Internet giants seriously considering 'nuclear option' to stop SOPA

Originally Posted by MrBrown

Originally Posted by odog24

if google shuts down then i can create a search engine to replace it.
posting because this should be on the first page.

this is scary stuff. I just don't understand how it is that people don't know about this, or even worse, don't care. I look at my facebook newsfeed and occasionally I'll see someone post about it, that someone being ninjahood.
Originally Posted by zapatohead408

I just don't understand how it is that people don't know about this, or even worse, don't care.

Simply because the local nor international news is not reporting anything about it. They don't want to be the ones responsible for letting the country know their rights are slowly decreasing.

Does anybody have a link to a site that compresses the contents and dangers of the law being passed? I'm going to start posting it to my friends on fb, hopefully it helps.
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by RetroSan

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

So what you're saying is...TO DOWNLOAD AND SAVE MORE PORN!!!

i would laugh but seriously....should i be downloading pr0n? 

Spoiler [+]
If SOPA pass  Porn Studios can go in and shut down ALOT of Free Websites for copyright infringement just like any other company can. So no more **%*%@+@, NaughtyAmerica or whatever brand/network of porn you like for free. Get that CC out for that 30$ a month charge or its 100% amateur content if SOPA passes. 
But then I could just create my own free site, hire actresses, and unleash the content. Might be a loss at first, but without any other competition I win.
Too many kids looking for cheap laughs in this thread while they should be taking those 20 seconds to email their representatives.

Thanks a lot for the link OP and the vids that were posted. E-mailed both of my representatives.

I will be bumping this thread in hopes of it having half as much exposure as the Lebron engagement thread.
Just sent an email to my local representative and I will place a follow up call with her office staff tomorrow. Continue to spread the word against this blatant act of centralization and censorship of information!
Don't even know who my Rep is for the borough I live in. Looks like they represent all the surrounding areas in Pittsburgh but not my area
Soon as I figure out who my reps are in both house and senate they'll be getting an email from me
Edit: Did the long research before I seen the "Who's my rep?" link
Gon be email these chaps. They're both Dems so lets see how this goes
Hey guys, 

Please e-mail your local news stations and favorite reporters and stations.

Here is the direct link to Anderson Cooper's e-mail:

Here is the direct link to CNN's e-mail:

I drafted a short message you can just copy and paste into the corresponding title and message boxes.

Having the media report on this would be crucial in raising awareness and stopping SOPA's momentum.

Email subject: 

Please educate your viewers on the dangerous repercussions of the SOPA bill.

Email Message:

Please educate your viewers on the dangerous implications and consequences of the SOPA bill.

Here are some informative videos and links that have been trending about the bill recently. 

Addresses the language of SOPA:

Addresses the real motives/history of SOPA supporters:

Internet Giants' response to SOPA:
lol @ you terrorist still trying to prevent the government from doing what it has to do to keep the public safe.
the thread about rappers doing ordinary stuff will get more attention than this little movement.
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

lol @ you terrorist still trying to prevent the government from doing what it has to do to keep the public safe.
the thread about rappers doing ordinary stuff will get more attention than this little movement.


First osama, next johnny depp.
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