches and charging hills. I work in an office and 90% of the people I supervise are civilians. The majority of my job is admin, briefings, meetings, etc. Primarily attention to detail stuff. I'd like to become more of a 'rah-rah' guy but very few junior officers have this ability. I hope is comes with time and experience.
Another thing: I'm absent-minded. I pick things up and move them around my apartment and forget that I moved them a lot. I know I get this from my dad, he's the exact same way :smh:
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Another thing: I'm absent-minded. I pick things up and move them around my apartment and forget that I moved them a lot. I know I get this from my bad, he's the exact same way :smh:
I think that happens to all of us at some point. I was late for work today because I didn't know where my headphones were, and they were right in my pocket. :lol:
I'm still a version :wow:
I'm still a version :wow:

No shame in it. I think young men feel pressure to have sex with a lot of women and when they don't they feel inadequate. A lot of this comes from social media and peer pressure. At the end of the day, as long as you're happy that's all that matters. Sex and the things that come with it have been the downfall of many men.
I agree. Sex complicates your life pretty much all of the time.

And is extremely overrated in the sense of what people are potentially willing to lose/risk just for that moment.

Most people will not admit it but it is the truth. I don't know how a person would know it without experiencing it though.

Behind most downfalls alcohol and sex are usually somewhere close :lol:
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I have a shrimp.
I hate my widows peak.
I buy shoes bc I'm insecure.
I still live with my mom. About to be 27.
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